1 American, 1 Canadian and 1 British judge If it goes the distance, the Brit will vote for Canada, the Canadian will vote for Britain, and the American will give it to Holyfield.
I believe there's a rematch in canada regardless of the outcome...no? Seems dubious especially if bute wins. Cant see how beating froch twice helps him when we know Ward handled froch handily
Close round, I hope the crowd doesn't sway it, both men landed clean in that round. I hope Carl doesn't stink it with elbows and rushes.
Froch is trying emulate Hops and move right against the south paw then nearly falling over his feet every time he punches :: This is gonna be a good fight. I see a KO for sure
Froch is a sucker for the left hand from Bute....SOMEBODY is getting KO'ed. Both their defense are SHIT...but both like TO FIGHT...and can ONLY fight/brawl..neither one can box the other...
Frock wins round 1, and Boot's speed is ridiculously overrated. Frock is slow, and Boot doesn't look hugely faster. Ward is much faster, as is everyone's favourite super middle, Calzaghe.
There is no speed differential between these at all. None. Bute's so called speed is a load of shit. MTF
Froch won the 2nd half of the 2nd, but I gave the 1st half to Bute. Close fight. Commentary really sucking on Frochs appendage right now.
If he's moving right against Bute, the KO punch is likely to come from Bute. By default, you move left against a southpaw. That's why they invariably move right against a righty. To do otherwise leaves you looking like Tito vs Winky. There are exceptions, of course, but they are exceptions.
Either Bute is tight right now, or his speed is far less than it seemed to be against his generally third-rate opposition either way, this is a fun brawl we are watching