It's a tribute in this fight doesn't really justify having a 24/7 series. It could've been limited to a normal countdown special - that's the part I was agreeing with earlier, simply expanding on the comment rather than wasting a post saying "agREED"
Not sure... I know the most was spent on Floyd/DLH, I think $15 million or so (maybe even "just" $10 million).
I think all of the PPV fights deserve a 24/7 series from a marketing standpoint. It's not like it really is a 24/7 show.
yeah, c'mon Pandy. A true 24/7 show would focus more on Roy in the shower, in the bedroom... you know, all of the stuff Joe really wants to see.
that's as likely as you seeing the scale dip below the mendoza line for the first time since your eighth birthday.
After what happenned to Roy in the Tarver and Johnson fights,.. it would be lovely,..for Taylor's two time son, who became Tarver's father, who became Calzaghe's son, to trump this current lord of the universe, ONCE AGAIN might I add, and finish ontop, where he belongs from a historical perspective.
its the only one that aired so far. the next one is this weekend (Sunday, 8:30PM ET) and the final episode premieres next thursday (11/6, 11PM ET)
exactly... maybe in terms of "TV time" they had to pay HBO to show it. Afterall, it's paid advertisement, and somebody had to pay for it, HBO didn't air it for free.
Actually I take that back... it wasn't the series that cost that much, but how much HBO spent on advertising/marketing for the fight.
The person who puts these up on megaupload, "circleinsideabox", always has fights/shows up really quick. Usually, I'll have a fight or episode downloaded on avi by the end of that night it took place, or the next day.
For some reason having a problem downloading part 2, I go through the usual with Megaupload, but once it finishes I click on the Free Download Link, then nothing pops up, then it asks me to repeat the process over to download again.
REED Isn't "Learning" Anything about Roy Jones, but it's GREAT to See his "Spirit" is Back to Norm... Roy's Spot-On when he Says that he Used the Last Few Fights to RESTORE Himself N Preparation for Calzaghe... N the 3rd Tarver Fight, Roy was Basically WAITING to Get KO'ed Again...Since then, he's Looked Increasingly BETTER Against a Slightly HIGHER Level of Comp...Leading Up to the Calzaghe Fight, Roy is as Confident as he Could HOPE to B, Since Being KO'ed N Consecutive Bouts... Gotta Admit, it was Kinda Cool Seeing Enzo Calzaghe Jamming Out on his Guitar Last Night... REED is LIKING the Series...Sure, it LACKS the Bad Blood of the Floyd-Hatton Series, but it Still Makes for CAPTIVATING Television... REED:hammert:
There seems to be more pressure on Calzaghe than on Jones. I may be imagining things, but I don't think Joe's heart is as into this as in his other fights. I get the sense Roy is the hungrier of the two here, and he seems to have more PURPOSE... Like its not about winning a title to him. For Joe, his motivation is just to walk out with that 0 on his record. Thats what drives him, but his constant talk of this being his last fight, and Enzo saying he's "not looking forward to the fight, but the day after" says to me that they don't really wanna be doing this. Roy on the other hand "can fight 15 rounds right now" according to him and when he says that, it shows that his hunger and spirit are back, and he's really into this fight. I'm rooting for Roy. I like Joe too. Seems like a chill dude. But this means more to Roy than Joe. If Roy wins this fight, he's back in the top 3 p4p and in a way, avenges his losses to Tarver and Johnson. Plus he sets himself up nicely for a rematch with B-Hop in what could possibly be both guy's last fight. My official prediction is Joe to win a competitive but clear decision, with Roy having some vintage moments but not enough. I hope I'm wrong here. I really would love to see RJ come back for this one. It would be absolute SWEETNESS if he stops Calzaghe. I would easily call it the best win of his career. WAR JONES!!!...:fightme:ray: