Sport "We" Love???... You're Making Lame, SWEEPING Ass Judgements, Based on the Actions of 2 Men, Regarding the Sport "We" Love???..."Overrated Boxing"???..."Gap btwn MMA Stand Up and Boxing Is Not as Huge...." You Seem GIDDY About This, Like YOU PERSONALLY Won Something....So it's Disingenuous AF When You Use the Words "We Love", Sorry.... 1st of All, PRIOR to the Fight, it was UNDERSTOOD Francis Ngannou was THE Hardest Puncher in MMA History...Soooo, Unless You're Expecting EVERY MMA Guy to Bring THAT Level of Power w/Them to a Boxing Match, Stating There ISN'T a Sizable Gap btwn MMA Stand Up and Boxing is Among the DUMBER Things You've Posted On Fightbeat...Frankly, You're Racking Up an IMPRESSIVE List of Idiocy in an Amazingly SHORT Period of Time... The "Gap" btwn Ngannou's MMA Stand Up and Fury's Boxing Indeed WAS NOT Huge, Due to the FACT Ngannou's Power TRANSFERRED To Boxing (Which REED Admittedly DOUBTED Would Happen), He BELIEVED In His Ability to Handle ANY of Fury's Incoming, So He Decided to PUNCH When Fury Punched...Francis Was Willing to ENGAGE In Punching Exchanges and he Got the BETTER of Them... But in NOfuckingWAY Should This Be Treated as a Case Study on MMA Stand Up vs. Boxing, Like You're TRYING to Make It...Not Unless You're Copy and Pasting Ngannou's POWER and CHIN Onto EVERY MMAist Who Steps in a Boxing Ring, Forthwith... 2nd, Ngannou was Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar STRONGER Than Anyone REED's Seen Fury in the Ring w/...Fury OWNED Wilder in the Clinch, Like a Grizzly Bear vs. an Elementary School Child...But Not Only Could Fury NOT Do This w/Ngannou, He was OUTFOUGHT on the Inside, Flat Out PUSHED Around the Ring at Times...Fury was Even CUT w/a Right Uppercut in the Clinch...Fury's Usually Taller, Bigger AND Stronger...Tonight he was Merely TALLER... Francis Ngannou was WILDLY Successful vs Tyson Fury...MMA WAS NOT Wildly Successful vs. Boxing, So Please STOP Selling it as Such...If You Want to Say Tyson Fury is/was Overrated, Have @ It, But Tyson Fury AIN'T "Boxing" Proper... REED ps. McGregor Never Fought the "Greatest Defensive Fighter of This Generation", Sorry...Hell, it's Doubtful Canelo Did...That was the '07ish Version of Floyd...Canelo Didn't Fight Floyd Until 2013 and McGregor Got His Chance 4 Years AFTER Canelo Did....If "We" REALLY Loooooooooooved Boxing, REED Wouldn't Have to Remind You of Such...
Ngannou looked MUCH better than I ever expected. He's definitely a solid pressure boxer with a good chin, power and cardio.
REED COMPLETELY Underestimated Dude's Power in BOXING Gloves & Will Serve HIMSELF Some Crow In His Post-Fight Video... What's Scary is Ngannou Actually Grazed Fury's SHOULDER Prior to Landing the Left Hook to Fury's Head...The Shot Ricocheted from Shoulder to Head, Taking SOME of the Power Off it, Undeniably...Had He Hit Fury CLEAN w/the Counter Left Hook.....??? REED
Never thought Fury would actually manage to sink this low in ruining his reputation once again. But props to Ngannou for actually training and looking like a pro boxer.
LeBron on Facebook: This is why I don't watch boxing! Oh shut the fuck up and go win another championship in a Covid bubble, bitch ass. Worry less about boxing and more about why those kids are epically failing out at that fuckin bullshit school you built, juice head.
I admit I didn't have a chance to watch your YT video on this fight so I don't know what your stance was before the fight started. But based on the responses to your video I'm going to assume you gave Ngannou zero chance of winning like 99% of the posters in this forum. And that's because most boxing fans are casuals in MMA. I knew going in Ngannou could punch like a mule kick, I knew he had a chin and was awkward. Now here is the crazy part. An MMA guy with zero boxing experience was able to out box the boxer. But not just any boxer the MTF linear heavyweight champion. You would have an argument that this is some isolated incident if let's say Ngannou had knocked out Fury with a lucky punch. But Ngannou not only showed power but actually won a decision in my opinion outboxes Fury despite of what the judges said. In a way I am giddy about it because arrogant boxing fans gave the MMA fighter no chance. This fight most definitely showed that either MMA strikers are getting better or Boxing is getting worse.
Just imagine how embarrassed all the old boxing greats must have felt seeing their sport tarnished like that.
