Absolutely. I wasnt scoring it but could see 6-4 or 7-3 myself. Very good judging I think in my mind. MTF
Good win for shields. Props to these girls for actually getting me to watch this fight and I was enjoying this fight. 2 minute rounds is just fine for women I think.
second time ive seen shields. both times she looks wild and sloppy with her punches. fast and athletic for sure, and i guess thats enough to be the greatest woman of all time? 3x undisputed is a huge accomplishment. if she looked like baumgardner she'd probably be a huge crossover star.
Savannah Marshall's a PROPER Challenge for Claressa Shields on ANY Day...Clearly, Marshall Didn't BEAT Shields 10 Years Ago on Accident... Big, Strong, Hard Hitting Woman...Wouldn't Mind Seeing it Again, But Claressa Would Only Be BETTER in a 3rd Bout, in REED's Opinion...Makes the Most Sense in the UK Though, If/When it Happens... REED
Definitely Shield's toughest fight from what I've seen, but I agree it's the same story in a rematch. Marshall just can't control range, which will always be her undoing.
I'll say this too, Shields is tough. She took more flush hooks than I realised and never looked hurt.
Based On???...Who Are We Saving Women from w/2 Minutes Rounds???...WOMEN???...Olympic Boxing Employs 3 Minute Rounds for Men AND Women's Boxing, if REED Ain't Mistaken... If a Man and a Woman Fought Each Other, 2 Minute Rounds Would Actually Make Sense...But if Man vs Man Rounds are 3 Minutes, it Makes NO Sense Woman vs Woman Rounds are 2 Minutes...Championship Men's Bout is 12 Rounds, Women's Championship Bout is 10???... Women's Boxing Naysayers Like to Point @ KO %, Without Realizing/Acknowledging Women Have 2 FEWER Rounds and 16 FEWER Minutes to Register a Stoppage... REED
WOW!!!... We All Recall Tyson THREATENING to Have Sex w/Opponents, but Being Prompted to Say "I Didn't Have Sex w/You" is Definitely a 1st in Boxing, that REED Knows Of... Soooo, Like, Did Y'all Just KISS, FONDLE, What???...Video???...The Comment Actually PIQUES the Curiosity... REED
Soooo, by Your Own Admission, You Watched HALF of the Fucking Fight, the BACK Half No Less, Yet You’re Shitting On It, Nonetheless???… Haters Gonna Hate, Irish Incel’s Gonna Incel Irishly, REED Guesses… REED