I'm telling you I made those picks before I read the spoiler, early on Friday. It was actually your post in this thread that reminded me. I found out that Gonzalez won Friday evening. Like I said, I had not read about the fight when I made those picks (all of them, a mod can back me up on this). IMO to avoid cheating or being accused of cheating, let's have no post edits from now. All picks = fresh posts, including changes.
Innit :: :Wah: I have a good mind to not watch at all, I really don't want to see Erik beaten up, but I can't do it. I feel I have to watch and root for my fighter.
I know, screw Erik for doing that to us. Usually the guys I am a fan of know when to quit, and it looked like Morales would be the same way, when he retired after "losing" to that scrub David Diaz. Now he´s back and I haven´t been able to sit through a full Morales fight, because it was so bad. Yet somehow you still think he´ll turn back the time. Fuckin mind tricks. :blackcloud:
Dude, FUCK YOU for Bringing REED's Name into ANYTHING...YOU'RE the LAME Fuck that Waited Until REED Made his Picks, Before Throwing Out Some DESPERATION BULLSHIT, that Panned Out for your Sorry, LUCKY Ass... REED Made his Picks HONESTLY, @ Around NOON Today, American, Central Standard Time...If ANY Fights had Transpired, REED was OBLIVIOUS to it... REED:boohoo:
Do what U Wish, Brother Hut...REED DOMINATED this Fucking Contest Anyways, Until El Terrible's LUCKY Ass BULLSHIT...Disregard REED's ENTIRE Posting from this Week, for All he Cares...Shit WON'T Matter... REED DID NOT Cheat & was GENUINELY UNAWARE of ANY Results @ the Time of his Picks Being Posted...But Since Motherfuckers R Getting MENSTRUAL Over the Shit, Fuck It...Disregard REED's ENTIRE Week...That Way, WHEN REED Wins the Shit Anyways, NOBODY Can Say SHIT... REED:wack:
I"ve taken other people's word, including both Mex and El T, & I'll do the same here. I'll collate the scores soon. I'm gonna have to start actually watching some footage of the fighters involved before making picks. I don't like all these non-marque fights being included, tbh.
Hey REED, I take it back, because I didn't realise I might have made my picks AFTER the fight had happened. I didn't realise, I actually made ALL my picks at the same time, including Saturday's. I thought I saw your pick change from Hasegawa to Gonzalez. Like I said, to stop this kind of accusations in the future, let's abolish post editing. Make it so not only is cheating not possible, but you can't even get ACCUSED of it.
It's Cool, Brother Mex...REED Got Caught Up in the Heat of the Moment & Overreacted a Bit...REED Could've Simply Said he Didn't Cheat & Left it @ That...REED HADN'T Made ANY Picks @ All for the Week, Until Saturday Afternoon... & REED is SERIOUS about Hut Disregarding his Score for this Week, to Remove ANY Doubt...There's Quite a Few Fights this Quarter, so REED'll Make it Up Anyways... REED:kidcool:
Cool, that's pretty much what happened with me, only I made mine on Friday, before that I only had my double Gamboa pick. ElTerrible is sure I also hadn't made my picks BEFORE the fight happened, if that is true, I also didn't know. I tend to like picking at the last minute too, often on the day of the fight, there have been a couple of other times where I have picked a fight after it's happened (like Sturm V Hearns etc). But as I said, perhaps we should change this whole post editing thing so to make sure there are no cheating accusations.
I'm in agreement with this - to a point. The two changes I would recommend: - The cutoff for a prediction is the day before a fight (especially to avoid overseas conflicts) - any changes should be submitted to Hut-Hut or a moderator, who should be the only ones allowed to edit a prediction post. Honestly, this is why I do all of my picks in advance. If I make a change, it's usually because Hut-Hut added a fight and I have to add to my original post, and I'll try to specify the reason in the edit section.
did we ever get a ruling on what took place over the weekend, and if any changes are going to be made to prevent it?
Right chaps, quarterly table is added. The whole Hasegawa-Gonzalez thing was just too much of a mess to deal with - that fights been struck from the record. Apologies to REED who would have been the major beneficiary from that fight but given the various people who missed that fight coupled with the number of late submissions I just thought it would have tainted the tournament down the line if it was decided by the huge differences that would have created. I dunno.....if REED has major objections maybe we can open that up to discussion, but it's all a bit of a dogs dinner. I'll add the full table soon, but I have the flu and it's a lower priority than groaning in the fetal position right now. THE CELTIC FOOTBALL CLUB
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So sifting through the thread noticing that I'm the only one that made a pick for Steiglitz fight... until I saw in the original post that the fight was since removed? When did this happen and why was nothing posted about it, in either thread? The last posts I saw in the feedback thread were ElTerrible specifying the original fight was altered due to one opponent pulling out, and another being inserted a day or two later. Hut*Hut, I can't lie - this is getting extremely frustrating.
As I remember, the Steiglitz fight was removed when Sartison withdrew as the opponent, but all additions/subtractions took place within about 24 hours of the this thread being posted as people were still signing up. Given the amount of chops and changes that were made in that period, I just assumed you'd have kept tabs on it for as long as they were being made. I apologise I didn't PM you about that one. Concerning your extreme frustration, one fight being cancelled within the first 24hours of the thread being posted due to a call off hardly seemed like a panty twister. Did it take you 2 minutes to make that pick unnecessarily? 5? But if fights are to get added be sure I'll go out of my way to make everyone will know.
Now, Jake... The guy's become an embarrassment. He's embarrassin' me with certain people, and I'm lookin' very bad.
It's not just that fight... it's that, on top of what happened over the weekend... and there being so few guidelines in place. I initially didn't care about the Gonzalez-Hasegawa fight being tossed - I only lost 4 points out of the deal. But now it's two weeks in a row where I'm losing points and being penalized for being proficient (partly for my own doing, but also to make things easier on you), while others benefit from playing last card Charlie and exploiting the lack of rules and guidelines. Not trying to sound ungrateful - I appreciate the fact that you take the time to run this league, and yes you've been very good about keeping people informed when fights are added, no question. But I'm just not a fan of this format.
(paraphrasing) You know, it's hard to explain, Irish. I respect Hut. I mean, I don't even say hello to anybody. You know, I talk to Hut, I like Hut. It's just that, when I get something on my mind, you know, I got a hard head, I like to do things my own way. I mean, Jesus Christ could come off the cross some time I don't give a fuck. I'm gonna do what I want to do. I want to win this contest on my own, you know. I think I can make it on my own.