:scratcher: You not only lost me, but IT. You're like one of those irate soccer moms who is convinced that everyone has it in for her kids. :scratcher: Khan vs Maidana featured two guys who are, pfp, nowhere near as good as either Kessler or Froch, it featured a bent ref who took a point off one of them and admonished him for posing, it featured two guys who both failed to finish each other when hurt, and the high point of the fight was 3 rounds of "drama" when one of them ran like all hell, and was more perused than pursued by the other, who was too tired/thick/ham-fisted to finish the job he had finally gotten started by the 10th, thats right, the 10th round. Compare that to Kessler vs Froch, where Froch was heard to state very very early in the fight "he is fucking killing me with that right to the body" to his corner. It was fast-paced high-skilled and brutal right from the very beginning and it featured a great 12th round where both men went for the kill. The winner had to take time off to get over it. The winner. The fucking winner. But yeah, it's racism. I also had Roman Martinez vs Ricky Burns as my runner up, as did Jake, so maybe you should keep an eye on Jake too.
Nope. I would have hailed it as a victory for heavy-handedness and grit over leap-amateurism and foot-racery. The fact that Maidana needed until the 10th round to really come into it is what really strips it of this great fight status you think it has. If Khan had done toe2toe with him for the last 9, then you could make the argument. It took Maidana till the 10th to make a real impact, whereupon the other fella decided to make his exit. :scratcher:
He's had 25 fights, DeGale's had 9 :: I think its safe to say Lemieux is past the prospect stage, he is a quality fighter though no doubt. Is he getting a shot at a belt any time soon? The futures bright, the futures chunky
:: You stuff is food for powder, mate. Always remember, I made my arch-nemesis, MTF, laugh at you. That's how easy it is for me when it comes to you. You throw a lazy jab in the form of reckless {and wreck-less} accusations of bigotry. I counter that shit with my heavy prose, Beaver-boy.hno:
Canelo Alavarez has had 35 fights, is 20 years of age, has no amateur career and is the first man to stop Baldomir and has also beaten Lovemore N'Dou Chunky beat Paul Smith. :scratcher:
Alvarez is a good fighter, he might even be the first ginger world champion in the colour TV era. He's no chunky though. I would also say he's beyond the prospect stage. DeGale is the best prospect out there. Be enlightened Irish.
I don't. I simply retain a broad enough view of things to be regarded as going against the grain, which says more about the grain than it says about me. Vitali vs Sanders was a better fight than Khan vs Maidana. "it is indeed the Hagler vs Hearns of the new Millenium".......was said of which fight by which commentator? Trinidad vs Mayorga, by Jim Lampley. Which of course, bore NO RESEMBLANCE to Hagler vs Hearns. This is the sort of shit I am talking about. Vitali vs Sanders was a better fight than that. But we have Steve Kim saying it was a talentless brawl which would have been "lucky to make it onto an undercard at the Blue Horizon in the 50's" This is the sort of shit one wades through.
So then, are you gay? Rather than a bigot? I don't mean ":atu: you're a fag", or anything like that. I mean, are you actually a homosexual man that happens to enjoy boxing, and big muscly white fighters?
Katsidis, Hatton, Calzaghe, Prirog, Froch, Kessler, Pavlik, Bute, Ottke. Povetkin is only 6'1" or so. None of them are very big. In fact Pavlik is a guy I have actively rooted against since before his title shot vs Jermaine Taylor, in favour of a less-than-white man called Arthur Abraham. You see what you want to see. I might suggest you also undertake a study of my "Carl Froch Is Being An Unconscionable Bitch" thread where I bemoaned Frochs BS in the buildup to the Abraham fight.
Reed between the lines. Nobody ever questioned Reed's Mayweather love or Bigdawgs Judah love. People magnate towards their own, but I draw the line once their behaviour, or attitudes, or talents become sub-standard, as Reed did with Mayweather, as I did with Froch and Pavlik
Yes. You are right. I shouldn't go online, I should sit at home with my copies of Egans Boxiana instead of seeing what the respected scribes of my era have got to say. Those damned Wikileaks fellows, always probing and looking for trouble. They seek it out. They seek it out.
LOL, as though Steve Kim is the only scribe you've linked to. You've linked articles from obscure websites and writers I doubt anybody else on this forum (and probably many others) have ever read. The fact is, you've produced far more bullshit than any writer you've linked to, and I think it's safe to say that many people on this forum spend more time wading through your bullshit through than any writer's.
would be nice to see him against a live body first, to be honest. I'm sure HBO will be on his dick soon enough. Rafael is already in love with him and I guarantee it will be his Prospect pick of 2010. I don't know... I see a hype job and potential fraud, personally.
Yeah, I'm a little skeptical of Lemieux myself...and Rafael's prospect of the year is kind of a kiss of death.
Jesus I just hope Jake gives the right fucking answer if not we can expect to see a distraught young man in QPR pajamas threatening to throw himself into the freezing Thames.