You Must Be Drinking the "TBE" Cool-Aid Bruh, Because X is Right... PRIME Roy and Pernell were More Dominant Than PRIME Floyd...Remember Jose Luis Castillo???...Roy's "Castillo" Would Be Montell Griffin, Who He'd Just DROPPED and was On the Verge of STOPPING Prior to the DQ...And in the IMMEDIATE RE, Roy destROYed Griffin in Less Than 3 Minutes.. Whittaker's "Castillo" was Jose Luis Ramirez, One of the WORST Decisions of the 80's, Which Pernell Rectified More DECISIVELY and More IMPRESSIVELY Than Floyd Did in His Immediate RE w/Castillo... Until Tarver Pulled Off the "Upset of the Year", KO'ing a Past Prime Roy, Floyd NEVER Got "Best Fighter in the World" Consideration...Wasn't Even THOUGHT Of @ the Time, Honestly...It was Roy, Then Everybody ELSE...And Prior to Roy it was Pernell, Then Everybody ELSE... REED Couldn't Imagine Roy or Pernell STALLING a Fight w/a Naturally SMALLER Man for YEARS, the Way Floyd Did w/Pacquiao... Hell, Roy Begged Tito Trinidad NOT to Face Bernard Hopkins Because He KNEW BHop Would Fuck Up Tito's Plan of Challenging Him Afterwards...Roy WANTED That Payday...NOfuckingWAY "Sweet Pea" STALLS a Fight w/a Smaller Guy Either....Azumah Nelson???...Okay, Let's GO!!!... Floyd was Undoubtedly DOMINANT in His Own Right, But He's VERBALLY Convinced People He was More Dominant Than His VISUALS Actually Reveal, Compared to a Roy Jones or Pernell "Sweet Pea" Whittaker, All of Them In Their PRIMES... REED
I guess it depends on what we mean by dominant. Does it mean 'highest above his contemporaries' or 'above his contemporaries for the longest time'. If the latter, PBF is indeed hard to beat. Very few have beaten as many top10 contenders in their career
I think Floyd’s resume is just as good if not better than Rjj and much better than Pernell. Let’s not forget that even past his prime, Floyd was dominant. Still hasn’t lost and is still fighting. Maybe not top level comp anymore but he is still doing his thing at nearly 50.
Anthony is falling for the mainstream hype. Prior to Floyd becoming a star in the Oscar fight, the thought of Floyd's prime being on par with Roy's prime was laughable across the whole boxing world. Floyd's fame changed that perception more than results did.
Did this guy really bring up Floyd's exhibitions???? Hell Leonard could still put on exhibitions if you matched him with a novice in his age range.
Agreed, something we need to give Floyd credit for is his dedication and professionalism.Even when his personal life was in turmoil he always came in in tip top shape. This also was a reason why he was still dominant in his late 30's (though a big part of this was also due to his defensive style and, of course, his opportune matchmaking).
SRR didn’t because unlike Floyd, he lost when his prime ended and was getting whupped by people he should have dominated.
The young Chavez changed into an unbeatable warrior. The hardest and finest boxer ever. In his top and before he touched drugs and alcohol he became extraordinarily vicious and unforgiving within the ring.
Remember how casuals would watch Mike Tysons greatest hits, log onto a boxing forum calling him the greatest and then getting treated with distain by actual boxing fans? That’s what is going to happen to the future Floyd casuals.
I dont see it. Hall of famer Brad Goodman said, and I'm paraphrasing, he fought all the guys he should've. Maybe not at the ideal time, but he fought em. His resume will stand the test of time