Ngannou just became generational wealthy outside the UFC… the world is his oyster …, if he’s staying in boxing he set the bar he can’t fight some average Joe…so it’s rematch vs Fury, fight vs Usyk or Wilder. Let’s see what the consequences of this fight/outcome brings….it can be that the fans pressure leads to an immediate rematch. Fury has been hostile at giving the fans what they want….and if he actually trained & put in the work for this fight…I doubt he would want to jump into it again…he might not even fight Usyk deciding to take the winter season off. That’s when Usyk jump into the Ngannou sweepstake….
What's even sadder is that Fury will beat Usyk, Joshua and any other contender boxing has to offer. Who's going to be the face of the heavy weights once fury is gone? Usyk a blown up cruiser? Pathetic.
Uuuuuh, Every MMA Striker AIN'T Francis Ngannou, Nor is Every Boxer Tyson Fury.... If EVERY MMA Guy is Bringing Ngannou's Power, Chin and Strength WITH Them to Boxing, THEN You'd Have a Valid Point, but as Is You're REACHING...Desperately, REED Might Add...And You're Giddy Because CLEARLY, You're More of an MMA Guy, Which Makes Your "Sport WE Love" Comment as OFFBASE as Most Fury-Ngannou Pre-Fight Predictions Were... Based on YOUR Logic, We Shouldn't Expect a Sizable Gap in the MMA Stand Up of Israel Adesanya, Sean Strickland or Gamebred Masvidal vs Canelo Alvarez's Boxing, Right???...You LITERALLY Sound Like a 5'2 Italian Who Watched Sylvester Stallone Beat People Up In a Motion Picture, EXPECTING That to Automatically Catapult EVERY Italian to Boxing Success... Francis Ngannou Had Success Against a BOXER Named Tyson Fury; He Didn't Have Success Against "BOXING" Proper, No Matter WHAT Trolling Lengths You Stoop Too, Stating Otherwise... REED
Ngannous physical strength bothered fury. This wasn't a 215lb wilder in there who he could lean on and push around.
I was kinda leery of this being an embarrassment to boxing but heavyweight boxing is treated separately and I make that clear with everyone who asks boxing related shit
Hey I get your point. not every MMA striker can replicate Francis Ngannou's power and chin. And you're right we can expect a sizable gap in the MMA stand-up game of fighters like Israel Adesanya, Sean Strickland, or Gamebred Masvidal compared to Canelo Alvarez's boxing. It's a whole different ballgame. It's not just this fight let's not forget the other instances where MMA fighters showcased their ability to hold their own in boxing. 1) Chavez vs. Silva...Silva did win that fight, showing that MMA fighters can hold their own. 2) Paulie Malignaggi vs. Artem Lobov - Paulie while never an elite boxer, he was a former boxing world champion. Despite the hype and trash talk Artem held his own and won a decision, proving that MMA fighters can beat boxers. 2. Conor McGregor vs. Floyd Mayweather -While Conor may not have won he certainly impressed with his underrated boxing skills, going several rounds with one of the greatest boxers of all time. These examples remind us that MMA fighters can excel in the boxing ring too. While Ngannou's success against Tyson Fury was a unique scenario, it's still fascinating to see MMA fighters test their boxing skills in the ring. Proving that these MMA vs Boxers events are not complete mismatches. It doesn't mean they'd automatically succeed in the world of boxing, but it's fun to watch them try.
Funny How Referencing Your HERO Helps You SEE Things More Clearly...."Boxing is Overrated"..."There ISN'T a Sizable Gap in MMA Stand Up and Boxing"....UNLESS It's Canelo Alvarez Doing the Boxing...THEN, "It's a Different Ballgame"...Got It!!! 1. Chavez Jr. NEVER Boxed Until Turning Pro....NO Ammy Background Whatsoever, Unless Riding His Daddy's Coattails Somehow Counts...Anderson Silva Had Sanctioned BOXING Matches PRIOR to Chavez Jr...Swing & a Miss... 2. Paulie vs Artem was a BARE KNUCKLE Fight...A PILLOW Fisted Boxer w/CHRONIC Hand Issues, Throwing Hands w/NO Padding On Them???...Piss Poor Example....Strike 2.... 3. As REED Stated Earlier, Even Canelo DIDN'T Face Floyd @ His Best, Despite LOSING 10-2...And McGregor Fought Floyd 4 Years AFTER Canelo Did...The Fact You Keep ATTEMPTING to Present This as Even a FACSIMILE of a Prime Floyd Mayweather is Something ONLY an MMA Fan Would Do....Nonetheless, Floyd Still Managed to STOP McGregor, Something Floyd HADN'T Done in 7 Fights to That Point....3 Strikes, You're OUT!!!.... You Conveniently FAILED to Mention Ray Mercer WIPING His Ass w/Tim Sylvia, a Former UFC Heavyweight Champion, IN AN OCTAGON...Or Jake Paul w/His Cliff's Notes Boxing Education, OWNING MMAist After MMAist in Boxing Matches... You're More of an MMA Guy; Cool...But SPARE Fightbeat Your Chest Bumping Dude...It's LAME AF... REED
No wonder you're pissed off at my post just watched your video. You were wayyyyyyyy off on your prediction. And I quote"he might land 1 or 2 punches and I doubt even that". And I'm the casual. At least own up to your stupidity. You totally underestimated Ngannou gave him no respect. You were arrogant with your prediction. Now eat your crow and stfu.
