Does God exist or not?

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame/Shame' started by slystaff, Aug 5, 2004.

  1. Punk

    Punk "Twinkle Toes" McJack Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I think we'll find that the theory of evolution has more solid basis in fact and observation than any wild ideas about the Earth being created around the time of the Mesopotamians has. Biblical creation has as much credence as the Aboriginal dreamtime, with their giant snakes and weird stick-men demons or whatever the hell they are. But, I guess if you wish to make it up as you go along, that's up to you. [/b][/quote]
  2. atomicdOGg34

    atomicdOGg34 "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Nov 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> is sly still quoting fanatical chrisitian websites like last time we had this discussion? [/b][/quote]

    You proved your IGNORANCE the last time we had this discussion so I suggest that you run along before you get e-hurt.

    This is way above your head. Leave this for the adults to discuss.

    The Sly One has Spoken!! [/b][/quote]

    hey if you wanna post "facts" from then be my guest

    just dont expect anyone to take you seriously
  3. HairysonFord

    HairysonFord Undisputed Champion

    Mar 1, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    But since He would know if you will choose Him or not, then it is pre-ordained, and not really your choice. If you are one who was chosen to worship Him, you will, if not, you won't.

    So again, why bother? Either way it is your destiny. [/b][/quote]
    True. What you say is the absolute truth. However pre-destination is based on foreknowledge..."Those he foreknew he also pre-destinated" - Romans 8. So destiny is still in our hands, in a sense, he just KNOWS what we would do with the choices that we have.

    If you don't "bother", then you are proving that your predestination is that you are not one of his. If you "bother" then your predestination is that you are one of his. So you still have somewhat of a choice in the matter if you think about it...nevertheless what you say is true.

    Depends upon which way you look at it.

    The Sly One has Spoken!! [/b][/quote]
    But if He predestined, then there was no choice. The choice you made was not yours but His for you.

    So again. Why bother?
  4. Z-man

    Z-man Guest

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    As for me having problems, Sly, I am not the one who is constantly starting threads trying to convince and convert others to think like I do. I let others be. If you want to worship god, satan, jesus, mickey mouse, or whoever, it doesn't matter to me. So be it.

    But you on the other hand can not accept the fact that there others who don't think like you. There are those who don't see the truth in what you regard as sacred.

    Sooner or later you're going to have to accept that not everyone shares your belief and you can huff and puff about cause and effect all you want to but it doesn't change a thing. [/b][/quote]
    What does this have to do with anything? We discuss boxing don't we. We do not all have the same views. We discuss politics, women, social issues. Why do YOU have such a "hangup" about discussing God? I accept the fact that we all have different viewpoints, but what's wrong with sharing my own.

    When we are discussing boxing no one complains that anyone is "constantly starting threads trying to convince and convert others to think like I do". But when God comes up all of the athiests get offended. Why is that?

    The Sly One has Spoken!! [/b][/quote]
    :lol: :lol:
    Alham Dullila Allah brother!
    Every subject is open for discussion but when GOD is brought up the same people try to stifle your expression.
  5. joebazooka

    joebazooka Scrub

    Jun 29, 2004
    Likes Received:
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> God is a HUMAN invention. [/b][/quote]
    HUMAN is a God invention. [/b][/quote]
    do animals worship GOD?
    Yep. Humans are animals. And many humans worship God. [/b][/quote]
    Clever guy :YeahRight:

    By the way, if there is a God, what is the use in worshipping Him? What good would it do anything? Nothing would change if we did or didn't worship Him. [/b][/quote]
    For practical, pragmatic purposes.
  6. BadkittyM

    BadkittyM Guest

    Ah, but if you are only doing it to try and hedge your bets, you're screwed. "God" knows what is in one's heart, and whether or not a person TRULY believes.
  7. joebazooka

    joebazooka Scrub

    Jun 29, 2004
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Ah, but if you are only doing it to try and hedge your bets, you're screwed. "God" knows what is in one's heart, and whether or not a person TRULY believes.
    -M [/b][/quote]
    It must be true because I have been blackmailing God with "if you make me hit the California Jackpot, I will give a huge donation to any charity of your choice" strategy for a while now, but so far he has not taken the bait.
  8. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    Dec 3, 2002
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    Beyond The Pale
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I think we'll find that the theory of evolution has more solid basis in fact and observation than any wild ideas about the Earth being created around the time of the Mesopotamians has. Biblical creation has as much credence as the Aboriginal dreamtime, with their giant snakes and weird stick-men demons or whatever the hell they are. But, I guess if you wish to make it up as you go along, that's up to you. [/b][/quote]
    Again, well said.
  9. Sir Dice N Slice

    Sir Dice N Slice Scrub

    Nov 19, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    The two can overlap.

