No one was preventing discussion of any kind ... that's what you all fail to see. Were I locking threads in general about Ron Paul to stop criticism you might have a point. The thread was supposed be a well of knowledge on him and his campaign without me having to start multiple topics on new developements, that could be drawn on to create and debate any topic on him anyone so chose to which you can be sure I would have participated in .... one without getting convoluted and overun with questions and debate. Unfortunately the maturity level around here couldn't handle not having the ability to piss in it.
You don't see a problem in pinning a poll that pushes your political agenda? Why should a post about Ron Paul be stickied? Because he's the guy YOU support? You want to post a it. If people care, it will stay on the front page. If they don't, and it gets buried, then it gets buried. And the irony of you calling us 'women', when you're the one crying and threatening to leave just because we won't give you special treatment. Petre, we already know you're a raging hypocrite who is doing the same thing you complain about all the time, but man, we're finding out what a sensitive crybaby you can be as well. TFK
More crap. Locking a topic IS preventing discussion. And your reasoning for locking the topic is asinine. You could keep all of your Ron Paul pushing in one topic, even if that topic allowed debate and responses. And you've already given us an opportunity to read one sided Pro Ron Paul propaganda by posting the link to the Ron Paul website in your signature. Unfortunately your maturity level can't handle not having the ability to push your agenda without debate or question. TFK
Keep believing what you want TFK . You're shaping up to be the biggest baby in this forum and quite honestly I'm disappointed in you.
You're disappointed in me because I called you out on your bullshit and abuse of mod powers. Where is the support for what you tried to do? I haven't seen any. Trust me, my tin foil hat wearing friend, you're the one who's been made to look bad in this whole exchange, not me. TFK
Keep telling yourself that if you like . I find it sad that supposed MEN around here couldn't handle that. It was going to be a coherent source for debate and I was going to leave my opinions out of it. And like I said ... I'll be happy to pass the Mod "POWER" torch to you my closeted racist friend. I'm sure you'd do real well and last a long time. (I seriously have to laugh when I read about the power of being a mod ... this is the mentality of someone that has no power in real life) And you can say what you want , but I seriously have to ask myself , why I want to bother dealing with this level of sissified maturity. Unlike your kicking, screaming and crying "BULLSHIT" thread because you can't piss in one thread ... I have to seriously reflect on why I'd want to deal with people like you.
Why is it whenever someone is getting verbally manhandled by me in an online debate, all of a sudden I become a 'racist'? Weak, Petre.....very weak. You've just gone from looking like an ass, to looking like a desperate ass. I'm not looking to be a Mod, so I'm not sure why you keep bringing that up, but if I were a Mod, I would only use my Mod powers to delete threads that were spam, like we see in the Tech Support Forum, and nothing else. I sure as hell wouldn't use my powers to push any personal agendas I have. Once again, I'll state, I have yet to see anyone on this board support your stance. That, combined with the sudden "You're a racist" and "You have no power in real life" nonsense you're suddenly spewing...well that speaks volumes. Spin it anyway you like, my Tin Foil Hat wearing friend, but that's just the way it is. TFK
Petre, you are seriously misguided on this one. There is nothing sissified about wanting a free and open discussion of all topics. The real baby in this situation is the guy that locked a thread in order to avoid people providing their feedback. It seems to me that you are having real trouble dealing with opposing views about the status and standing of Ron Paul. Unfortunately the sharing of differing viewpoints, regardless of bias, is what keeps discussions interesting. The reason you don't want to 'deal with people like us' is because you realize that you can't run roughshod over this group or this forum. Your opinion is just one of many. It is no better or worse than anyone else's. And it certainly doesn't deserve to be posted in a locked thread standing above retort. Deal with it.
Amazing. I never thought Petre would resort to that thin last line of defense. He pulled the racist card in a discussion with TFK. Wow.
