Canelo isn't winning so far, but seeing a middleweight champion drive a feared lt. heavy back is rather impressive, admittedly
I've never seen a fighter with the deck as unambiguously stacked in his favor as Clenelo... people forget that Mayweather and Pacquiao made their bones before they started abusing their privileged status... this dude has had that privilege all along and it's utterly blatant and excused ... bizarre
Fucking Sky commentators giving Canelo credit for "making Kovalev work" even though he's doing NOTHING himself.
Graphic shows percentage of "power punches landed" with the advantage to Alvarez. "That points to a clear cut win" This is one of the most biased broadcasts I've ever seen.
Round 8 Kov - Kov stalked him down and landed some good shots while Canelo leaned against the ropes looking for the counter that he never found. 5-2-1 Kov
6-2 Kovalev, but you'd never know it by listening to these guys. Also the punching stats seem really odd
Round 9 - Kov. really close round, but i think Kov landed the better shots. Canelo landed about 2 hooks and thats about it. 6-2-1 Kov
The English cunts are honestly terrible too... trying to create a reason to say Clenelo could be winning