    For things as advanced as the universe, we rely on science to provide us with logic.

    For example, it would be illogical to say next year will last 500 days, why? Because science has proven it takes the earth 365/66 days to orbit the sun.

    Our intelligence is based on discoveries, even religion. If no one had told you about what goes on in the bible, and there was no mention of it on television or in books or whatever, would you still have thought about it, by yourself?

    I doubt it. [/b][/quote]
    Good attempt you are a smart man, but this example is wrong:

    "For example, it would be illogical to say next year will last 500 days, why? Because science has proven it takes the earth 365/66 days to orbit the sun." - SIR Dice N Slice

    Nice try. But it's not a logical/illogical issue. It would NOT be illogical for the Earth to have 500 days in a year. It would be IMPROBABLE and COUNTERINTUITIVE but NOT illogical. It is theoretically possible. The Earth could shift orbit for some reason. The gravitational pull of the Sun could diminish for some reason. The point is, there can be a reason for it to happen if it did happen. It's not impossible.

    What would be illogical is IF the earth STOPPED MOVING (relative to the sun) through space but yet still had a 365 day year. THAT is an example of illogical....because if the Earth was stationary....a year would be INFINITE!!

    Do you see the difference?

    The Sly One has Spoken!! [/b][/quote]
    First off, thanks for the compliment, same to you, you obviously know what you're talking about.

    The earth year thing come to think of it was a very bad example, I could have done better than that.

    My point is, logic constantly changes with science, and new scientific discoveries. 2,000 years ago, for example, sailing off the east coast of America and coming back to dock on the west coast was illogical, because the world was flat, and your boat would have fallen off the face of the earth. We now know different, because of new discoveries. Which brings me back to the Gamma ray problem, if as it seems, Gamma rays defy Einsteins law of relativity, then one of the most important and fundamental laws of physics is wrong, which would have a knock on effect on any other law based on it. These rays in their very existence are illogical, because in no case, should an objects energy exceed its mass, according to our "logic" at least, anyway.

    That's my point, you tried to use logic as a way of explaining the exsistence of a God, when it might be totally unreliable, as we simply don't know enough.

    One more thing, Mr Blue made a good point, is a talking serpent or people being brought back to life as well as virgins giving birth not as illogical as multi-coloured dinosaurs the size of Texas falling from the sky? [/b][/quote]
    Sly I would be interested in hearing your response to this
  10. slystaff

    slystaff Im Banned

    Jan 22, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I think we'll find that the theory of evolution has more solid basis in fact and observation than any wild ideas about the Earth being created around the time of the Mesopotamians has. Biblical creation has as much credence as the Aboriginal dreamtime, with their giant snakes and weird stick-men demons or whatever the hell they are. But, I guess if you wish to make it up as you go along, that's up to you. [/b][/quote]

    Evolution has NO BASIS. The theory that the Earth is billions of years old has NO basis. The "young Earth" theory makes FAR MORE SENSE.

    For example, all we know is that it takes two humans to produce a human....this is a SCIENTIFIC FACT. We also know that there are roughly 7 BILLION people on the planet. We also know the approximate rate of population growth.

    Therefore...if we work backwards mathematically, starting with the present population, using the rate of population expansion, allowing for wars and famines, natural will find that you can go back no more than 8 thousand years AT THE MOST to arrive at a number of just TWO.

    Question....where did these TWO come from?

    Try it out if you wish and stop sprouting this pseudo-science hocus pocus.

    I have more more to say and to elaborate on, but I'll let you consider this for now until I return in a few hours.

    The Sly One has Spoken!!
  11. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    Dec 3, 2002
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    Beyond The Pale
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I think we'll find that the theory of evolution has more solid basis in fact and observation than any wild ideas about the Earth being created around the time of the Mesopotamians has. Biblical creation has as much credence as the Aboriginal dreamtime, with their giant snakes and weird stick-men demons or whatever the hell they are. But, I guess if you wish to make it up as you go along, that's up to you. [/b][/quote]

    Evolution has NO BASIS. The theory that the Earth is billions of years old has NO basis. The "young Earth" theory makes FAR MORE SENSE.

    For example, all we know is that it takes two humans to produce a human....this is a SCIENTIFIC FACT. We also know that there are roughly 7 BILLION people on the planet. We also know the approximate rate of population growth.