You ARE the Casual.... By Your OWN Admission, You're Fucking GIDDY, Moist btwn Your Fucking Legs On Some US vs THEM, Boxing vs MMA Shit...On a BOXING Messageboard, Pathetically TROLLING for Conversation...Is Your Life THAT Miserable; You Have to Log Onto Fightbeat w/the Sole Purpose of Being an ASSHOLE, Just to Bring Attention to Yourself???... REED's ALREADY Copped to Where He was Wrong, DIPSHIT...Even Stated He'd Serve HIMSELF Crow in His Next Video...But You've Conveniently Overlooked That, Just as You Conveniently Overlooked How REED Pimped YOUR Casual Ass into BACKTRACKING, By Bringing Your Freckled, Ginger Hero Into the Discussion...Canelo > MMA > Boxing...Does REED have the Order Correct???... Why Don't YOU Shut the Fuck Up or Better Yet, Find an MMA Site to Cheerlead and Circle Jerk the Night Away On....Because "WE LOVE" Boxing Over Here @ Fightbeat, Lame, Trolling Ass Motherfucker...Hopefully X Returns Your Bitchass to the TRASH Heap He Found You In... 5'2, 250lb Ass...REED Diarrhea SHAT Upon EVERY Point You've Made & Even Your Attempt @ Moving the Goalposts Has FAILED...MISERABLY.... REED's Got Time Tonight Though, if You Want to Continue EMBARRASSING Yourself... REED
I watched the highlights and thought if they were the best bits it must have been horrible, fat juggling plodder cunt Fury vs useless brawler with a good chin Ngannou.
And While You're On Your Knees Performing MMA Fellatio, Ask Yourself WHY the Biggest Names in MMA Have to BOX to Get their Biggest Career Purses???...Where Does THAT Fact Rank in the "Boxing vs MMA" Debate???.... McGregor Cashed Out vs Floyd and Basically LOST INTEREST in MMA...He'll Fight Here and There, Then Sit Out YEARS At a Time...Ngannou Just Received His Highest Combative Sports Purse EVER...You Think Dana White Doesn't Want a Do-Over for LOWBALLING Ngannou, Basically Forcing Him OUT of UFC???... Fuck Outta Here Troll...REED Ain't the One... REED
I'm not even that much of an MMA fan to be honest. Don't try to turn this into the MMA vs Boxing debate. All I said is that you undermined Ngannou. I said it after watching your video. How does stating facts make me a troll when I have given you likes and compliments on some of your content. I say one thing you don't like and all of a sudden I'm a no good troll that should be kicked out of this forum? But hey you're entitled to your opinion. And if X feels like he needs to ban me I'm ok with that too. I won't lose any sleep over it. But I don't think I'm breaking any forum rules for giving my opinion even if it's not a popular one. I'm a sigma don't really give a Fuck either way.
YOU "Turned" It into Boxing vs MMA from Jump, So Don't Play INNOCENT Now... You Have a Knack for INSTIGATING Bullshit Unnecessarily...With Rican Posters, with Black Posters, Now, to the Surprise of NO ONE, You're Trolling Boxing Fans On Some GIDDY, CHILDISH MMA Shit...YOU Already Took Shit Down This Road Dude, So OWN It...& Get OUT of Your Feelings...REED Didn't Say SHIT about Banning Your LAME Ass...Fightbeat DOESN'T Roll That Way, Have No Fear... You're a TRASH Ass Poster and REED Said He Hoped X Returned You to the TRASH HEAP He Got You From, No MORE, No Less...No One's Crying for Your Banning, So DON'T Even Go There.... REED
Okay I guess I misunderstood what you meant. Don't really know what the trash heap is but ok. Fair enough I'm not petty enough to keep bickering about what's said in a boxing message board. And for the record I've got No quarrel with Puerto Ricans or Black posters so I'm not sure where that's coming from. My posting style may rub some people the wrong way but it's all smack talk. I don't think anyone can call me a racist and if it comes across that way it's not my intention. Some of my best friends are multi ethnic. Including blacks and Puerto Ricans.
I assume by the trash heap you mean the list of new members that are accepted in the forum? And is x part of the selection process? Hey I'm not entirely sure all this stuff works.
This is hilarious. UFC, rather than rivaling boxing as a sport, is now basically a feeder comp for boxing champions to cash out on when they get old.