Hey buddy ... You sure aren't verbally manhandling anyone , in my mind you're acting like a girl. I wear a tinfoil hat and you wear a white sheet. That's no secret to anyone that's been around for a while. It's half the reason you were banned from that other board. :clap: The difference between you and me is I stand up for what I believe in ... you hide your beliefs and call others names picking at straws while carrying one of the biggest rafters in your own eye. Just cause you have shut your mouth on that particular flaw in your character doesn't mean the leopard has changed it spots. What ... did you think everyone forgot ?
Hey ... it's a good quality for a Mod ! :clap: He keeps bringing up tinfoil hats .... I can bring up his white sheet. Or should I just let everyone else be a hypocrite while accusing me of being one ? Like I said ... I'll support TFK as the new Mod and step away. He'd make a better one than me and he's obviously fit to judge. Let's see how well he'd wield THE POWER! ::
Once again, as always, if you, or anyone else, can find anything I've ever said that is racist, on this, or any other board, feel free tp post it. But until you can, realize that you're just coming off as a desperate fool. And I've never been banned from any board for anything close to racism. You might want to check your facts before you embarass yourself again. And I don't stand up for what I believe in? Me calling you out on your hypocrisy and abuse of Mod powers, that's standing up for what I believe in. You claim to be against censorship and all of the evil doings of the MSM, but then you try to do the same things you claim to be against. You want to know the difference between you and me? You can call me a racist if you want, but you'll never be able to back that claim up. I call you a hypocrite, and all I need to do is point to this thread to back it up. I call you a Tin Foil Hat wearing fool, and I can point to countless conspiracy threads to back it up. I speak the truth, and all you can do is spit out baseless accusations in a sad attempt to distract from your hypocrisy being exposed. This has been your lowest moment Petre. For your own sake, you should just admit you were wrong for locking the topic, apologize for making a baseless racism accusation, and move along, and hope this thing blows over, before you become an even bigger laughingstock then InI. TFK
So if I stop talking about it ... how long before my tinfoil hat goes on the shelf. You should have a good Idea ... how long did it take to put that white sheet away ? ::
I'd imagine pretty retarded with that tinfoil you keep telling me I'm wearing . What's wrong ... don't like your own medicine ?
What medicine? All you're doing is taking a bad situation and making it worse on yourself. You looked bad when you created and locked the thread. You looked worse when you complained about being called out on it. And you hit rock bottom when you had to resort to claims of racism that nobody has ever been able to back up since they began. Like I said, you want to claim I'm racist, back it up with some evidence. You want me to back up my claims of you being a Tin Foil Hat wearing conspiracy kook? I'm sure I can find a ton of posts to back me up on that, with little effort at all. Seriously Petre, how much deeper are you gonna dig your hole? TFK
The white sheet medicine ... it's the antidote to you're tinfoil hat problem ... see .... you say tinfoil (11 times in this thread alone) , I say whitesheet. And that board you have no idea you know the one that you never said anything " that is racist, on this, or any other board, feel free tp post it." They're so sick of your ass they thought I was you posing this question and banned me in under 5 minutes ....:: MAXBOXING.COM Thurston Howell Posted Today, 09:51 AM Why was that really nice guy known at fightbeat as TFK banned again ? I can't remember ... huh.gif ============================ Big Germ Posted Today, 09:53 AM As far as I know for being a racist dickhead. ----------------- That was quick! :: Now ... should I gather some troops and have them come over and tell you why you're a sheet in the closet racist dickhead ? I'll wear my best tinfoil hat just for the occassion.
