You got there before me :bears: Remember when Hut had a picture of Cloud in his signature? :: SUPER JOE CALZAAAAAAAGHE!!!!!
Hopefully Not...There's NATHAN for Ward to Gain by Facing Hopkins AND......Hopkins would have a REAL Shot @ Winning... No Win Situation for Ward. so he May as Well See if Golovkin Wants to Move Up or Offer a RE to the Winner of Froch-Kessler II... Ward has Sloooooooowly Morphed Into the Style that BHop has Used for Over a Decade Now...If Anyone Can DISSECT Bernard's Style, it's Bernard & Nazim Richardson...Even if Ward Beat Hopkins, it's Doubtful he'd Be IMPRESSIVE Doing So...& Again, there's the Possibility that Ward would LOSE... REED:scared2:
HGHopkins legs looked a lot better last night than they did in either of the pascal or dawson fights.
He fought like a cunt last night. Hopkins had no business winning that fight last night. He's so slow now.
Dude, I was exhausted after setting my DVR just to record the fight. But to answer your question, I narrowly out pointed my brother in 79' to win the family title.
Exactly. Boring or whatever, I sat here last night saying " How in the fuck can this guy still nullify top level fighters?" Being basically his age, it is really jaw dropping. If I am Hopkins, I'm fighting until I get my ass thoroughly kicked.
I hate Hopkins - he is a cheating, racist cunt who has bored the life out of boxing for a decade now - but you have to respect his ability to expose the utter dross masquerading as elite level boxers today by dint of being supremely experienced, properly old school and very skilled. It is absolutely ludicrous that he is still doing what he does at his age. MTF
There's no way in Holy Hell that the current Hopkins beats Ward. It's a mismatch. Dre would win virtually every round.
it was funny hearing ward admit how he studies hopkins and does some of the same things technique wise. :doh: bitch, hopkins didnt need to pull this horseshit when he was in his 20s/30s also sounded to me after the fight that hopkins was saying he'd never fight ward. did anyone else here that exchange?
We've Been Hearing this for a DECADE Now, Brother X...& Even when Bernard has Lost, he HASN'T Been Dominated...REED Doesn't See it as a "Mismatch" @ All...STYLES...Ward is (Past Prime) Bernard Hopkins 2.0...Like REED Said, Bernard & Nazim Richardson will have Remedies for that Style... Ward ISN'T Going to Outfight Bernard on the Inside, he ISN'T Going to Be Stronger than Bernard in the Clinches, he DOESN'T Have the Power to HURT Bernard, he's NOT Gonna Be More Effective w/his Head...Bernard's Bag o' Tricks is Deeeeeeeeeeeeper....Ward would have to REMAIN on the Perimeter & Stick/Move his Way to a BORING Ass Decision...Running from His Grandfather, Basically... To Be Clear, REED would FAVOR Ward, but Ward WOULDN'T Win Impressively...& Even if he Did, so What, it's a 50 Year Old Man....Ward-Hopkins is a NO WIN Situation for Dre...Even if Dudes Accused Ward of "Ducking", REED would STRONGLY Advise Ward to Avoid Hopkins, @ All Costs... REEDopcorn: