It's not like Spence is in his 30's and getting hyped as a great fighter like other fighters we know.
Yeah, I dunno where this barely myth has grown from. When the final bell rang, EVERYBODY knew Brook had won. The only question we had was would he get robbed or not? He didn't, thankfully. It woulda been the biggest robbery of the year. Porter did FUCK ALL in that fight besides rush in like a crude running back, and eat counters all night. People act like all Brook did was hold, when he hurt Porter several times. Porter landed nothing of consequence. There's ZERO case for Porter winning, unless you emphasize INEFFECTIVE aggression.
Not sure where the "controversey" pasrt came in. I scored the fight for Brook during the round by round but it was a close fight. I aslo defended Brook against people who said he held too much. Porter's style forced that. He clearly won a close fight. My point is that it was the biggest win of his career and according to you the guy(Porter) is garbage. Unless you were impressed by his wins against Dan and Gavin since then.
My point is that people talk about Spence like he's some 20 year old phenom that just left the amateurs. He's almost 26 and has not fought a round against a top 50 opponent yet. Hopefully that changes soon. I'm not saying I'm a doubter. I'm eager to see him in there with a name for once.
BTW, if you go back to the Brook-Porter thread there were quite a few here who thought Porter won or weren't sure who won that fight. I scored it 115-113 for Brook.
Brook won clear as day. There were rounds where porter flailed in and Brook hit and held and maybe you could argue for porter. But not that many and thats the best he could do.
Hmmm.... Chaves is a possible matchup. Who promotes Vargas though? GB? Too bad. Can't stand Vargas. I'd LOVE to watch Spence beat the ever living shit outta him.
In all honesty, a fighter the caliber of Vargas is a waste of time for Spence. Vargas is a complete scrub. He offers nothing whatsoever to test Spence. If it were up to ME, I'd put Spence right in with either the Thurman-Porter winner, or Garcia. He's ready for all three. But it's not up to me.
Spence has never fought a Vargas level opponent. Beating Vargas or Chaves more impressively than Bradley would do a lot for his profile. He doesn't have enough hype or credibility to force a big fight until he beats up a name opponent.
That's if those guys want to fight him. I personally doubt any of those 3 want it with Spence. If Porter was to upset Thurman, I think he'd be more inclined to face Spence than either Thurman or Garcia would.