Maybe taxes work differently there. Here you only claim tax on incomes already earned; if someone owed you money you'd never claim that in advance in your taxes, only after you actually received the money. So to use tax filings as evidence for what somebody owes to you wouldnt make sense under any circumstance. My guess it what happened is a bit more like: he was owed $1M according to ‘verbal agreement’. McGuigan said hey, lets save some taxes, we’ll write this contract for $500k and I'll pay you the other $500 cash under table wink wink ok? Frampton agrees, signs the contract for $500k, and now doesnt have a leg to stand on for the other $500k, since the contract was fulfilled.
Could be that too. Eitherways, the McGuigans are a pair of what is known as "Cute Whores" in Ireland. That means they are cunning underhand and none too bright. McGuigan already got beaten in Court once before over shit like this and like a fella who takes enough of a beating he imagines himself in due course to be capable of doing the same to others. Just how much CUNT can you pack into one photo..........
Speaking of none too bright, as Irish mentioned, Canelo apparently hired some bellends as his lawyers - his case has been temporarily dismissed due to error. Canelo failed to mention exactly what entity of DAZN he wants to sue. This already lets you know Ginger is fucked. But I'm allllllll for it. Let him stay on the shelf for 2 years and end his prime. Sounds good to me.
Yeah I mean the parties to any proceeding must be clear...........otherwise the whole thing gets struck. You can sue almost anybody......but you can't sue NOBODY You can just see Canelo taking his cheating-skimping mentality over to his business affairs same as his in-the-ring affairs. Rules are for other people, not Canelo. In the meantime, the hype-machine rolls on Look at the physique on everybodys favourite "Light Middleweight"..........
Canelo is obviously on the gear, but you've never trained seriously if you think that his physique is a proof of that. There's nothing that scream roids about it
Just hearing now that Canelo has not seen the agreement between DAZN and Golden Boy. Canelos privity of contract is limited to that of some 3rd party status. His rights and obligations regards DAZN flow from the nature of the agreement between DAZN and Oscar And Canelo doesn't know whats in that agreement. And he can forget about suing Oscar, those nuts are squirreled away, but good.
The thing is from what I have read is that at least ONE of them will be getting out of something. Canelo has a contract with Golden Boy which allows him 3rd party status under a contract Oscar has with DAZN. Somebody is going to lose out but it won't be BOTH Oscar and DAZN. Throw into the mix that DAZN has an agreement with Golovkin and we don't know what that agreement is either FFS. A MESS.
All Canelo has to do is tweet that he wants Conor McGregor and BAM, McGregor responds and agrees to fight him, DAZN and Oscar bailed out from this contract snafu (Canelo will get $100 million)
Amazing. I made that post on September 13th, two weeks before the fight between Khongsong and Taylor took place. Yet it's in a post I made on September 13th and didn't edit. Must have swapped addresses with a different photo somehow.