Reality Check People: Bute had a MUCH easier night with the same Johnson than Froch did, and Sven Ottke had an easier night than Bute did, and Hopkins had an easier night than any of them, albeit at 160, when Johnson had a lot to learn. If Bute had a bit more confidence in his own chin, he would have been able to stand in front of Johnson long enough to stop him.
Adam Smith, The Dark Turd, would put together a perfect fight plan which involves waiting another 2 years and then fighting Green.
I haven't seen the fight but I know Bute is good friends with Johnson. Maybe he didn't feel like putting too much hurt on Johnson. Just wondering...
I downloaded the fight but haven't watched it yet. After reading the comments here i don't think it will be a high priority. I'll probably just fast forward through it. Are there any rounds or even moments that are at all interesting?
How I see it playing out....Ward will beat Froch on points, Bute will invited Stieglitz to Canada, Ward will rematch Kessler, Froch will be frozen out.
This opinion is not backed up by the facts. Go watch the ending and explain why you are right. Good luck.
What are they supposed to do--rank people that they think Bute is better than ahead of Bute? That would be nonsense. I'm not saying that anyone has to like it, but rankings in the context of contemporary active fighters should be far more about who is better than who has accomplished more. Unless you specify otherwise.
Bute just got in with the same fighter as Froch and beat him far easier than Froch. To your credit, you haven't been hiding your bias against Bute, but your opinion of Bute reflects your bias against him and not a speck of objectivity. I like Ward, Froch, Kessler, and Bute. I wouldn't be surprised if Bute beat any or all of the first 3 (except Ward), but I would favor him over Froch. Bute has a lot of similarities to Calzaghe, imo...same size, same type of punches, same mugging. He doesn't throw as many (slaps) and he seems to hit harder, but he seems very similar. I don't see him being an easy night for anyone at 168 and if someone wants to rank him #1, I think they might be correct. Personally, I wish Froch was #1 because I appreciate his braveness and his resume, but I think he's the fourth best of these guys.
Bute doesn't remind me of Joe Calzaghe at all. The argument against Bute is the way he is being managed, who he fights, and when he fights them. He fought Edison Miranda AFTER Miranda had 3 fights vs Abraham {2} and Pavlik {1} Miranda was NEVER a player at 168 and his entire rep at 160 was breaking Abrahams jaw before losing a "controversial" decision. He beat Green. Big deal. Bute even fought Bika AFTER Calzaghe had fought him. He gets kudos for the manner in which he stopped Andrade but he loses points for needing two goes to get rid of a guy that had already fought and previously lost every round to Kessler. Thats right, Bute fought Andrade after Kessler had. See a pattern? Bute vs Manfredo. Believe.
Johnson was clearly shot. No energy. No power in his punches. No real will to win. Johnson is done. It's possible he was over-trained, but either way, he looked like absolute shit on Saturday night and was only a shell of his former self.
If bute's has got any heart, he should get his ass out of canada and beat kessler in front of a denmark crowd. Then he might have a right to fight the super six winners, but till he does that he can shut the fuck up. He has fought bums in his home country for too long now, he should fight kessler, direll, or even pavlik would be a good scrap.
He was supposed to face Pavlik - it was all worked out in fact. Except alcoholic Kelly didn't think $1.2MM was enough money for the fight. Kelly felt he deserved more than this to go to Canada. Thing is, after what happened with Andrade, I'd be hesitant to face Bute in Canada as well. Bute was straight up knocked out in that fight and was able to go on only because the ref had his back.
If you want Bute to travel, you need to pay him more than he makes at home. If you are managing Bute, you negotiate through the media. You have the $ and the equity on your side, it's up to someone to step up and beat him in Canada or lure him away with $.
i dont really feel like going backward in this topic to see what was said, but the kid Cote is an explosive fighter i look forward to seeing more
You Don't Get it...When Doub DISLIKES a Fighter, it DOESN'T Matter if Said Fighter DEFECATES Upon a Guy that Doub PREDICTS him to Lose to...Roy Jones vs. WHOlio Gonzalez is a SHINING Example of this... REED:cheer:
I don't think he should fight in Oakland unless he gets paid more than he would anywhere else and that's not happening. Las Vegas is one possibility to get him out of Canada if some promoter/premium channel/casino steps up and makes it happen. Very few fighters ever end up being ppv draws and very few of them are ppv draws in the early/mid part of their careers. Tyson/DLH are those types of fighters. Holyfield, Lennox, Floyd, Pacquiao are more typical. I do not see any of the supermids being like Tyson or DLH. That means that they are probably going to have to take risks if they ever want to become a ppv draw. Let's say Ward beats Froch and then he goes up and beats Bute in Canada...that's the type of resume that makes you a ppv draw, but you need a certain type of charisma with it...not sure Ward has it. Guys like Bute, Hamed, Hatton...they've got it, but in the case of Hamed and Hatton they failed to fully realize it. They got rich, but there was far more to be had if they had stayed in the sport. Does Bute want to be that guy? Who knows? It makes sense to stay in Canada and make bank every fight and make challengers come to you...until it financially doesn't. Right now, I suspect that Bute is staying in Canada for the forseeable future.