Exactly. I'd never photoshop a picture of anybody's wife or kid. I got ethics, man!!! I got morals!!! :bears:
Well, there we have it, straight from the hors....Hanz's mouth. Godfather, that pretty much eradicates all your excuses. Post her pic or ban yourself forever. Your choice.
The last line blows any credibility of your "argument." What was your point. That I am a dickhead to you and Petre? Two asshole that have been a dickhead to me. Great, I agree. I'm an asshole to people who are assholes to me. The difference between me being on here drunk or sober is that when I'm sober I don't really think it's worth my time to argue with people on here. When I am drunk and log on after a night out I think it's fun to argue with people and talk shit. I said shit to you when I was drunk but that doesn't mean I'm sorry for it or regret it. I don't give a shit about you. You could be married to a hot model or a Ron Jeremy looking man and it wouldn't change my life at all. The same goes for Petre. So if I hurt his or your feelings, I don't care. :boohoo:
Just clarifying that you lied when you wrote that all you said was my wife looked like some kind of Elvira. You obviously said way more than that. No feelings hurt, just proving you a liar. Thanks.
I told you Hanzy. That shit cost way more than you said. but i paid the difference no problem. It was a beautiful poster and it looks great in your house
:boohoo: And I already proved that you're a liar and full of shit. :notallthere: Remember when you were ready to sentence me to a public hanging for using the word "hick." And you said I deserved to be racially slurred because I used that word and then i found posts where you were calling people hicks. You actually went through the motions of making it a RULE not to call people hicks and rednecks. Okay, Mr. Moderator, why don't you go and read the NFL playoff thread and see how many people respected your RULE you made up just for me. How many people called Brett Favre or Peyton Manning or both a hick or a redneck. Way to enforce the rules, Anthony!!!! :bears:
How am i a liar? I told you not to use the word. Its agaisnt the rules. I didnt ban you. Stop being a little bitch. When i said the word, it wasnt against the rules. I didnt realize the word bothered people here. I got a number of PMs from people who told me they were offended by the word. So we added it to the list of offensive words. As far as what is in the NFL thread have you ever once complained? Im not the only Moderator here. We cant see everything. Fact of the matter is you said you were drunk when talking shit about Petre's wife. Trying to justify your disgustingness. When i brought up that you said the same shit about mine, you call me a liar. Now i prove that you said the same shit about mine, and you want to deflect. Dont defelct. Be a man. Quite simple, you are an angry drunk racist. When someone pisses you off, you combat it with racism. Nobody on this board has used more racist slurs on this board than you. You want to attack me, go ahead, i will attack right back and trust me i have more ammunition. This board is full of archieved posts that have you making an ass out of yourself. And the funny thing is that you dont seem to remember none of it. Whether its true or not, i believe you shoud stick to banging smelly, fat, homeless women in the public toilet. Screaming at the top of your lungs how you feel so alive.
There you go making up your little stories about me. At least this time you didn't dig deep into smacktalk to see where I retaliated against someone who was racially slurring me to prove I was some 'racist.' You've made up shit theories about me before when I put your back up against the wall. Let's stick to actual facts here. Your moderating was SO FAR OUT OF LINE during that incident that one of the new owners of the site actually resigned his position of moderator rather than be your fellow moderator. FACT. The world "hick" had been WIDELY used by fightbeat posters of all races without complaint. I used the search engine to prove that was true, FACT. YOU had called people "hicks". FACT! You say when you used the word "hick" it was still within the rules, and when I used it was within the rules as well, dumbfuck. You made it a rule only after I used it. FACT. When you all of the sudden made up new rules to accomidate your fellow mod, I called you on it and you acted like it was going to be the law of the land from here on out. A shitload of people in the NFL playoffs thread SHIT ALL OVER your new rule and you did NOTHING about it. FACT. Once again your judgement has been proven to absolute garbage as it always has been, Anthony. The new owners deciding to keep you on as a mod is the equivalent of Obama taking office and immediately installing Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defense again. You were DEFINITELY part of the problem with the dying fightbeat and as long as you'e in a position of 'power' you'll be a detriment to this site. FACT. Now go make up some more stories about me.
