Rich hatton :Laugh102: Cotto would have destroyed him. Mayweather never faced Hatton or Cotto at 140 either.
Cotto was way more Dominant at 140 than Hatton or Mayweather. After Hatton beat Kostya, who did he fight?
Hatton was the champion. Cotto "wasn't ready" for Mayweather back then. Dominant champion though :atu:
Man, you get off track so easily these days. I didn't say Hatto or Floyd were dominant at 140. They weren't.
Because he beat Kostya. But who did he fight after that? Again, Cotto was more dominant at 140 against higher level guys than Hatton or Mayweather
Irrelevant. Cotto wasn't a dominant 140lb champion. What other guys did or didn't do can't change that.
Clogg said Cotto never dominated. He dominated everyone he faced at 140 and defended his belts i believe 13 times. That's pretty dominant. Never lost at 140 is pretty dominant. That hook? Pretty dominant
Compare his record at 140 to any other title holder at 140 at the time with legit belts. Who has a better record?
Maybe if GGG's handlers said he wasn't ready for Cotto. And we all knew Cotto would beat GGG. Then it would be like saying that.
Or Dominating. the Circumstances as to why he never fought Hatton are unclear. But that doesnt change the fact that he dominated everyone he faced at 140. And was a legit title holder of more legit titles than Hatton or Mayweather at that weight class during their time there together.
exactly what I was thinking. Hatton straight up ducked Cotto. As far as Floyd, there was no way Arum was gonna let that happen back then. But Floyd only spent a year at 140 before moving up anyway.
only on fightbeat could a fighter have 14 title fights, with 12 knockouts and not be considered dominant.