That's wishful thinking.. Roy doesn't have anything to keep Bernard off him.. Bernard has back-to-back wins against top guys. Jones hasn't clearly beaten a top guy since, well, I don't even know when... Maybe Ruiz, but that's a stretch..
I said "CLEARLY" beat a top guy.. The first Jones-Tarver fight was very close in the opinion of all but a few tightly hugging Jones' fans.
It's Pretty OBVIOUS that YOU're on the Opposite End of the Spectrum...N Other Words U LACK just as Much OBJECTIVITY as those U Criticize,as it Pertains to Roy... Roy "CLEARLY" Won 7 of the 12 Rounds N the 1st Tarver Fight...Period... REED
No, I personally do think Ruiz was a top guy when he and Jones fought. I'm just not sure if that would be a shared opinion among boxing fans.
I think Jones won the first Tarver fight, but I can't change the fact that there are MANY that think it was a bad decision.. My comment is that it was a close fight.. If you disagree with that then you are the one that clearly has no objectivity when it comes to Roy Jones.
I don't see how Jones beats Hopkins in this point in their careers. There was an aura of invincibility that Jones had over anyone from 160, 168 and 175 that I honestly felt gave him an advantage. He was confident he could literally do anything in the ring and still dominate those in front of him. The Tarver rematch, Johnson fight, and Tarver III took all that away from him so now we have a pensive Jones. Still physically gifted, still faster than the vast majority of fighters out there, still somewhat entertaining to watch do his thing but what happens when he meets someone who can reduce his confidence in doing what he does for fear of return fire. Hopkins if anything is still as crafty as ever and to me those little overhand righthands as his opponent comes in would make Jones think twice about leaping in to throw anything
I've said this before and it's applicable now...nothing restores a guy's confidence more than a fight against a guy he easily handled the first time out. Jones and Hopkins both know Roy CLEARLY won that first fight, which is why Hopkins is so bothered by the loss. Despite the Maxboxing/Dougie revisionist history...Roy decisively beat Hopkins. Those are comments reserved for cats who want face time to hype the fight on HBO, but decides he's too good to travel to the fight. Anyway... I fully understand the apprehension regarding Roy's chances... "However" When Roy defeats Hopkins again...where does that rank him pound for pound and how does that enhance his legacy? Better yet...will the haters say that Roy beat a "green" Hopkins then a "past prime" Hopkins? :dunno:
I'll take hopkins to defeat jones at this point. he would be able to reach jones with the right hand. shitty fight.
Hopkins is the bigger star TODAY and the better fighter, and as such he's in the driving seat... Even though I'm a DIE HARD Jones fan I'd find it rather amusing for Jones to try to make the fight and for Hopkins to reverse it on him by demanding: "60/40 and I kicks yo ass!!" ::
Over the years I have come around to being a huge Bernard fan. I used to think he was so over-rated.. but the dude has proved himself.. he has real good, slick skills! But.. IMO Roy still wins a UD.. Roy is just SOOO fast.. even now, washed up, Roy is much much faster and could prolly pot shot and show boat and get a dec
I don't think Bernard's the bigger star.....Roy is still better known and loved by the public....he's just on the outs with HBO while Hops is G's property....hence.
You may be correct. Roy may still be the bigger star with the general public, but in boxing circles Bernard is certainly the more meaningful name.
I agree Bernard has more pull at this point (G - HBO), but history shows that Roy stands firm on his principle. I still wish this fight could be made....
I'll ask this again... If Roy beats Bernard again, will his haters say Roy beat a "green" Hopkins and an "Old Hopkins?" How about this... A "pre-prime" Roy beat a "Green" Hopkins and a "Shot" Roy beat an "old" Hopkins.
I wouldn't contemplate it to much because it's not going to happen. I saw Jones-Hanshaw the other day and can't believe anyone is picking Roy. he looked absolutely dredfull in that fight.
I heard Hopkins didn't look too good either. They said Manny talked about how poor Wink and Hopkins looked. Allegedly, Manny said Hopkins looked very slow. Did you see what I was talking about regarding how off Roy's timing was? In the early rounds, he was missing shots by a foot. It was awful.
if hopkins didnt look good, then he didnt look good against a top fighter. jones looked like shit vs a mediocre prospect.
Hopkins won by charging with his head and hitting while holding. He's a fucking piece of shit. I'd root for Roy to knock Snaggles out, that'd be one of the best days of my life. :flip: I feel bitter today with all these talks about Tito wanting a rematch against Hopkins.
He missed with some lead right hands very badly. Granted he still has real good speed but his legs are not good and his snap from his punches is mostly gone. I think the lack of legs allows hopkins to rough him up.
Hopkins' defense in 94-95 and his defense now is incomparable. Hopkins has turned into one of the best defensive wizards of all time. i doubt he'd get hit w/ those silly shots by roy, especially now that roy has lost most of his reflexes.
you know they would... Haters.. just like Ruiz was a bum when Roy beat him.. forget the fact that Ruiz whupped Holy and even dropped him
I would lean torwards Roy in a matchup today, but I have said many times in many posts, Hop is dirty/sneaky/slick enough to beat anyone. If these two guys were smart they would make this fight happen. I can't see another fight for either guy being more lucrative. possibly a Calzaghe fight if he can get buy Kessler(he won't).