Antony, er, uh, Antonio, you're a fucking joke. All you've done in this battle with me is make up ridiculous bullshit about me when confronted about the facts of your shit moderating. In case you have lived under a rock lately, here's the deal. This guy named Jeff Foxworthy has been calling himself a redneck and telling other people they might be a redneck if they do x, y, and z. This is a well known routine in America and is considered G-rated comedy compared to what else is out there. Believe it or not, white people aren't running into the streets yelling racial slurs and going crazy upon hearing his "redneck' jokes. Yet in 2009 you were here telling me that if I use a word like that, YOU AS A MODERATOR will allow me to be racially slurred at will for using a word like hick or rednceck. You yourself used these words and even after you went through the motions of making these NEW LAWS, NO ONE respected them and as I have pointed out many times you have NOTHING to anyone else. Great moderating skills AGAIN. Make rules for ONE POSTER and don't enforce them ever again. That's a BITCH MOVE 100%. I alerted you to the NFL thread ONE WEEK AGO. What action have you taken since then?? Are you going to arrange that everyone there be racially slurred at will for committing the great crime that I did? YOU'RE A FUCKING JOKE, ANTONIO!!! Stop pretending you're Italian with all the avatars and nicknames too. You're a nappy headed, fishlipped Puerto Rican scumbag who's been in L.A. six months and complaining there are too many Mexicans and Armenians there.
One more thing, Antonio, I have NEVER been offended by anything racial here but have been offended on how the board is moderated many times. For the eight years I've been on fightebeat it has always been poorly moderated, it has always had double standards when it comes to racim, and it has a track record of picking the worst posters with checkered pasts to somehow become moderators. When this site was bought by new owners, I thought that a long awaited change might be around the corner. It seems now that it's going to be business as usual. Shit moderating, double standards all around. Go on fightbeat, go on!
I'm not one to complain at all but I got banned by TFK about 3 times now for what he claims; spamming the MMA board with vulgarity. And then he outright is doing the same thing towards the now banned Alabama Man and making disgusting remarks towards the dude's girlfriend who is innocent of any wrongdoing. So again, double standards! A moderator is banning a member for spamming and yet that same moderator is doing the exact same thing.:laughing:
Well, I've had beef with TFK in th past, no beef now, BUT Godfather doesn't say shit about TFK, his fellow moderator, going after Alabama man's GF for nine year in every way, slagging her looks, slagging her body, making disabled comments about her, yet calls me calling Petre's wife a cunt "disgusting." More twisted logic from the dying fightbeat staff. Another rule for you, but not for them example from the old fightbeat moderators. This was the Cheney-Rumsfeld team. This was the losing staff when so many people turned away from fightbeat and moved on to more progressive boxing sites. It's disappointing that the new ownership has bought the site and decided that moving forward is not an option and that the same old shit is what we're going to keep on getting. :shit:
Comedians Paul Mooney, Chirs Rock, Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor call people the N word and refers to himself as such. Does that make it ok for you to say it too? Shut the fuck up with that Stupid analogy. You are too drunk to think right now. I did? Show me. There tons of NFL threads. Im not going to go searching. If someone has an issue, they can complain, like they did with you, and i will act. There are also other mods here that you can cry like a bitch at. Full blood Puerto Rican. But like the movie The Godfather. I dont think im Italian nor would i even want to be. That is why i changed my name at boxingfanatics. There is an actual motherfucker over there who thinks he is the Actual godfather. I dont want to be confused what that crazy individual. oh and I have lived in Los Angeles since 2001.
You have been offended plenty of times. You are the biggest crybaby on this board. Myself and other mods on here have laughed at how much of a sensative bitch you are. :: I said there were too many Mexicans in Cali and you still cry about it. Imagine if someone said something worse to you? Fuck off loser ::
So let me het this straight. You had EIGHT PM's complaining about the word "hick", yet NO ONE on fightbeat complained about the NFL playoff thread where every other post called Favre (or sometimes Manning) a "hick." Dude, we only have about 25 regular posters. Those numbers don't add up. :notallthere:
It might be the way you actually used the word compared to how its being used in the NFL thread. What i dont understand is why are you so angry you cant use the word? Its almost like it hurts you. You are suppose to be some smart guy right? Find another word to describe someone.
It's "sensitive", immigrant. If I go to New Orleans it would be easy for me to assume there are 'too many blacks' in that city. It would be a whole other issue if i said it aloud (which I never would). Then a completely new plateu of ignorance altogether if I taped myself proclaimng that. I can't imagine posting a video of myself driving around like a cunt and saying there are too many blacks in New Orleans without cringing. You're a cunt, Antonio! A nappy haired cunt with big pussy lips.
