I was going to ask you how you felt about his Hun nature, in fairness, he seems apolitical, and if McGuigan is his manager then......
Might be half midnight at this rate. Thank fuck I never bothered with the pub, i'd end up turfed out for the 7th round
:: :: If it was half as good a fight as I feel it might be, you, the landlord and the patrons might all find yourself in breach of the Licensing Laws, you would be finishing up when the fight ended and no sooner. PS.....it might not go 7
Nah....and he's probably looking for a piece of the Southern market.....his tats probably say something like "Framps Loves Maggie" or some shit.
Aye, I reckon half twelve now. Glad I stayed at home with some beers to watch rather than going out. 14 snakeys in and getting very excited... MTF :love:
Love this time of night. Just before big fight time. The excitement is almost as good as the fight itself... MTF
Brown Ale makes me fight like a mother fucker. Real ales around here are rubbish. Sticking to happy juice for tonight. MTF :love:
I was taking the mickey out of Glenn McCrory, who was telling us about Gwillermo and Rigonday, who, in a way, happen to be the same person. :doh: