Danny maybe, but after tonight, i'd make Porter a huge favorite. Lipinets was giving him hell with his pressure, and Porter is nothing if not a pressure fighter
I gotta disagree on both. Porter, scrubby as he is... is too strong for Mikey. Danny, cherry picker though he may be... has too much firepower for Mikey if they trade.
Garcia is not an elite JWW let alone WW. Both Danny and Porter would be heavy favourites imo. Garcia hasn't really carried his speed and power up from the lighter weights. He looks sluggish and not very powerful. He'd be heavily outgunned by any elite 140 or 147 pounder.
yeah, his lack of power, bar the left hook kd, was shocking. Maybe Lipinets simply has a great chin, but his right hands looked harmless
It’s the 1st Time Mikey’s Went the Distance In Back to Back Fights... Both of Which were at 140... REED
REED’s a Fan of Mikey’s, But Can’t See Him Beating ELITE 47’s... Spence, Crawford and Thurman Aren’t Even Worth Mentioning...REED Would Make Mikey a Sizable Underdog Against Porter and Danny Garcia Too... Only 2 that Immediately Spring to Mind that Mikey Could CONCEIVABLY Beat are Pac and Mattttthhhhhyyyyyysssse, But Those Certainly Arent Sure Things... REED
Im not impressed by porter and cant see him using his shitty mauling, bulling tactics against a skilled sharp shooter like garcia. danny garcias style is also favorable for mikey garcia. Id pick him to win there also. you also have to consider that garcia hasnt even been on any type of serious weight/strength conditioning type program thus far. if he goes to welter i suspect he will and his body wont look as soft.
Loma will give Mikey a ton of problems but Mikey has the tools to pull off a victory in that one. He'd destroy Linares. I'd pick him over Easter as well.
porter is a fucking bum. he'd run into a huge shot against garcia. also, oscar valded got balls. tough kid who fought about 8 rounds with a fractured jaw
porter is basura. if he faces an opponent with real skill he will get KOd. whether it be crawford, spence or even garcia.
What EXACTLY Does That Have to Do w/a Potential Porter-Garcia Fight? About as Much as Hearns Beating Duran EASIER than Hagler Meant, When Hagler-Hearns Fought...About as Much as Foreman Beating Frazier and Norton EASIER than Ali Could, When Ali Faced Foreman... Stylistically, Porter’s All WRONG for Mikey. Bigger, Taller, More Athletic, Waaaaaaaay Stronger...Subtle, Yet Effective Use of his Head and Other Infighting Tactics... Porter Fought and Beat Guys Like Daniel Jacobs and Demetrius Andrade in the Ammy’s, But YOU Seriously Think Mikey Could KO Him???.... REED
Mikey’s Skills are LEGIT, but they Have Weight Classes for a Reason Bruh... Mikey COULDNT Even KO a Face 1st Former Kickboxer, who’s Barely 6 Years Into His Boxing Career, Yet he’s Going to KO Shawn Porter???... REED
Porter sucks Stylistically he is perfect for garcia He's the same bum who I saw lose to julio diaz and nearly get kod by broner Limpnuts is more skilled than porter
Crawford didn't knock out postol, burns or beltran but he'd damn sure beat porter within a inch of his life
If Porter Werent Naturally Bigger Than Garcia, and by a SIGNIFICANT Margin, he’d Be Perfect For Him Stylistically... Triple G’s a Good STYLE Matchup for Floyd, but Our Sport Has Weight Classes for a REASON... REED
Porter ain't got a great chin It's not about size it's about skill You think garcia lacks the punching power to hurt him I know he has the skill to catch that bum on the button with sharp punches as he wildly rushes in as always and drop him Does broner hit harder than garcia? Does julio diaz?
Pretty much. Garcia is TINY. I rated Garcia too at the lower weights, but he had a pretty potent mix of speed and power to compliment his sharpshooting style. At 140 he has neither, at 147 he'll be even worse. He simply does not belong there, 135 is his ceiling. He looks like a flabby little featherweight at 140. I would take senator Pacquaio over Mikey without a second thought, even the version that showed up against Horn. Same with Danny and Porter. I've never liked Porter, but the guy had a very close fight with Thurman ffs, the current #2 ww. I can't believe Neil thinks Mikey would beat him. He'd just bully the flabby featherweight around the ring all night.
The thought of Mikey stopping Porter is comical. Both Thurman and Brook have WAAAYYYY more power than Mikey and couldn't put Porter in serious trouble. Mikey can't dent Porter. He's definitely a better fighter, but he's too small.