Tab Hunter did the same thing... always somebody's date to an awards show or a premiere... the studios would beg guys to get married for good publicity... Leonard Bernstein had a wife and kids but he wasn't confused about anything: he was absolutely a homosexual... but that's what many of them had to do in those days
I saw a brilliant Tony Curtis interview the other day and the guy was asking him about all the non-Jewish broads he was involved with and did it cause a problem at home. Curtis said it kind of did but principally his parents were happy that he just wasn't queer. I actually had to google the word he was using and thankfully there were subtitles. Feygele. It's Yiddish for "Little Birdy". LOL. Curtis was eating an orange he had just picked in his orchard and was spitting chunks out as he spoke. Great interview. Makes me laugh when I see fools today choosing their words.
I didn’t see the fight and the knock out definitely sounds fishy but at the same time it kind of makes sense why Kov would fight a bit tentative. If you factor in how often Kov’s been getting stopped lately and the dangerous power of a guy like Canelo I would think playing it safe was his best strategy.
You've Got to See it for Yourself Bruh... Fighting @ a MEASURED Pace to Minimize Risk is 1 Thing, Kovalev Fought Flat Out SCARED...Fought Like HE was the Guy Moving Up 2 Divisions... REED
Cesar Romero was gay??? He was always portrayed as the quintessential Latin Lover who was always going out with a different lady each time; him and Ricardo Montalban. I am in shock!
Jesus Christ, you need your gaydar recalibrated if you can't spot an obvious queer like him! Look at the way he portrayed The Joker... what straight man behaves like that?
The most obvious I’ve ever seen was the kid who played the son on Who’s the Boss? I saw “where are they know” on VH1 or some shit and he said “I didn’t know I was gay until I went to college”. Every one who watched that show knew from his days of puberty that he’d grow up to be a pillow biter!!!
Fuck off! That was called over-the-top ACTING. Check the older Romero films and you see a ladies man actor. There wasn't anything gay then. His homosexuality became known in 1996 after he had died from what I read.
No... YOU see a ladies man because you're a clueless degenerate. I see what is obviously a campy homosexual
WTF? No one checks the crap posted in Wikipedia?? "Montalbán's acting career faded after his role as Khan, what with him being typecast as a Mexican wetback alien. There simply were not enough available roles to support such a character actor. Montalbán fell into a deep depression and entered into a suicide pact with his former co-star from Fantasy Island, the midget Herve Villachez. The two shot one another in the head in 1993, thus ending two illustrious careers."
My mind isn't as corrupted as you. Also unlike you I don't hang around with gays, so yeah, my gaydar is not as efective.
translation: "you are of average intelligence wheras I am in mortal danger if left alone near electrical outlets"
You know me I'm probably the biggest Golovkin fan on the forum, and I've never, ever liked Canelo - but the fat legged little ginger did beat Gennady fair and square in the rematch. First fight was a fucking terrible decision though, Golovkin won 9 or 10 rounds. It's almost surreal in retrospect - given Canelo's current status and resumé - that Floyd beat him so easily. What do you think would happen if that same Floyd fought today's Canelo at 154?
Good to See You Back Brother MWS!!!... ASSuming Today's Canelo Wouldn't Be Weakened @ the Weight (HUGE Assumption, Obviously), He'd Beat That Version of Floyd for Sure...REED Could See Canelo Hurting, Possibly Dropping That Version of Floyd, Who Would Then Stick, Move and Track Meet His Way to a UD Loss... REED