At the end of the day, the quality of women's boxing will always pale in comparison to men's boxing. The sport will never be viewed as much more than a side show. There's a few sports, like tennis, track n field, gymnastics, where women can compete on an elite level, and its watchable. Even women's soccer is okay, though far below men. But basketball and boxing are two sports where women just perform on a comically lower level than men.
Bruh, This is "Only" the 5,138th Time You've Let it Be Known You DON'T Like Women's Boxing... Again, Fightbeat GOT it the 1st Fucking Time You Expressed It, Not Sure WHY You Can't Just LIVE and LET LIVE @ This Point...Are You THREATENED By the Presence of Women's Boxing in Some Way???...If Not, WHY Are You Consistently Compelled to Share Your DISDAIN For It???... REED
GOD Forbid You Have a DAUGHTER Interested in Sports, Perhaps Enjoys Watching Boxing w/Her Father & Wants to PURSUE it Someday... REED
Nah brotha, one n done over here. I wouldn't want my kid (regardless of gender) actually going pro in this death sport, but if I had a daughter and she insisted on being a boxer, I would have to support it.
Not threatened in the least bit, and hey, if you enjoy it, more power to you. I get it, you have daughters, so I'm sure your perspective is different.
As Boxing Fans We're ALL Wrong @ Times, Sooooo REED Won't Kick You While You're "Down", So to Speak... That Said, You Owe Hannah Gabriels a SINCERE Apology...In NOfuckingWAY WHATSOEVER Does Savannah Marshall Operate @ a "Much Higher Level" Than Hannah Gabriels Did/Does... Atone for Your Boxing Sins, Take a Straight Shot of Your Favorite Alcohol (No Chaser) & All is Forgiven... REED
Shields was actually exciting and offensive minded in there. Marshall just looked way too slow and ponderous.
If the skill of woman’s boxing increases and gets more exciting, sure, move it to 3 minutes and 12 rounds. But as of now, these times and rounds work very well.
Boxing is Boxing, Bruh!… WHY Should Women Be Subjected to FEWER Rounds, FEWER Minutes Per Round???…Make it MAKE Sense, Please???… Shields vs Marshall DESERVED to Be a 12 Round, 3 Minute Per Round Fight…Ditto for Mayer vs. Baumgardner… No 2 Ways About It.., REED
…and She Was Getting PIECEDthefuckUP the Vast Majority of the Bout…. Shields was More EFFECTIVELY Offensive, Undoubtedly…. REED
Because they aren’t good or entertaining enough. Also you need more fights like this and you can draw more people in. But as of now, this fight was paced perfectly for people like me who normally don’t watch women’s boxing due to lack of skill and stamina. I love women’s MMA tho. And they have the same time and rounds as men. So I’m not opposed to it. But now yet
Been reading on other sites that people thought Marshall won. She deserved the win. Those people must have been watching a different fight to the rest of us.
You're in the very small minority. Maybe it'll change one day, who knows? But as of now, you're one of very few ppl passionate about women's boxing. The rules won't change anytime soon cause most just want the fights to end asap so that a men's fight can come on afterwards.
You SAY This as if You've POLLED People for Answers, When in Actuality it's Merely YOUR Opinion... Christy Martin Fights Routinely STOLE the Show on Post-Prison Tyson Undercards in the Mid 90's, Yet You're Talking Shit...REED Wouldn't Even Say He's "Passionate" About Women's Boxing, He's Just NOT a Fucking Hater... The Rule is STUPID AF...Professional Women Fight SHORTER Rounds than Amateur Women...Doesn't Make 1 Lick of Sense... REED
No he Didn't, He Said Marshall was "Slow and Ponderous", Which She WAS... He Also Said "Shields was Actually Exciting and Offensive Minded"... REED
Yeah but martin stole the show because she was a punching bag with a huge heart. But watching her fights was equal to watching tough man competitions hosted by LT. I just feel it works. But im not married to the idea or anything. If they change it, cool . Im sure i will be no more or less invested. My point was that I felt the pacing was smooth and quick. It was over before I knew it.
I think you might have quoted Double L and meant to quote me so I will respond. You are correct. But even that I felt is a wrong description of Shields that night. I didnt see her offensive minded at all. She seemed to want to play the counter punching game most of the night. And she was successful at it.
"offense".... Yes, i found her skillset OFFENSIVE!! TO MY TASTES!! It reminded me of a really shit version of Hatton vs Mayweather... Marshall was trying to get something going but Shields was too shifty. But when i say shit version, i mean really really shit....
Good post agreed 100% But I would argue women are fun to watch in mma/ufc. Amanda Nunes is elite level. Punches like a man. Her striking is world class.