First year as a doctor. ***UPDATE*** MY BOSS JUST LET ME OFF FROM WORK! He said that he always lets the residents go after approx 12 hours, and it's the job of the other residents to keep this a secret so that they don't get scheduled for extra call days. And no I didn't mention the PPV either. I'M ORDERING THE FIGHT! I LOVE YOU GUYS! :blobbox::cheer:
Make sure you leave time to fuck Illu's sister. There's a 35 minute wait though I hear. 15 guys in front of you.
dsimon writes: I hope Erratic found a place in the city to watch the fight! I figured someplace in the Mission would have the fight.
dsimon writes: Sorry to hear it Doc. Probably hard to find much sympathy for boxing in the medical community.
I'm having some back pain lately doc could you by chance write me a script for some percocet?:: No really??
anywhere in the mission or Market street. I got scared I wasn't getting the cable signal for the countdown. I called Comcast and could not get through but eventually I got the signal. :cheer: I can't stand when non boxing fans give their opinions. who cares what bow wow thinks. :doh:
god dammit...can get through to Comcast....all circuits are busy...please try your call later...fucker!!S