    Therefore...if we work backwards mathematically, starting with the present population, using the rate of population expansion, allowing for wars and famines, natural will find that you can go back no more than 8 thousand years AT THE MOST to arrive at a number of just TWO.

    Question....where did these TWO come from?

    Try it out if you wish and stop sprouting this pseudo-science hocus pocus.

    I have more more to say and to elaborate on, but I'll let you consider this for now until I return in a few hours.

    The Sly One has Spoken!! [/b][/quote]
    This is insane, Sly.

    I'm sorry to burst your bubble, it just is.
  12. Ugotabe Kidding

    Ugotabe Kidding WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 8, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I think we'll find that the theory of evolution has more solid basis in fact and observation than any wild ideas about the Earth being created around the time of the Mesopotamians has. Biblical creation has as much credence as the Aboriginal dreamtime, with their giant snakes and weird stick-men demons or whatever the hell they are. But, I guess if you wish to make it up as you go along, that's up to you. [/b][/quote]

    Evolution has NO BASIS. The theory that the Earth is billions of years old has NO basis. The "young Earth" theory makes FAR MORE SENSE.

    For example, all we know is that it takes two humans to produce a human....this is a SCIENTIFIC FACT. We also know that there are roughly 7 BILLION people on the planet. We also know the approximate rate of population growth.

    Therefore...if we work backwards mathematically, starting with the present population, using the rate of population expansion, allowing for wars and famines, natural will find that you can go back no more than 8 thousand years AT THE MOST to arrive at a number of just TWO.

    Question....where did these TWO come from?

    Try it out if you wish and stop sprouting this pseudo-science hocus pocus.

    I have more more to say and to elaborate on, but I'll let you consider this for now until I return in a few hours.

    The Sly One has Spoken!! [/b][/quote]
    Sorry, I lost your point completely with this one.

    Human is not as old as the earth, in fact, man has existed a fraction of that time. That is a scientific fact too
  13. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    Dec 3, 2002
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    Beyond The Pale
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I think we'll find that the theory of evolution has more solid basis in fact and observation than any wild ideas about the Earth being created around the time of the Mesopotamians has. Biblical creation has as much credence as the Aboriginal dreamtime, with their giant snakes and weird stick-men demons or whatever the hell they are. But, I guess if you wish to make it up as you go along, that's up to you. [/b][/quote]

    Evolution has NO BASIS. The theory that the Earth is billions of years old has NO basis. The "young Earth" theory makes FAR MORE SENSE.

    For example, all we know is that it takes two humans to produce a human....this is a SCIENTIFIC FACT. We also know that there are roughly 7 BILLION people on the planet. We also know the approximate rate of population growth.

    Therefore...if we work backwards mathematically, starting with the present population, using the rate of population expansion, allowing for wars and famines, natural will find that you can go back no more than 8 thousand years AT THE MOST to arrive at a number of just TWO.

    Question....where did these TWO come from?

    Try it out if you wish and stop sprouting this pseudo-science hocus pocus.

    I have more more to say and to elaborate on, but I'll let you consider this for now until I return in a few hours.

    The Sly One has Spoken!! [/b][/quote]
    Sorry, I lost your point completely with this one.

    Human is not as old as the earth, in fact, man has existed a fraction of that time. That is a scientific fact too [/b][/quote]
    that's what I'm screaming.
  14. Sir Dice N Slice

    Sir Dice N Slice Scrub

    Nov 19, 2003
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    No offence intended Sly, but the big contradiction that is screaming out at me here, is that you so adamantly label all theories of evolution as nonsense, yet will readily accept the Bibles theories which include virgins giving birth, men living for 900 years, men being brought back to life, men parting seas into two...etc
  15. Punk

    Punk "Twinkle Toes" McJack Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Therefore...if we work backwards mathematically, starting with the present population, using the rate of population expansion, allowing for wars and famines, natural will find that you can go back no more than 8 thousand years AT THE MOST to arrive at a number of just TWO.

    Oh yeah, brilliant mate. Post up your full methodology for this little calculation, I've got my slide rule and abacus out ready to check it. :rolleyes:
  16. Punk

    Punk "Twinkle Toes" McJack Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> No offence intended Sly, but the big contradiction that is screaming out at me here, is that you so adamantly label all theories of evolution as nonsense, yet will readily accept the Bibles theories which include virgins giving birth, men living for 900 years, men being brought back to life, men parting seas into two...etc [/b][/quote]
    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  17. slystaff

    slystaff Im Banned

    Jan 22, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    Sorry, I lost your point completely with this one.

