He wouldn't have been losing short of Trout knocking him down 10 times a la Jimmy Carter/Tommy Collins That's the whole point
Lara did not get robbed by Canelo. I was rooting for him hard, but he was too inactive, threw away too many rounds. It was a close fight that could have gone either ways
When Canelo is in "close fights", there tends to be at least one and often two judges who don't see a "close fight" at all scoring in his favor... this is objectively evident ... what exactly are people arguing about here? One judge had his fight with Mayweather 114-114 ... a fight where he was outboxed and outfought in a manner that at times bordered on outright humiliation
You and X are Arguing 2 Different Things, but Some Are Lumping Your Arguments Together... In This Very Thread, X Said Canelo Should have as Many as 4 Losses, Which is Absurd...Floyd and GGG (1st Fight) were CLEAR Losses of His, But That's It... Lara DIDN'T "Beat" Canelo, Per Se...And Trout Certainly Didn't...As BAD as the Trout Scorecard Was After 8 Rounds, the Open Scoring DID BENEFIT Trout in the Sense That @ Least he KNEW About It and Could @ ATTEMPT To Do Something About It... Basically, You're Feeling the Brunt of X's Extreme Take on Canelo's TRUE Record... REED
If REED's Not Mistaken You're ALSO Among Those That "Said" Canelo was As GOOD as he Was EVER Going to Be, When he Lost to Floyd... REED
maybe? i dont remember if thats the case. i admit he has improved more than i thought he would. guy is still very over rated
I've got Golovkin with three fights that I can't see any way he won... Floyd and the two GGG fights I thought Trout and Lara were debatable enough that the W in those doesn't bother me, many difficult rounds to score, apples/oranges rounds (only all the unofficial official chicanery in Alvarez's favor in these fights bothers me)
Like Neil, I think Canelo is very overrated but he has improved since the Mayweather fight ... better punch selection, more confidence, smarter defensively
Who "Overrates" Him Though???... REED's NEVER Heard Canelo Mentioned HISTORICALLY, Nor Has REED Ever Heard Canelo Called "The Best Fighter in the World Pound for Pound"...He IS 1 of the 5-10 Best Though and Those That Can't Acknowledge That Much are UNDERRATING Canelo in REED's Opinion... REED
Ain't no way in Hell Canelo is top 5 P4P. Loma, Crawford, Spence, Inoue, Usyk.... there's five fighters right there who are better than him in a P4P sense.
In Terms of VARYING Boxing Opinions from Those REED TRUSTS, Canelo-GGG 2 is Probably the STRANGEST Fight He's Ever Seen... REED Picked Canelo to Win the 1st Fight, Yet Scored it for GGG...REED Picked GGG in the RE, Yet Scored it for Canelo...REED Watched the Fight w/5 Other People All Former Fighters and/or Trainers...The Room was SPLIT 3-3 on Who Won that Fight... REED
Some people don't believe he'd lose every nanosecond of every round against any decent fighter before his era hence he's overrated.
I think Canelo is firmly above Crawford P4P. He as faced and beaten way better opposition. Sure, Crawford might look better doing his thang, but at the end of the day, you also have to prove it.
He's not overrated on fightbeat but he's probably the biggest name in boxing right now and I'm not sure I can think of a less imposing fighter that you could say that about before him... that's what I mean by overrated
I'm far from sure he would. People were saying the same thing about GGG, and yet, Canelo fougt pretty much evenly with him And anyways, I now mostly rate fighters based on what they do, rather than on how they look or how good I think they are.
I think Canelo will stop Jacobs and Jacobs couldn't win a decision if this thing was hosted in Jacobs sitting room in with his parents and pet dog as the Judges and his Gramps as the referee.
alvarez is over rated by the masses for sure. much like delahoya was. both guys have/had great resumes if you look at their list of opponents and not the actual results. at best alvarez has proven he is marginally better than lara and an older and obviously declining golovkin.