Nice! Lets just say that I didnt watch my friends die face down in the muck so that this fucking strumpet... this fuckin WHORE could get away with murder scott free
yeah...earlier report says that witnesses at the resort said that it looked like his wife was getting him drunk on purpose and encouraging him to drink and that gatti was almost totally out of it...then they argued and wrestled and then he went home by himself now all of a sudden..gatti punched a security guard in the face and then was attacked by a mob of people? why wasnt that reported the first time? the story seems to be changing all the time...typical corruption IMO lets see what the coroner in quebec says about this
AP - Jul 31, 3:33 pm EDT Witnesses told police Gatti at one point picked up Rodrigues, who weighs about 100 pounds, by her chin with his right hand and tossed her to the ground. Saraiva said at that point a security guard for a local hotel intervened, only to be punched in the face by Gatti. A small crowd that had gathered around the scene grew angry, with some throwing stones and even a bicycle at the boxer, the police spokeswoman said. One stone hit Gatti in the back of the head, causing a wound that police originally said was caused by a small steak knife that was found near his body— and which police showed off to reporters the day after Gatti’s death. what a worthless human being. I love the fact that he was stoned by the angry crowd
Apparently, the doctor Gatti's family hired said the brazilian autopsy report was incomplete, they are also waiting for the toxicology report that will be done in Montreal...
It sounds as if this guy was a creep out of the ring, beating up on a little thing like that and punching the security guard that came to her rescue. The guard just doing his job perhaps may have saved her life from this thug if that account is proven to be true, and he deserves praise for his heroic actions by putting himself in harm's way as Gatti was so drunkenly violent, he may have killed the man as well. The crowd did the right thing if these witness accounts are indeed true. It sounds as if he had a pattern of abusing her as well judging by the restraining order she had put on him. The guy may have had brain damage considering the shots he took in there, but still no excuse for beating up a woman. If that account by the Brazilian police is the truth, no great loss to humanity here.
well getting stoned by a mob and having a bicycle thrown at you is the kinda thing that'll get you down.
Gatti's wife stands to inherit his fortune! Arturo Gatti's will was changed just three weeks before the ex-boxing champ died, his brother Fabrizio confirmed Sunday. "It's the truth," Gatti's brother said when asked during a brief phone call for confirmation of reports the former fighter had bequeathed everything to his wife, Amanda Rodrigues. Family friend and sports journalist Jeremy Filosa told The Canadian Press that on June 17, Gatti and Rodrigues changed the ex-boxer's will, leaving his full inheritance in her name. "Everything that Arturo Gatti owns - past, present and future - goes to his wife. Nothing goes to his children or mother or brothers or sisters," said Filosa. Gatti's widow was also named executor of his will and stands to receive $1 million from a life insurance policy, Filosa said, adding the family was made aware of the changes on Friday. ....................... :: Arturo Gatti = dumb motherfucker! :laughing: Must've been drunk as f*ck when signing this will! Fuck his life!
He must've started beating the f*ck out of her once he figured out the new Will which he signed. Giving her everything and nothing to his family. The bitch was a f*cking whore and a stripper! A piece of fish he found in a night club who's serviced hundreds of other men. He signed everything to her in his will only 3 weeks before he died.:dunno:
The bitch was bottom of the barrel trash. Basically a whore he found in some random sh*thole club! He signed everything over to her, not his mother or children or brothers/sisters. Stupid bastard he is! :atu: Seems like every boxer is a dumb f*ck for some reason. That's why they become boxers I guess! ::
Usually, life insurers don't pay in case of suicide. Especially when the contract was signed that close to the death.
There is a saying in Italian which in Gatti's memoryI will replicate here. Tira più un pelo di figa che un carro di buoi!!(or there abouts,I barely can put a sentence together in Italian anymore) A pussy hair can pull more weight than bulls. :::: I never understand guys who marry third worlders. I see it. Americna woman are worthless, basically underpaid whores. They don't cook, clean and don't know how to treat a man. However, when you think of the alternative they are better. This shanttytown trash robbed Gatti of his riches. Yeah, but she was exotic, whatever. What a chump. "Investigators conclude that any offspring derived from a biological and familial union between a Gatti and a Hilton has 0% of a chance in life. That's right. 0%."
Who are those guys? No one outside of the US even knows who they are. Globally, Gatti is as high profile as those fools... this particular case (Although few outside of the US have heard of Tom Brady) I was just making a point. Americans seem to think that their sports are GLOBAL sports, but they aren't necessarily. There are the odd crossover stars (Michael Jordan, Shaq, Magic Johnson etc) but for the most part a high profile boxer is globally more recognized than a basketball player or a NFL player (as for baseball and Hockey...forgettaboutit).