Its steriods. Thats why he hasnt fought in the US for over 2 years. BTW, he looks smaller than when i saw him last.
Overeem whooped Rogers ass. I think Hanzy was right, Rogers is pretty much a bum. He looked like shit.
Rogers isn't a bum. A bum doesn't fight Fedor the way he did. A bum doesn't KO AA. He looked like shit, and fought defensively.
No shit. Where was the Rogers that went right after AA who was a feared puncher himself? I don't think I ever thought Rogers was more than a Top 20 type HW, but I am seriously upset by how timid he was against Overeem. I think he will regret it for a long time. Even after the brutal loss to Fedor, Rogers still had some momentum. Being timid and apparently scared against Overeem destroyed any progress Rogers made.
You are right about the progress, he will need to win a string of fights in a row now to get any confidence back not only in himself, but also with fans.
I think Rogers is shot already. Just look at how far he declined after ONE KO loss. Now add another one and he's basically done. I would be really surprised to see him take a fight again.
If he does stay with it, the road back will be long. He can't be nearly as effective being that timid and gun shy. I don't think guys can ever regain that fearlessness.
Sooo true, it takes a very special fighter to fight without fear after a KO. It really makes you respect guys like Rampage. He has been KO'd several times and still comes back and fights for a KO. I really thought he was going to fight scared against Wandy, but he didn't and went out and got the KO. It will be interesting to see how Lyota fights now. Brett has the goods, we will just have to see if he has the mental part of it to put in the work for a long road back. I would like to see him fight Werdum or Bigfoot. They should sign Kimbo and make that fight.
What gave you that impression? He was on a decent winning streak going into the Fedor fight.Plus he looked very hesitant against Rogers and Silva,which was a far cry from the Arlovski before and during the Fedor fight.
What is crazy is after the Fedor loss, Rogers was saying he was mad at himself for not being more aggressive. Then he goes out and is even less aggressive against Overeem. It's like he learned nothing for his loss to Fedor.
I know, I really expected him to try to rush and overwhelm Overeem from the opening bell much like he did AA. Come out guns blazing. But did you see Overeem just throw Rogers to the canvas? I know he was on the defense but Overeem seemed to be just lightyears stronger than Rogers.
Nah, Arlivski was on a good run before the Fedor fight. His confidence was back and he just knocked out both Rothwell and Roy Nelson
i like big country but i think JDS will smash the shit outta him. i'd like to see nelson vs. crocop first.
me too, I was hoping to get to see Roy fight another guy before stepping up that huge in the division. A crocop fight would've been perfect. I would have matched him in a re against Mir too.
not in a true MMA fight. Roy beat him in a BJJ fight. I know, not the same, but you could build a little hype around it still:kidcool:
he must really suck then. it's not like he was known to be this great striker prior to knocking out noguiera. :: mir's bjj is/was pretty damn good for a heavy. what big dudes do you see pulling off armbars and other subs today? not too many.