"WHO CARES!! I don't drink!! I got my own driver too!! My brother Fred drank! Barely made 70!!Early checkout LOSER"
" Crooked Hillary's Ring, in a fight refereed by Crazy Bernie, with Cochise Warren on the undercard!! Totally PHONY!"
Joe moments after he retains his title via lopsided 120-106, 120-100 and 120-o00 scorecards "I deserve a title shot. He made some pretty good points in there. Where's Hunter? No not my son. I need Virgil Hunter. My trainer sucks. I can't believe I lost. My trainer asked me what round it was and if I wanted to go on. I said come on man. Let's do pushups, fats."
"Come on man. Wilder won. But I knew that by 4am Fury might be back in the fight. The ref just kept counting and let him up. I hate Nevada, I can't buy a win out here"
"It would be further ahead if I didn't have to spend £9m on a recount in shithole Wisconsin. SNOW! EVERYWHERE!"
"In New York, no less. Home of crooked AOC, although to be fair, she was just a child socialist at the time."