Please. Im sure you have said worse things about black people when you are in your car. You have said some HORRIBLE things about black people right here on this forum. The problem with you have is that you are sensative. You being sensative, completely stops your brain from thinking clearly. You think saying there are too many mexicans is racist. How so? When i bought my house, i noticed there were too many trees in the backyard. Does that mean i hate trees? I will say this. In fact, i have said it before on here, but fuck it. I will say it again, since you brought this up. AGAIN. When i came to California I HATED mexicans. HATED them. Not for any reason other than that is how i was raised. Me being puerto rican, raised in the bronx, you just automatically hate mexicans and Dominicans. So anyways i came here and just kept to myself really. But slowly i started realizing that Mexicans arent as bad as i was lead to believe. In fact, Mexicans were just fine with me. I have never seen a group of people that work harder than mexicans. And not just work harder, but do work well. They put a certain pride in everything they do. Whether its being a doctor, a carpenter or even selling things on the streets. They dont ask for handouts. They sell shit. They work. I am proud to say that i am friends with Many mexicans. My image of them has completley been shattered. Now saying all that, still doesnt mean i cant say there are too many in Cali. Its not offensive at all. You want to take it as an insult go ahead. I know what it is. You are probably the only mexican i dont get along with on this board. Go figure.
You had EIGHT PEOPLE PM you complaining about the word "hick" on this board and I have NEVER complained to a mod about anything and somehow I'm the biggest crybaby. Antonio, your fantasy about me being the biggest racist on this site is just some fantasy. How many people have been banned for racism? Dozens, maybe a hundred. I have NEVER been banned. I have never even been close to being banned for racism. How does that add up? LOL! The mods just missed me all these years? No one noticed when I was saying all the things you accuse me of? Nice try, Antonio. You're not even close as usual. :notallthere:
I have posted your racist ramblings on this board many times. Your logic is flawed. If someone comes on the main forum and says ONE thing racist and gets banned for it, but you say 100 things racist in the smacktalk forum where its safe and never get banned for it, who is more racist? You wait until its safe until you can spout your racist bullshit. For Example: Once in the smacktalk forum you are safe and free to say whatever you want. And usually its racist.
Let me lighten the mood with this classic from MJ!!! :bears: <object width="480" height="385"> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></object>
Great voice, great stage-presence/charisma/talent and a great song! "Oh Baby, Give Me One More Chaaaaaaaaaaaaance........!!!!!" :bears: It just sticks with you when you listen to it a few times. I really wish he'd stayed in his "Off The Wall and Thriller" period before all the problems began with drugs and stuff.
I guess the vision of his head burning on that commercial told the story. I hear that's when he got hooked on the painkillers. Phenomenal talent.
And what I said is correct. I hate racism and bigotry. I always have. Yet in that guy's case, after what he's said to me over the years it wouldn't break my heart to see him taken out. What does that prove? Nothing. YOU decided to move threads where people were slurring me in TAAA to smacktalk and now you go and try and fish out my responses once it was moved. Keep trying, Antonio. Your system of moderating has been exposed. You're the king of making up a set of rules for one specific poster and never enforcing those rules again when they're broken time and time again by everyone else. :shit:
I don't know how anyone can sit by and let Godfather, a supposed admin here, slander me with one falsehood after another. According to him I am sitting and waiting in smacktalk so I can spout racial slurs. Nonsense. I was AGAINST racism even being allowed in smacktalk. When the last thing maverick went down, he talked about killing my family and called me racial slurs in TAAA, I purposely did not respond so that the mods could take care of the issue. Their idea of taking care of the issue was simply moving it to smacktalk. So I'm supposed to take abuse in TAAA that I know was against the rules and not say anything back to anyone at all. When I finally do and it's supposedly in an anything goes forums, that is to be used as PROOF that i'm a racist. nevermind what has been said to me up to that point. Nevermind that the moderators failed BIG TIME in doing what they were supposed to do. Also, one of Godfather's tactics as an admin has been "You did it so I let others do it to you." he's wrong in the first place but what the hell kind of logic is that to be running this website by? You broke the rules and I will allow everyone who wants to to break the rules if it's directed at you. That's what he said.
Well, I pointed out a SHITLOAD of facts about how thiis website has been run that last year or so. Godfather could not dispute the facts so he has made a list of ridiculous claims against me. I don't remember the last time I logged in and checked on smacktalk but according to his latest claim I am lying in wait to racially attack anyone who enters the anything goes forum. The number of people I have racially attacked who did not attack me first sits at zero. I have been posting with some of these guys for over eleven years now. I have NEVER been banned for racism of any kind. NEVER. Not only that but as Buddy Rydell can tell you when we had trouble with a poster on another website thant many of us posted in being adamantly anti-black a few years ago and going unchecked while saying some serious things about black people, things I won't repeat, I was one of the more vocal members for the mods to get him the fuck out of there. The things Godfather is saying don't add up and he's saying it because the truth is coming out about the way he has run this place.
I never said this. When you made this statement before, i asked you to prove this statement. I will ask again.
I asked you directly how do you allow another mod to say racial slurs that were not allowed toward me and your response was "no one has made more racial slurs than you." So your point was even if someone else was breaking rules it was okay with you because in your opinion I had too.
We spoke in chat yesterday. I asked you to provide proof of these racial slurs from mods. Im still waiting for these.