I had little use for either of those cunts, but I disliked Hamed far more than Morales... Not everbody is a nuthugger "MAB didn't die when Hamed landed one and a half punches, ergo Hamed sucked" - you Since the rest of the post follows suit on the idea that I must love Hamed because I'm not blind to his abilities the way you are, I will cease bothering any further
I've seen the fight a few times and didn't get that impression at all. He looked shaken up and nervous, not wet. Hamed is basically like Tito in a way. A style that can look devastating against scrubs, but comes up embarrassingly short against elite fighters. Absolutely no doubt in my mind Hamed would have got flat out dominated against Morales, Marquez, or Pacquiao, just like against Barrera - an inferior fighter to all 3. Given the opinions of even esteemed fightbeat brethren like cdogg, I think Hamed is really one of the most overrated fighters of all time.
Cdogg has a Hamed nightgown and a Morales voodoo doll. Lighten up Sheila, I'm taking the piss. :kidcool:
Knowing what we Know NOW, Hamed Would Have to Be an UNDERDOG vs. Barrera, Morales, Marquez, but NONE of that Means he'd FOR SURE Lose to them, 10 Out of 10 Times...& Especially Not to the Degree that Some of Ya'll Claim he Would... Barrera was the BEST Blend of SKILL, CHIN & COMPOSURE of the 3...Prince's SWAG Would Have Morales WANTING to Fight Toe to Toe, which Would Give Hamed his BEST Chance of BEATING him...JM Marquez has the WORST Chin of the Bunch...Marquez Would Likely Win More ROUNDS, but it's QUITE Conceivable that Hamed BOUNCES him Off the Canvas, ala, Pac-Marquez I... Shit TECHNIQUE, but Hall of Fame TALENT... REED:hammert:
Do you mean by the relax way that he went about his training or the fighting in the ring against MAB? I didn't see that whole video but I didn't see people in his corner who been around for ever(brothers) showing any concerns that Hamed might be taking MAB lightly....it look like business as usual.
in all honesty, and this may sound completely biased because Im Puerto Rican, but i came in your sisters mouth last night.
Hamed had no problem KOing the mediocre fighters he faced but the top guys like Medina, MAB and McCullough all pretty much took his power. I have no problem believing elite guys like JMM and Morales would have been able to do the same. Hamed was not on these guys level, he just was hyped to have been and to be honest he never even proved he was an elite figher. He fought 1 top guy and he lost. No he didn't just lose, he got shut out. Yeah I've always hated Hamed but not for stupid reasons like he was an ass-clown, or his style wasn't pure. No I hated him because I always felt Hamed was a ducking hype job and for years I just wanted him to prove me wrong. I waited and waited for him to take on real top compeition but he never did until the end. Hamed wasn't a bum but he never deserved to be a P4P entrant and does not belong in the same discussion as guys like MAB, JMM, Pacquiao and Morales. Long story short, Hamed was a contender level fighter with good power. He looked great when he was younger but the level of his competition back then made him look a hell of a lot better than he really was, which led to the hype that made him a star. He was a good talented fighter but there is nothing out there that points to him being a great fighter other than a flashy, padded resume'.
I agree with pretty much this whole post, especially the first section. I literally find it surreal he still gets talked about as an elite fighter. He did not beat ONE prime, world class fighter. Not one. He did fight one though of course, and was made to look like a clueless scrub. The fact that any of you guys think he had a realistic shot at beating Morales, Marquez or Pacquiao is just mind boggling tbh.
Hamed has gone from being under-ratedn to over-rated to under-rated and so on. Hamed was a brilliant little fighter, very un-orthodox which some guys hate, but that style allowed him to terrorise guys and destroy. The Hamed that fought MAB was not the same as the guy from younger years, nowhere near as fast and even more sloppy. Look at the Sanchez fight, Hamed still destroyed him, but a younger fresher Hamed would've done so whilst not taking any shots, whereas in the actual fight Sanchez landed plenty, even before this fight Hamed had truly fell in love with the power and stopped doing the things that made him great, his reflexes and defensive work was much worse in the second half of his career. As for only knocking out bums, he stopped 31 from 36, and many of these guys were world champions, hardly what you call bums. His record is excellent, and people can try and hate all they want, but he will be remembered as a brilliant and exciting featherweight who truly put the little guys on the market and was one of the first to earn big money and set the path for the fighters of today to do the same.
I love the idea of Medina "handling" Hamed's power... Talk about blathering, daft NONSENSE... Medina was scared to death How'd Kevin Kelley do handling that power? How about Tom Johnson? "Contender level fighter" ... get the fuck out I had no idea it had gotten this ridiculous with regard to Hamed
I guess Cesar Soto "handled" it too by refusing to throw any punches because he was too busy shitting his pants after fielding one or two power shots
How much is Hamed weighing these days? 200? he's what...5'2"? Even Diego Maradona said, "that boy is big"
Medina was rubbered at least 5 or 6 times in that fight. There was a reason his corner stopped it, like
I would say though……when Hamed's name starts appearing in lists beside Julian Jackson and Bob Foster etc I have to agree his power is being wildly overrated. He was a big puncher but not on that level.
Hamed is 0-1 against prime, world class fighters. That really is all that needs to be said when rating him. And yes his power is overrated. What brutal 1 punch KO did he score over a good fighter? I can't recall even a Pacquiao - Hatton style one punch destruction over a decent fighter, let alone Jackson Vs Graham, or the effortless 1 punch KOs Chico produced. For a so called KO artist, his opponents had a strange tendency to keep getting up, it was very rare that he turned someone's lights out with 1 shot. He scored KO's over bums who couldn't even see his weird shots coming so people think he's a monster puncher. Against decent fighters, he had to hit most of them a hell of a lot to stop them. Obviously my longtime fightbeat brothers know I'm no Hamed fan, but I don't even feel like I "hate" him anymore. Objectively he was a fairly amusing and unique little dude, and somewhat good for boxing. I say somewhat because I think he was bad for boxing too in some ways. But my god he might just be the most overrated fighter in the history of boxing. Again, 0-1 against prime, world class fighters.
He starched a quality fighter in Bundu with one left hand. NOBODY hit like Jackson, so it's not fair to compare those two. Hamed was a devestating puncher. So suggest otherwise is just blind hating. Which I can never understand. You can hate a fighter, and still admit their strengths. Well at least I can. Seems others can't.
I stand by my point... If Hamed had been a humble, likable guy, nobody would dismiss him so foolishly as these cats are doing
Tyson is different. He's much better than Hamed, and more likeable :: He was also a markedly different fighter at his peak, he had a very short prime. But yeah even Tyson is pretty unproven for a legendary heavyweight. He was devastating in his prime, but we don't know exactly how he would have fared against prime, elite fighters. Plus I'm more impressed with Tyson's wins than Hamed's. The way he demolished Berbick, Thomas, Bruno, and Holmes is more impressive than anything Hamed has done.