When has REED EVER Attributed "Unbeatable" Qualities or Characteristics to Floyd, Doub???...Hell, REED's Been 1 of Floyd's HARSHER Critics Over the Last Few Years... Get your Head OUT of your Ass, Dude... REED:scared:
You're CREATING a Conspiracy Where there ISN'T 1, Doub...You're as Bad as Irish and his Belief that U.S. Media, Promoters, Networks and Boxing Fans Conspire AGAINST the Klit's and Other Euro Fighters... REED:scared:
No conspiracy. I just see a lot of people rationalizing Saturday's outcome as not about madaina and his stunning performance, but rather according either to pbf ' s version or because of some sudden loss of vitality on pbf ' s part.
Did You Happen to Notice Floyd was about as STATIONARY as he's EVER Been, Doub???... Footwork AIN'T 1 of Maidana's Strong Suits AND Floyd is 37-38 Years Old...If You're REALLY Suggesting ANY Version of Maidana is As Competiive w/ANY Version of Floyd, YOU'RE the 1 w/the Agenda Here, Bro... If Anything, REED was Expressing DELIGHT @ the Possibility of Floyd LOSING Before his Showtime Contract Expires... REED:hammert:
I think if Floyd avoids fighting Pacquaio, his possible undefeated record will be highlighted but not in the positive fashion he and his fans envision. If Pacman gets Marquez, then there will always be the question...Floyd didn't want to be in there with Manny. Aside from promoters, tests, gloves, you know the usual garbage, WHY he failed to sign to fight the other greatest FIGHTER of their generation? Yes he had kept his O but...he fought Khan??
Yeah IMO not wanting to deal with Arum is a poor excuse for the self described greatest not to fight Pac. If you are great, you do what you have to do in order to prove it.
Does FLOYD MAYWEATHER still participate in the RANDOM drug testing????? Or was that just for a few fights to keep people off his back about NOT fighting Pacquiao?
Looking forward to the fight tomorrow, but is anyone thinking that Floyd coasted to build a higher PPV in the rematch? Also, from what I understand there was a lot of fouls in the fight from MM. Next fight won't be allowed to happen.
Madonna looked great in there, no denying it But no doubt that Floyd looked a step slower and not as sharp. I think the split from his bride to be affected him and he basically didn't train at all not to take anything away from Madonna but Floyd at 20% of himself still won 9 rounds to 3 IMO
i just hate to see guy like Madonna in there that come forward and are aggressive but it's not "boxing" really... it's like clubbing wide ass looping right hands, and head butts and hitting in the hip and balls.
It's THE WEAKEST Excuse in the HISTORY of Boxing, for a Fighter to Flat Out DUCK the Guy that Soooo Clearly Represented THE BIGGEST Fight of His Career... It's Like Ali DUCKING Frazier or Foreman...Like Ray Leonard DUCKING Duran or Hearns... But Floyd Said it YEARS Ago: "Legacy Don't Pay Bills", and he's Right...@ the Same Time, You CAN'T Suck Your Own Dick, Calling Yourself the "Best Ever" by DUCKING Challenges to the Degree Floyd Has, Either...Mainstream Boxing "Fans" are Sooooo IGNORANT, they Actually Buy Into the Bullshit they're Spoonfed, Which is Why it's the RESPONSIBILITY of the Hardcore Sect to Keep Shit REAL... As Such, REED Straight Up CHASTISES & EDUCATES Boxing Fans (Most of Whom are Young Brothers, Admittedly), who DARE to Refer to Floyd as "The Best Ever", "The Greatest"...Sports Bars, Boxing Gyms, Wherever, when a Motherfucker Starts Talking Noise about Floyd in That Vein, REED IMMEDIATELY References him DUCKING Pacquiao & How the Likes of Leonard, Hearns, Duran & Pryor Would've All ASSUREDLY Taken Floyd's Precious "O" from him... REED:hammert:
if you want to claim mayweather jr aint the best ever I agree with you, but it aint got shit to do with pacquiao. i tell people he aint all the time
Beating Pacquiao back when the hype was at its peak would have gone some way towards legitimising that claim though (even though it still wouldn't have been true).
PAC IMO is not at he top anymore to even be a big deal to fight... People forget that he got STRETCHED against Marquez How is it PAC and Freddy don't come up with anything as far as Marquez fights.. Each one he looks worse not better
I think someone like Thurman is a bigger threat to beat Floyd than PAC at this point but in end..it's Father Time
Ironically the one where he got KTFO was the first one where he was clearly outboxing Marquez. He looked very good, apart from getting knocked down and KTFO ::
"We're not sitting waiting on De La Hoya," Ellerbe said. "He's in a tough, tough fight with Mayorga." ::
Arum offered Floyd $8 million to fight Margarito for the welterweight belt. The biggest purse Floyd would have gotten paid at that time. Instead he opted to buy out the remaining part of his contract with Arum and sit to wait for the winner of DeLa Hoya vs Mayorga. Why not fight Margarito, pocket $8 million, have a belt for a HUGE unification bout with Oscar? Maybe...he was...ducking Margarito???:scared2:
It's Not Even about WHO Floyd Ducked, it's the FACT he Sabotaged THE Biggest Fight of his Career by Reinventing Reasons NOT to Face the 1 Guy EVERYBODY Wanted to See Him Fight... The "Best Ever" FIGHTS the 1 or 2 Guys EVERYBODY Wants to See him Fight, as Opposed to CREATING Reasons NOT to Fight That Person... REED:mj:
In Floyd's Defense, he Got that SAME 8 Mil for Fighting Baldomir...THEN he Fought DeLa Next, if REED's Not Mistaken... REED:mj: