Calzaghe might be slappy, sometimes even a little wild, but he can punch right up the middle. His punches are not wide. Calzaghe does kessler over.
:eeeek: Damn straight Andrade has better whiskers, his chin is fucking ridiculous, I can't believe those flush shots he took from Kessler, 7 punch combinations with rainbows of perspiration spraying everywhere, that was some pretty sick stuff.
No he won't. Who has he beaten to make you think he'd fuck Calzaghe up? Beyer? Kessler is so overrated at the moment it's ridiculous. He's a decent fighter, but he won't beat calzaghe. The way some of you talk, you'd think kessler was top 3 P4P.
Who has Calzaghe beaten that makes him so great? Jeff Lacy? :: Regardless, I really don't care who has the better resume, going by what my eyes see Kessler will beat Calzaghe. Calzaghe will get fucked up by some stright right hands. Calzaghe will find out real quickly he's not in there with Evans Ashira or Peter Manfredo. ::
Likewise, Kessler would quickly find out he's not in there with beyer. Calzaghe is a tough bastard, faster, more powerful, more experienced, more skilled and tougher than anyone kessler has faced by far. I just don't see anything special in kessler. He looks more technically sound than calzaghe, but he's not a better fighter.
Faster? Nope, Mundine is faster than Calzaghe Most powerfull? Probably so but Calzaghe is no great puncher More skilled? Once again I don't think Clazaghe is anymore skilled than Mundine Tougher? I doubt he's any tougher than Andrade. Granted Calzaghe will be the best fighter Kessler has fought in a all around basis but the same thing can be said about Kessler. he is a better fighter and if they fight everyone will see with there own 2 eyes.
Oh no he aint :crafty: . Calzaghe just likes to think he's extremely fast, that's why he opens his hands up and flurries slaps as quickly as his body can muster and ofcourse has always had the benefit of quick stoppages, it's Warren's method of 'German corruption' so to speak, Peter Manfredo was the perfect opponent to try and "show off" his hands with, that's all he was doing,.. he's inlove with idea of great handspeed.
dsimon writes: I think the fight is a toss up. Calzighe reminds me a little of Monzone in that he does a lot of things capably so one tends to underestimate him because he isn't a boxer, a puncher, a brawler per se. But that is where the comparison ends. Calzighe is a tough bastard and so is Kessler.... It would be a great fight.
calzaghe is a warrior. he's gonna step up and beat kessler's ass. valdosta is obviously in love w/ this kessler cat, who's beaten a bunch of has-beens and overrated talents. mundine's more talented than calzaghe? ::
calzaghe beat eubank who should've won a title at crusier against thompson. he also beat lacy who MANY tabbed to stop calzaghe. robin reid was a top 5 contender, so were brewer and mitchell (whom many thought edged ottke). manfredo is clearly the best super middle from RI. lacy was an olympian. we'll see how good bika is tonight.
dsimon writes: People can say anything they want about Kessler and Calzighe, but the fact of the matter is nobody could possibly have an idea of what happens when these guys fight. Joe beat Lacy because he explioted an obvious weakness in Lacy, Kessler does not have those technical flaws that Lacy has. Joe may be the best fighter ever (I am deliberately exxagerating) but nobody could possibly know that because he does not fight guys who can compete with him, so we don't have any idea of how he will do against a guy like Kessler who at least has comprable skills in the ring. What we do know is that Kessler is a tough opponent with some skills.
many expected lacy to win because he appeared to be a lot stronger. that was obviously proven wrong in the first round. calzaghe not only outboxed him but he outbrawled him as well. kessler may be more technically sound, but at least calzaghe can mix it up and has done so against variety of styles. calzaghe will win this fight then elevate his status to #1 p4p.
Kessler is consistantly good. Whereas Calzaghe struggles with bums like Cadbury Salem. Joe also struggled in a gruelling affair against Sakio Bika, a fight that even had his biggest Fightbeat fan, Orthadox Cruisader, panicking that he "might be out of this!":eeeek: aaaa dayum!!!,..Calzaghe's method appeared to be shreiking and crying to the referee while flailing his arms around aimlessly. That's sure indicative of some serious mental flaws, whereas Kessler has proven his ability in adapting against different styles and still dominating impressively. :crafty: I'm very, very confident of a Kessler victory, ontop of having a clear mental edge, and obviously youth on his side, he simply does everything better. Everything. and don't go down the Fraud Mayweather route of "who's he beat, who's he beat, who's he beat"...Joe's fought "fuck all",..prevailing over Mundine's stink on his own event in Sydney with a niggling back injury, is an extremely, extremely difficult task, moreso than outpointing a shot Chris Eubank in my opinion,...aka,..Calzaghe best apparent win. :crafty: It really must suck for Joe having Kessler exist at this time,..after thrashing Lacy, the world would have been his delusional little oyster, but it's not to be, it's not to be,..:crafty: !!!