Pretty difficult to compare results like that, but few actually remember that Khan dominated Garcia for two rounds, before running into a punch. He never controlled Crawford for half a minute. Not that it means much of course
Khan beat the piss out of him for 2 rounds, which is twice as many rounds as Smoke Gainer had outboxed Corrales before he himself got iced. Garcia lucked out but Khan's foolhardy and risky strategy played the best part in him being stopped. Once he got hurt, he was utterly clueless about surviving and resorted to more trading.
While you guys are way overstating Khan's success vs Garcia, there's no question Crawford far more convincingly outboxed him... Khan was never in the driver's seat
Can't believe boxing is in such a bad state that we have 6 pages of posts on Amir Khan of all people.
It's All Just a HUNCH for Now, w/Teofimo...We Can GUESS and/or HOPE He's Ready for the Likes of Taylor and Prograis, but there's No Signature Win to Base it On... REED
Where are the stars? Last great fight we had was Wilder/Fury and now we're back to square one. Nobody wants to take any meaningful fights.
No matter how you compare it, claiming Garcia is not a serious fight after matching his guy against Khan (on PPV no less) is some serious brazen bullshit.
To be fair, Brook has a better chance against Crawford than Danny. Don't be fooled by the Granados performance, Cherry Garcia has ZERO chance against Crawford. Bud would beat the fuck outta him.
I do like Garcia, he doesn't have the physical talent to compete with the absolute elite but he has a good boxing brain and a nice style, smooth boxer.
That's irrelevant to my point. What's also irrelevant when it comes to Crawford's resume is anyone's opinion on who he would or would not defeat.
The guy claims weight is the reason he was unable to beat Spence. So he already has his excuse ready when Crawford beats him.
This is accurate. Cherry Garcia has an above average ring IQ and good fundamentals, but he's too slow and methodical for Crawford (or Spence). Let's not forget, it wasnt long ago that Garcia got outboxed by Peterson. Theres no way he's dealing with Crawford.
It's the case that he'd need a free shot, a hail mary, to win a fight with Crawford or Spence. He's the Carl Frampton of 147. There's nothing wrong with him, he's just not dynamic enough or voluminous.
Supposedly Crawford-Khan did about 120,000 PPV buys. Damn. I didn't expect it to be that low. TR and Crawford sure as all fuck need Spence and PBC more than vice versa.
Mikey Garcia is a LESSER known mainstream name in the US than Khan, and Spence tripled those numbers. And packed Cowboy stadium, whereas I can assure you... the Garden was NOT packed to capacity last week.... it was a pretty good crowd though... but there were plenty of empty seats. Arum is just gonna have to bend over. Cause Spence is CLEARLY gonna be the A-Side if this gets made.
Outside of Spence, you're not gonna find another welter who can beat Crawford. But who else is there for Arum to dig up besides Brook? The other alternative would be Ramirez, .
I think its laughable that you hold those three average guys in such high regard. We ain't talkin about the Fab 4 here. Spence and Crawford are elite fighters. Those other three are just "good". You think a guy who just went life and death with Whoesito Lopez, and another who just went life and death with Ogas, can beat Crawford? Lol.
Lol, really? Thurman was coming off a 2 year layoff against Lopez. You really think this had nothing to do with his performance. And Porter is the kind of guy that struggles against everyone, but that gives a hard fight to pretty much anyone. Using these fights as examples of them having no chance against bud is beyond laughable It's cute how Crawford fans act like he's so good and proven that he's above these guys, while the truth is that he never beat someone nearly as good as them.
Thurman shouldn’t be held in high regard after his last performance. He should still beat Pac, but it’s rather obvious that he loses to either Crawford or Spence. Porter I was never impressed by. He was clearly beaten by Brook and was always a limited guy. Garcia would probably be Crawford’s easiest match up due to the gap in speed. I don’t see Garcia having any answers against either Spence or Crawford.
Yes, but boxing fans are notorious for being awful at picking fights. Ill believe crawford is better that these guys when he beats them. Not because he looked slick beating a few no hoppers