I was banned from Max because I made a comment about Kitty, and Dobie cried about it. It had nothing to do with race. Just like here, whenever I was verbally manhandling someone in an online debate, suddenly, I was a racist. And just like here, whenever I called someone out to prove it, nobody could. And, like here, Max has it's share of members who cry racism, but are too ignorant to realize that it is they who are the racists, not me. We've been through this a million times, I'm shocked you would attempt it when everyone else has failed. Besides, I don't even remember a 'Big Germ' when I posted there, so I don't know who he is to even speak on the subject. But if he, or any other member of Max wants to debate me on the topic, I'm not hard to find. So therein is the difference. I can call you a Tin Foil Hat wearing kook, and I can back it up with your own words. You can call me a racist, and that's where it ends, because you can't provide a single bit of evidence to back up your claim. Jesus Petre, I figured you'd be smart enough to learn from the mistakes of others, but I guess not. TFK
I bet there's a bunch that have a different version of those events as well as a different view of your history there. Then of course there's history here which unfortunately is all wiped out but I know more than a few that used to frequent here that would also have a few words on it. Having said that .... I acquiece because quite honestly , this is beneath me. You may continue to call me any names you like for as long as you like. As for me ... I submit , TFK is not a racist anymore. :clap:
You make an accusation, I ask for proof, and suddenly this is beneath you. I think that says it all. TFK
I ask for proof, and you give me cartoons. You, like everyone else who has tried this nonsense, have failed. Look at what you've become, Petre. It's sad. Really. I'm sure you'll reply with another cartoon, or a joke, or another claim that this is below you, or another accusation.....but what you won't reply with, is an example of me being a racist. Because you can't. TFK
This thread went into the ridiculous fast as greased owl shit. Petre resorting to posting opinions from another forum and TFK actually defending himself. Wow. Sad.
Yup, all that mess, the trouble of him creating an account on Max, etc, just to take the attention away from the fact that he got called out for being a hypocrite, and then cried like a baby about it. It was a sad, sad day for Petre. TFK
What's even funnier is the Email I got ... I was reinstated at MaxBoxing (The Admin who did it apologized to me as did Eaner who runs the show there).... I WAS banned because they thought I was TFK who as I am told was banned for the exact reasons I stated .... a history of bad racial attitude. The funniest thing is , the admin over their changed my very nicely put title to the thread .... Why was that really nice guy known at Fightbeat as TFK banned again? to Why was that RACIST PEDOPHILE known at Fightbeat as TFK banned again? :laughing: This was done by a MOD there. Why did I go there ? Because when I try to have a civil conversation with a prick who is name calling me names that do not even pertain to the arguement at hand , and tolerate it repeatedly while still trying to support my case , and he continues and further expands his criticsm to telling me how to moderate / be moderate with power ... the gloves come off and we must examine the person telling me how to be and also play by his rules. In this case it's a guy who's been banned from another board (Where most all the members here left to go to) for being a racists and general jackass. The KNOWN prick denies being banned on another board for that and challenges me for proof knowing full well his past transgressions here have all been deleted. But there's plenty of memories of this nice guy at the other forum , where he's refered to as a racist dickhead , a worthless piece of shit , racist against people with a brain, I heasrd he hatyes peopl.e that are a different collor. (sic) and the one for all the forum to see basically summing it in a nutshell ... racist pedophile. Now I don't believe all that per se .... but what does that tell me ? .... I've got a prick here calling me names , crying like a girl cause he couldn't take a shit in one informational thread that could have been used for all the ammo he'd have liked , telling me I'm a bad moderator and basically how I could be a good one but shouldn't be while consistently calling names that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic (as I fail to see why over 10 times the tinfoil hat reference was made in a thread complaining about a closed thread ... because there was no reason for it.) Sorry ... I have to point out who's saying these things and give him a taste of his own medicine.
Petre, get over it. He called you a bad moderator because you used a tool only available to mods to lock a thread regarding your favorite candidate. I'm with you on the idea that saying "abusing mod powers" gives way too much credit to moderating a freaking boxing forum. However, I agree that you should not be allowed to post a thread and not have it open for discussion. Regarding the racist pedophile shit, I would just can that if I were you. The one thing I know with absolute certainty is that it easy to get labeled a racist if you express your opinions in a forum like this. Hell, I said Don Imus shouldn't have been fired, and Tap basically called me a racist. It's just too easy a term to throw around. And the easy usage is irresponsible. You have always been better than that.