Every interviewer should ask their subject who they would like to thank and give shoutouts to before getting into anything else pertinent.
Surprised the last verse of the Star Spangled Banner wasn't changed to " the land of the free, and the home ... of a great deal at your (insert sponsor)".
In a swanky apartment in Brooklyn (my sister's pretty rich) but everybody is asleep and I'm on an iPhone and have no means of streaming this contest... so sadly I won't be able to see a possible Amir Khan fish-faced, panicky newborn fawn dance after getting stung by a shot followed by the admittedly brave but comically futile "last stand" before defeat ... so I'm counting on you fellows to describe it
Why don't you buy the PPV for $59.95? Or did you spend all your money on your secret Asian girlfriend?
TC is head hunting a bit too much instead of setting up his shots but he'll probably find a place for it anyway. Amir just looking to flurry.
Khan's corner trying to give him instructions. Don't think he understood any of them. Still getting beaten up.
This is some WWE shit. Now Arum claiming Crawford-Spence isn't happening because of Haymon and people should boycott his fights.
Surprised he would quit; I loathe the guy and his horrible skill-less leap shit but he's always shown a lot of courage
He looked to his corner. Ref was giving him time. Cornerman Virgil Hunter trying to play it both ways. His fighter couldn't continue but also he didn't stop it. Shitshow.
I haven't seen this much cowardice from some one since Marty Jannetty tried to dive through the window to escape
Glad I didn't pay for this shit. I think Khan quit. He knew another highlight reel KO was coming. He's not afraid of getting KO'd. He just knows that another KO rules him out of anymore big money fights and means he gets paid v.little if he fights Brook.
Definitely a quit job. Memories of being laid out in the past must have gone through his head. Didn't even look that bad of a low blow. It's Brook or retire next. No other options for Khan.
Khan QUIT. He could have continued but knew what was in store so he decided to take the easy way out.