I have NEVER been banned for racism. Not on secondsout, not on boxingfanatics, not on fightbeat, not on Kronk. Not on any site I have ever posted on. Anthony was banned for racism and he has posted videos of himself driving around Burbank talking shit about Mexicans and Armeniens. And how they don't belong in his new adopted hometown. He has stated in posts that he hates living around Mexicans and he would be embarrassed to be Mexican. Imagine some asshole being a big enough douchebag to not only say this but VIDEOTAPE himself saying it like he thinks this is cool. :notallthere:
I don't tolerate racism of any kind. I hate racists! That's why I can barely tolerate 99% of the guys on this board who are closet racists. Yet most of these dipsh*ts want me to come have a beer with them. ::
Nope. You are pathetic. I was banned because i changed my name to Stinger and Karl cried to cupey who told me to change it. I told him to fuck off and he banned me. Keep up the lies. Fact of the matter is that you have said more racist shit on this board than anyone. All i ever said on my video was that there are too many amenians and mexicans in Cali. :dunno: Even you admitted that wasnt racist.
Well, when I was using the search engine I found a post about you complaining about being banned for racism. You could have been lying about that OR lying about it now. Doesn't matter to me. You're a known liar and let the lying continue. :hammert:
I await the day when this wannabe Italian mafia, Puerto Rican fuck has the balls to TRY to dispute these facts. Instead of just slandering me with ridiculous claims.
I dont care who was racist with you. I am not addressing them. You retaliated with Racism. And you go well and beyond what anyone says on here. You verbal attacks are so full of hatred its ridiculous If that were true, why hasnt this same moderator (Buddy Rydell) try to change things now that he has the power? I mod the same way when Buddy was Mod as i do now that buddy is the owner. Buddy's main problem was with another mod on here. and that Mod is still a mod so :: False. I got about 8 different PMs from people who complained about the word. I didnt realize it was offensive. Hell i still think its not that bad, but a few of our diehard members had concerns and we made the rules for them. Show me. If you are right. I will apologize. I actually made the new rules to accommodate a bunch of people. one of them was actually Buddy Rydell himself. Buddy left because the rules of Racism were very relaxed here. If someone was racist, we would normally must move it to the smacktalk forum. Buddy didnt like that. When we removed his mod status, i thought to myself maybe Buddy is right. Maybe we should tweek the rules some. So i did what i did. I dont go into the NFL thread. We have other mods that can go in there. If nobody is reporting the posts, how am to know what is going on in there? You cry when people racially attack you. Yet you have no problem doing it. Anyone anytime mentions anything about your race, you become the biggest bitch this side of the world. I make stricker rules and you dont like it. Here is a Fact. You are the only one that has a problem with me as a mod. You are mad because i call you out on your racism. Thats it. You are mad because i remind you of your drunken racial rants and throw them back into your ugly face. Nobody else seems to have an issue. What does that tell you? Im sorry that you are so unhappy here. Shit is not that serious
Guys, I don't want to be in the middle on this one. I pushed for more stringent rules? Yes. I had a problem with a mod? Yes. Did I step down? Yes. Have more stringent rules been posted? Yes. Has that problem been resolved? As far as I know, yes. Everyone has to remember that this forum should not need to be patrolled. It was bought so that it could be kept open for boxing and MMA fans. You are all responsible for your posts, so if someone has a problem with moderation, they should be posting specific examples. It's not hard to do. When I see someone like Tamtam, Azazel, or whoever saying the place is poorly moderated or whatever, but they don't send the mods specific examples, then they are clearly more interested in bitching than in actually wanting the forum kept clean. Beside each post in each thread is a little number in the top right hand corner. Click that number and a new window pops up with the exact URL of that post. COPY the URL and PM it to a mod or owner. If you don't do that while continuing to complain, then really you have nothing to complain about. Mods can't read every thread. I know I can't.