you black people are obsessed with Gatti....throw in the M & Ms on this forum as well damn its starting to make sense
Paulie's Been a WELTERWEIGHT for @ Least the Last COUPLE Years...He's NOT a "Small 140 Pounder" Anymore, Bro...Fuuuuurthermore, Broner's NEVER Fought @ 140, Nevermind '47...If this had Been Broner's 3rd or 4th Fight @ the Weight, REED Could See your Point... Under the Circumstances, Broner's Performance WASN'T Nearly as Bad as Some are Saying... REED:hammert:
The Crowd LUSTILY BOO'ed Broner, when he 1st Entered the Ring... Paulie's More ACCUSTOMED to Fighting @ HEAVIER Weights than Broner...Again, if Broner had Even Fought 1nce @ 140 or 147, REED Could See the Point...But he HADN'T, Until Last Saturday.... Despite his Flaws & Limitations, Malignaggi's a TOUGH, (Lower Level) WORLD CLASS Guy... REED:hammert:
Paulie has looked smaller than almost everyone he's ever fought. He's a tiny welter, god knows why he's even at that weight class. Come on, I mean Broner looked clearly the bigger man. Not sure what you mean by under the circumstances. Weight jump or no weight jump, he was fighting Paulie, who is not very good, has no power, and is smaller than Broner :: Paulie got crushed effortlessly by Hatton and Khan, and Broner barely put a dent in him.
Broner just acted like he wanted Paulie to let his hands go to try and hurt him. It was as if Broner was willing Paulie on..."come on then throw some punches, let's see what you got!" that kind of attitude. Whenever Broner let his hands go it looked as if Paulie was quite shook up, but Broner did pot-shot alot.
Broner's THICKER, Paulie's TALLER...You Make it Seem like it was Pacquiao-Margarita Size Difference, or Something... Again, Broner had Never EVER Fought Higher than 135, Prior to Last Saturday Night...Not Sure why You Continue to Reference Paulie's LACK of Power...It's NOT as if he HURT Broner or Anything Remotely Close...Fuuuuurthermore, Khan AND Hatton Each went 11 Rounds w/Paulie...Broner Went 12...Big Deal... REED:dunno:
agREED... Broner Fought as if he was Facing his Younger Brother...Never Giving Ground, Picking Off the Vast Majority w/his Arms, DISMISSING the Few Shots that Landed... 1nce Again, Fightbeaters have Allowed their CONTEMPT for a Fighter to CLOUD what Actually Transpired in the Ring... REED:hammert:
I predicted Broner to fuck Paulie up and I'm with the majority that feel pretty much let down by the fact that he really didn't fuck Paulie up, but did enough to get the W.
Well they stopped him, and Broner didn't come close - but that's beside the point. Perhaps more important than that is Paulie didn't even win a round against either of them, yet even Hopkins gave Paulie 5 rounds against Broner. And I never said it was a huge size difference, I said Broner is clearly bigger, which he is. Negligible height difference, but quite a bit stockier. The point is, the whole "moving up 2 divisions" thing is completely bogus. He moved up 2 divisions to face a guy who is smaller than him, who he almost certainly outweighed on fight night. I reference Paulie's lack of power to highlight how embarrassing Broner's tepid performance was. He was scared of opening up against a guy who can barely crack an egg.
since when is hopkins word the gospel. he's clearly biased here. you think hopkins favors a cunt like broner? :: he has always hated entitled loud mouths
REED Picked Broner by KO as Well...REED Gave Broner a B- or a C+ Last Saturday... The Bout was Fairly Entertaining (Which AIN'T Easy when You're Facing Malignaggi) & Broner Won Clearly... REED:hammert:
No Way in Hell Did Paulie Win 5 Rounds, Bro...He Pocketed Some EARLY Rounds for Sure, but Broner's CLEAN, EFFECTIVE Punching Carried the Fight... REED Knows you HATE Kellerman, but his Criteria for JUDGING Rounds is Sound;Which Guy Would You have RATHER Been that Round???...Paulie DIDN'T Win 5 Rounds... 2 Weight Classes is STILL 2 WEIGHT CLASSES...There had to Be a Degree of Uncertainty in Broner's Mind in Regards to HOW he'd Carry the Weight...Also, he's NEVER Been a Volume Puncher...Broner Fought Paulie as he's Fought the Last Several Guys on his Resume...FLAT FOOTED, Shoulder Rolling, Stalking, Throwing POWER SHOTS Almost Exclusively... That's How Adrien Broner Fights...He just so Happened to Face a BIGGER Guy w/a BETTER CHIN than Anyone Else he's Ever Fought... For What it's Worth, Paulie COULD have Finished the Hatton Fight & in Fact he FIRED McGirt as his Trainer for STOPPING it...REED Can't Say he Recalls All that Much about the Khan Fight...Either Way, it's SILLY to Criticize Broner for NOT Stopping a Guy, whose Only KO Losses BOTH Occured in the 11th Friggin Round.... REED:dunno:
With Broner's style, I just think that he's going to have to do something different stylistically when he comes up against better volume punchers and guys who have better head movement, footwork,skill and power. I can't imagine how he can win every fight by just stalking, pot-shotting and loading up all the time. Against guys who can take a good shot and are more dangerous when hurt, will Broner be able to adapt/alter his style etc. It's interesting.
Joining the discussion a bit late because I've been busy with work, so I'll just throw in that Broner is garbage. I didn't expect him to stop Paulie because a) Paulie is a tough dude and b) I've never been that impressed with Broner to begin with, but I certainly expected a more dominant performance than that.
Absolutely... He's Faaaaaaaaaaaaaar from the Finished Article...1st & Foremost, Broner Needs to Find a Fucking Weight Class & STAY There...Just 16 MONTHS Ago, he was Campaigning @ 130...Now he's Fighting @ 147???:scratcher:...DISCIPLINED Young Fighters Don't Move Up THAT Drastically, in Such a Short Period of Time...SETTLE on a Weight Class, 1nce & For All... 2nd, Broner DOESN'T Have a Style Conducive to CONSISTENTLY Winning 12 Round Fights & U've Listed MANY of the Reasons Why...If the Power DOESN'T Travel to 147 w/Him (& Thus Far it HASN'T), Broner's Gonna have to Forego the Rocky JuarezESQUE Punch Rate @ the Risk of his STAMINA... 3rdly, Broner's Gonna have to EVENTUALLY Face a PUNCHER...You CAN'T Stalk Everybody...Soooooner or Later, Somebody's Gonna ChinCheck Him, in a REAL Fight, as Opposed to Sparring... REED:fightme:
Broner has Defensive WHEREWITHAL, but he Still Gets Hit a Bit MUCH for REED's Liking...Perhaps it's a Case of him Having ZERO Respect for the Power of his Last Few Foes, but Somebody WILL FORCE him to Try Something Different (Or Knock his Ass Out) Eventually.... REED:hammert:
Broner's still a Floyd wannabe so he's not going to just put his hands down and let Paulie hit him, but he was clearly walking Paulie down and yes pot shotting him. Maybe you're reading too much into the throw caution to the wind part of my post, so I'll just say he didn't feel the need to be totally defensive against Paulie's punches. He didn't fight his usual style of sitting there and letting his opponent come to him and try to counter him. That's the point I was trying to make. Early on maybe he was fighting like that because Paulie was coming to him but around maybe the 4th or 5th rd Broner was clearly bringing the fight to Paulie and Paulie was the one backing up. So like I said, I wouldn't expect Broner to fight every guy out there the way he fought Paulie, so people probably shouldn't read too much into this fight. Paulie wasn't a threat.