As I say., he's the most lucrative loser of all times. He's made fortunes. At at least three, four junctures that I can identify, he was, by any reasonable estimation, finished as a marketable fighter. Fury rematch. Helenius. Haye. Whyte. On each occasion he went on to bigger and better things in the total absence of any marked improvement.
He did that. Rubbish event. Bellew should have gotten an MBE for what he did the first time, and a Knighthood with bells and whistles the second time....
In Bunces defence, there was a time, for decades in boxing, where you couldn't earn a living doing boxing journalism. For about 10 years, 96 to 2006, things got good. Then with the interwebz, everyone got into it.. Bunce has been there from the beginning. He once claimed that he lost the downpayment on a flat in Islington because Mickey Duff blacklisted him, and that the flat woukd be worth a fortune today. He called Duff "Mickey Blackeyes", thereafter. British Boxing was a fraught fringe scene back in the 80s. There were a few real flashes of class and glitz but a lot of it was just grimey, bad news, outright racist, marginal shit. Zero glamour.... That's one of the downsides of working in that era. Promoters could fuck you, but good. Today you can get your own youtube channel and a HD cam, and go around like that clueless weirdo Elie Sickbag and make money without knowing a damned thing about boxing. Bunce had fallen a bit by the wayside but Setanta and BoxNation reinvented him.
The only versions of Holy Bowe or Lewis that Chisorah can do anything with is the Holy that lost to Ruiz, the Bowe that struggled with Dale Crowe and the Lewis that I saw passed out under a coconut tree in Kingston one day..
Yeah as Cooper was so lethal and vulnerable. I think Cooper wins. Chisorah has never really bothered anyone as good as Moorer or Holyfield. And Coopers as dangerous as Haye if not more so. But you can expect Derek to have his moments. Might even have Cooper down!!
What a great fight!! Both men dug very deep. Del Boy is a true warrior even tho he lost, he just keeps pressing on forward, Congratulations Parker.
I don't think he's fighting for money. When he was up in Court for spanking his girlfriend, the judge, in observing how totally inappropriate Chisorahs behaviour was, stated...."I understand you're a boxer". ...."I'm the best" ,replied Spanker Derek. Chap is living on a different fucking planet. Really thinks he's a big win away from the title .