    Human is not as old as the earth, in fact, man has existed a fraction of that time. That is a scientific fact too [/b][/quote]
    True. I didn't mean to say that humans are as old as the earth. I was in a rush so I didn't clarify my point well. I'll have some time in a second....
  18. black06

    black06 Leap-Amateur

    Feb 28, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> The theory that the Earth is billions of years old has NO basis. The "young Earth" theory makes FAR MORE SENSE.
    This is where we part company BIG TIME sly... I just hope you don't believe that because you THINK the bible says so. The last time we had this discussion I pointed out biblically how an "Old Earth" makes more sense as confirmed by virtually endless mounds of scientific evidence if you only use a different interpretation than 24 hours for the Hebrew word "yom" or day (it has 3 meanings). Young earth creationism has absolutely NO basis in biblical or scientific fact & you're going to loose tons of people there who simply aren't willing to throw their brain out of the window to continue the discussion.

    I just want everyone to know that believing that the earth (& the universe for that matter) is only 8,000 years old isn't biblical at all. Sly is just plain wrong here & is operating on blind faith, a misguided interpretation of the bible, and/or some seriously botched science. That view is NOT common with all Christians.

    "Test everything. Hold on to the good." (1 Thess. 5:21)
  19. atomicdOGg34

    atomicdOGg34 "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Nov 29, 2002
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    human existance goes back only 8000 years sly?

    we have archaeological proof of humans far older than that, try again
  20. Dobie G

    Dobie G Scrub

    Dec 2, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I think we'll find that the theory of evolution has more solid basis in fact and observation than any wild ideas about the Earth being created around the time of the Mesopotamians has. Biblical creation has as much credence as the Aboriginal dreamtime, with their giant snakes and weird stick-men demons or whatever the hell they are. But, I guess if you wish to make it up as you go along, that's up to you. [/b][/quote]

    Evolution has NO BASIS. The theory that the Earth is billions of years old has NO basis. The "young Earth" theory makes FAR MORE SENSE.

    For example, all we know is that it takes two humans to produce a human....this is a SCIENTIFIC FACT. We also know that there are roughly 7 BILLION people on the planet. We also know the approximate rate of population growth.

    Therefore...if we work backwards mathematically, starting with the present population, using the rate of population expansion, allowing for wars and famines, natural will find that you can go back no more than 8 thousand years AT THE MOST to arrive at a number of just TWO.

    Question....where did these TWO come from?

    Try it out if you wish and stop sprouting this pseudo-science hocus pocus.

    I have more more to say and to elaborate on, but I'll let you consider this for now until I return in a few hours.

    The Sly One has Spoken!![/b][/quote]
    Universal Pictures presents...

    <span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%">JURASSIC PARK</span>
    Based off of a true story!

  21. Mr. Blue

    Mr. Blue Scrub

    Sep 2, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    As for me having problems, Sly, I am not the one who is constantly starting threads trying to convince and convert others to think like I do.  I let others be.  If you want to worship god, satan, jesus, mickey mouse, or whoever, it doesn't matter to me.  So be it.

    But you on the other hand can not accept the fact that there others who don't think like you.  There are those who don't see the truth in what you regard as sacred.

    Sooner or later you're going to have to accept that not everyone shares your belief and you can huff and puff about cause and effect all you want to but it doesn't change a thing. [/b][/quote]
    What does this have to do with anything? We discuss boxing don't we. We do not all have the same views. We discuss politics, women, social issues. Why do YOU have such a "hangup" about discussing God? I accept the fact that we all have different viewpoints, but what's wrong with sharing my own.

    When we are discussing boxing no one complains that anyone is "constantly starting threads trying to convince and convert others to think like I do". But when God comes up all of the athiests get offended. Why is that?

    The Sly One has Spoken!! [/b][/quote]
    :lol: :lol:
    Alham Dullila Allah brother!
    Every subject is open for discussion but when GOD is brought up the same people try to stifle your expression. [/b][/quote]
    Zero-man, the thing is any of us who have been here for a while know that it;s the same conversation started by the same joker over and over again.

