I was going to see it at a bar, but with the cover charge and all, I'll probably just see it at a friend's house.
Yeah, I just kinda tune people out while the fight is on. I've talked to alot of people that have become interested in the fight from watching the 24/7 show. I'll probably be one of the only Mayweather fans at my party so if he loses i'll be hearing about it all night.
So these days a "black box" is not guaranteed to work for long? They find ways round it? Surely you can then download updated firmware etc for the box?
Yes, and that's why you'll actually enjoy it so much more. Anything else can be watched in groups be it the NBA, NFL, MMA, Soccer, Golf, whatever. I never participate in group parties for boxing events. Just doesn't work for me at all. There are alot of people who'd agree to that on this board I'm sure.
True, you can always download updated firmware but often it's just tiresome and troublesome. Most people just want to be spoonfed and expect things to work. The one problem you'll have is the signal dying DURING a fight. It happened to me right before the opening bell for Mosley/Collazo. By the time we got the damn receiver updated(logging into website, waiting for new codes, downloading codes, installing codes into receiver), it was already into the 7th round. So yeah, pain in the ass sometimes.
Don't try to change the subject, we were talking about the fact that you have no friends. What's wrong with you?
Ah I see, thanks for the info. Is this a fairly recent development? Them being able to combat hacked boxes mid fight etc? Would you say it's still worth getting one? I am thinking about when I move back to England.
Oh ok. Yes, this is true unfortunately. I have nobody to watch tv with. That's why I'm on this board so much. One time I was going to host a fight party and I was making out a list of all the people who I wanted to invite. Unfortunately, the people I wrote down on my 'invite' list were all members of boxing message boards.:: And I doubt anybody was going to travel by plane just to come to my fight party. I wasn't going to have free beer either so that was all the more reason for nobody to attend my fight party. I'd just like to make it clear though that if I do have another fight party, consider yourself invited, Baron.
Move to england first, mex. Then we'll discuss it. I'm only familiar with North American satelites. I don't know what they have available over there.
I just moved and don't have TV at all right now. I'm looking into getting a sat system. I used to have one a while back that worked very well. I have to do some research on how well they work now. They rarely ever "zap" people during a fight. The reason is often when they do that, it can take out some legitimate subscribers as well. If someone payed 60 dollars for a a big event and it goes out, naturally the provider is going to have some pretty irate customers. The sat providers will usually attempt to take out the hacked boxes a day or so in advance to give them time to clear up any problems that might have occured.
Ok Bowe Golota I - didn't even know about the fight...wasn't really into boxing at the time..found out about it on the news later cought my intrest.. Bowe Golota II - listened to it on scrambled tv was 16 at the time Golota Lewis - went to friend's house...was very pissed at the outome Golota Grant - watched it at home...as soon as golota let him off the hook i knew he'd f uck it up..wasn't that disspaointed since i was expecting it Golota Tyson - Was at a pub...was pissed at golota...and realized he trully is a fuckin headjob.. Golota - Brewster ..was fuckin my ex gf..went on line later that night to find out ...laughed at the fool :) hope that answers your question :)
I never watch fights at bars or other public venues unless it's the fight venue itself. Most of the time I just stay home, prime the Bravia LCD, cook some chicken wings, pop a few cold beers and relax on the couch with my girlfriend. Sometimes we invite friends, but I don't think I'll be doing that for this fight.
That's what I want to do. But I have plans... I'll be going to a big sports bar to watch it on the huge screen. I'd WAY rather just watch it by myself at home and then hop on here and talk about it with real boxing fans. ::
dsimon writes: I have a bit of Polish in me I think I can answer that for Kaliber: First for the Golata fights you have to unfurl the polish flag quickly before he gets knocked the fuck out and food choices have to be quickly prepared accordingly. This includes Kielbasi with mustard and a tray of deli meats from Krakowe. For the Mayweather fight highlite reels of Golata will be shown... all five minutes of them, including the close up of Golata's terror stricken face against Lewis, and the soles of his shoes against Brewster. :: ::