That's correct. Over here basketball is not a big sport and even I, as the most keen sports fan in Europe, wouldn't recognize his picture, but his name has been in sports news so often that several sports fans know him by name. I would assume that in Germany, Spain, Greece etc. basketball nations he is very well-known. I have also actually seen Brady's name somewhere, although I couldn't be sure if he plays football or baseball (I think he is a quarterback?). I am pretty sure that Gatti's name has never been mentioned in any media here apart from the news about his death, and even then it was "world champion boxer was found killed", the fact that it was Gatti was not newsworthy
And hockey is hugely popular in Russia, Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, etc.... if a famous hockey player was murdered, it would be a much bigger deal there than Arturo Gatti
Someone murders Borje Salming or Teemu Selanne, it's going to be in all the papers in those countries
who knows what really happened.... but the family and manager were going to hire an investigator until they said it wasn't a suicide
To be clear...I conceded that perhaps Gatti wasn't the best example (perhaps I wasn't clear in my follow up post) but I just wanted to remind Americans that stars from their sports are not as universally recognized as they'd like to think.
no one disputes that, but Gatti is nowhere near as well known as Lebron James and Tom Brady, even on a world level
Exactly. Keep going until you get the result you wanted. Here is how I look at it...Gatti was a dumb brick to begin with. Being concussed and beaten over the course of 15 years didn't make him any smarter. He was probably in the early stages of chronic neurological deterioration anyways. All his "wife" has to do is hang on in there, take advantage of his neurological decline, siphon off his funds and divorce him in due course, claiming physical and psychological mistreatment. The only reasons she would need him dead NOW is if some other 3rd parties were involved who wanted to get paid sooner rather than later