    Has he converted anyone by this. No, not even close. He doesn't even win any of the arguments that are presented to him. So what's the point? To spread outright religious propaganda?
  22. Ropadope

    Ropadope Undisputed Champion

    Feb 2, 2003
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    When God and religion are separated, religion can be disproven but God can't. Whether you believe in God or not, you can't prove or disprove his existence.
  23. copernicus

    copernicus Scrub

    Apr 1, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I think we'll find that the theory of evolution has more solid basis in fact and observation than any wild ideas about the Earth being created around the time of the Mesopotamians has. Biblical creation has as much credence as the Aboriginal dreamtime, with their giant snakes and weird stick-men demons or whatever the hell they are. But, I guess if you wish to make it up as you go along, that's up to you. [/b][/quote]

    Evolution has NO BASIS. The theory that the Earth is billions of years old has NO basis. The "young Earth" theory makes FAR MORE SENSE.

    For example, all we know is that it takes two humans to produce a human....this is a SCIENTIFIC FACT. We also know that there are roughly 7 BILLION people on the planet. We also know the approximate rate of population growth.

    Therefore...if we work backwards mathematically, starting with the present population, using the rate of population expansion, allowing for wars and famines, natural will find that you can go back no more than 8 thousand years AT THE MOST to arrive at a number of just TWO.

    Question....where did these TWO come from?

    Try it out if you wish and stop sprouting this pseudo-science hocus pocus.

    I have more more to say and to elaborate on, but I'll let you consider this for now until I return in a few hours.

    The Sly One has Spoken!! [/b][/quote]
    So what, our population comes down to an exponential with a base of two? Is this what you're saying?

    And you say the evolutionary theory is nonsense? Come on. It may have holes in it, but I'll put that down to human ignorance and the fact we haven't had enough time to find out every single last fact about it. That's why it's called a theory. The Adam & Eve theory is one gigantic black hole of the ridiculous.
  24. animal

    animal Scrub

    Oct 24, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> For example, all we know is that it takes two humans to produce a human....this is a SCIENTIFIC FACT. We also know that there are roughly 7 BILLION people on the planet. We also know the approximate rate of population growth.

    Therefore...if we work backwards mathematically, starting with the present population, using the rate of population expansion, allowing for wars and famines, natural will find that you can go back no more than 8 thousand years AT THE MOST to arrive at a number of just TWO.

    Question....where did these TWO come from?

    Try it out if you wish and stop sprouting this pseudo-science hocus pocus.

    I have more more to say and to elaborate on, but I'll let you consider this for now until I return in a few hours.

    The Sly One has Spoken!! [/b][/quote]
    What about the great flood? Can you possibly have any idea how many people were alive before it?
  25. slystaff

    slystaff Im Banned

    Jan 22, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    This is where we part company BIG TIME sly... I just hope you don't believe that because you THINK the bible says so. The last time we had this discussion I pointed out biblically how an "Old Earth" makes more sense as confirmed by virtually endless mounds of scientific evidence if you only use a different interpretation than 24 hours for the Hebrew word "yom" or day (it has 3 meanings). Young earth creationism has absolutely NO basis in biblical or scientific fact & you're going to loose tons of people there who simply aren't willing to throw their brain out of the window to continue the discussion.

    I just want everyone to know that believing that the earth (& the universe for that matter) is only 8,000 years old isn't biblical at all. Sly is just plain wrong here & is operating on blind faith, a misguided interpretation of the bible, and/or some seriously botched science. That view is NOT common with all Christians.

    "Test everything. Hold on to the good." (1 Thess. 5:21) [/b][/quote]
    Ah....nevermind Black, we can't agree on everything. :D

    Black, I am well aware of the scriptures and the meaning of "yom". I am also well aware that there is a growing movement on Christians that are trying to adopt the modern day scientific notions and somehow try to make the Bible agree with what the fallible scientists are suggesting.

    As such many "bible believers" are suggesting that the was a big bang (caused by God of course) and there was evolution (started by God of course) and this way they please both the scientists and the "christians".

    Now I'm not suggesting that you are a hypocrite or even one of the extremes that I have just mentioned...but your argument simply reminds me of that.

    Now...I'm not suggesting that the Earth is 6000-8000 years old. Neither am I basing my "young earth" belief strictly upon what I think is the interpretation of scripture.

    Firstly, it's very possible that the first 6 days, spken of in Genesis were 1000 year periods...."day is a thousand years and thousand years is a day" etc...

    But it doesn't HAVE to mean that and we shouldn't TRY to make it mean that JUST to please the scientists.

    Neverthelessss, even if it is a 6000 year first 6 days (since the re-creation of the earth)....I believe that the earth was in existence for thousands of years before that (an unquantified amount).

    However...the Earth is THOUSANDS of years old (maybe 20,000).....NOT BILLIONS of years old like they are claiming.

    You see, evolutionists accuse creationists of trying to shorten the age of the earth in order to fit the "creation theory" but in ACTUALITY it is the evolutionists that have tried to lengthen the age of the Earth to extraordinary lengths BECAUSE THAT IS THE ONLY WAY THAT THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION WOULD BE POSSIBLE.

    Truthfully, billions of years wouldn't even be enough to support this very slow process...but that is a point for another time.

    I'm digressing BIG TIME (sorry :sulk: )...

    This is my point.

    Recorded human history can only be traced back about 6 thousand years....what happened in the previous few millions years. If the human race were even millions of years old....mathematically the current population would be 1000 X what it is today. This is common sense and it is the modern scientists that are operating in BLIND FAITH in their unproven theories and forgetting the simple facts and logic.

    You quoted take this one:

    "He has hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them unto babes"

    There are many reaosns why the earth cannot be as old as the 4 billion years that scientists and their inconsistent, fallible dating methods have suggested....but this post is already too long for me to list them (I've listed them before). I'll do it in a later post.

    In conclusion...

    The previous response was really about humans and evolution. The only TESTABLE fact regarding the generation of humans is that it takes the sperm and an egg from two humans to create a human. This is the ONLY PROVEN FACT. Therefore humans could not have come from something else...any other thought is merely conjecture and unproven fantasy. There had to be two humans at the beginning in order to start the species and those two humans couldn't have just "popped out of thin air"...SOMEONE must have CREATED THEM!!

    At the end of the day...LIFE had to be CREATED at some point....

    Hence CREATIONISM!!!!!!!!!!! :huh: :stick:

    The Sly One has Spoken!!
  26. atomicdOGg34

    atomicdOGg34 "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Nov 29, 2002
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  27. slystaff

    slystaff Im Banned

    Jan 22, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    So what, our population comes down to an exponential with a base of two? Is this what you're saying?

    And you say the evolutionary theory is nonsense? Come on. It may have holes in it, but I'll put that down to human ignorance and the fact we haven't had enough time to find out every single last fact about it. That's why it's called a theory. The Adam & Eve theory is one gigantic black hole of the ridiculous. [/b][/quote]
    It's the names "Adam and Eve" that are throwing you off. It's conjures up thoughts of little kids in Sunday school and no adult who claims he's educated wants to say that he's adopting a Sunday School theory. :D

    HOWEVER....merely substitute "Adam and Eve" for "one man and one woman" and you will soon realize that this is the only thing that makes sense. Why? Because like I have already stated humans can only be generated by humans. This is the only thing that has been proven by science.

    Therefore saying that humans are descended from FISHES etc..., after what we've observed and tested in science is the real....

    "one gigantic black hole of the ridiculous.". :D

    It's the blind leading the blind.

    The Sly One has Spoken!!
  28. slystaff

    slystaff Im Banned

    Jan 22, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> :YeahRight: [/b][/quote]
    Good counterpoint.

    I concede to you and your wisdom.

    The Sly One has Spoken!! :D
  29. atomicdOGg34

    atomicdOGg34 "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Nov 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    So what, our population comes down to an exponential with a base of two? Is this what you're saying?

    And you say the evolutionary theory is nonsense? Come on. It may have holes in it, but I'll put that down to human ignorance and the fact we haven't had enough time to find out every single last fact about it. That's why it's called a theory. The Adam & Eve theory is one gigantic black hole of the ridiculous. [/b][/quote]
    It's the names "Adam and Eve" that are throwing you off. It's conjures up thoughts of little kids in Sunday school and no adult who claims he's educated wants to say that he's adopting a Sunday School theory. :D

    HOWEVER....merely substitute "Adam and Eve" for "one man and one woman" and you will soon realize that this is the only thing that makes sense. Why? Because like I have already stated humans can only be generated by humans. This is the only thing that has been proven by science.

    Therefore saying that humans are descended from FISHES etc..., after what we've observed and tested in science is the real....

    "one gigantic black hole of the ridiculous.". :D

    It's the blind leading the blind.

    The Sly One has Spoken!! [/b][/quote]
    humans can only be generated by humans through sexual reproduction

    your line of thinking is totally ridiculous
  30. atomicdOGg34

    atomicdOGg34 "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Nov 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> :YeahRight: [/b][/quote]
    Good counterpoint.

    I concede to you and your wisdom.

    The Sly One has Spoken!! :D [/b][/quote]
    as always

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