All of you people not giving Gracie a chance are going to be pissed come saturday night. Hughes isn't as strong as he think's he is(or you think he is)and his stand up skilles aren't the best and neither is his submissions. Hughes is good at holding people down and beating on them and Royce is good at submitting people that try to hold him down and beat on him:jester:
I agree with this. I mean Royce has dominated much bigger and stronger guys and with the extra height advantage over Matt (making him a lot harder to get a hold of) I think he'll do quite well. I think matt wins by UD though, in a very boring fight.
Royce getting his ass kicked by a little ole 143 pounder..........
im not saying severn is an all time great...i simply stated that gracie's win over dan severn was a damn good win....which it was dude....i used that as an example because hughes would never had been able to beat severn..especially severn from who fought from 94-96
and I'm saying that you saying Hughes could never beat Severn is a dumbass thing to even bring up.....Severn was a wrestler with NO submission background, and thats why Royce beat him....what the fuck does that have to do with Hughes???
royce has a SLIM chance...Like I said, Matt has been choked before...Hallman got him once (and armbarred him once), BJ got him, and like it or not, Carlos Newton got him....I just dont see it happening....Newtons ground game is just as good as Royce's, and Royce was a split second away from getting out of that hold
what does it have to do with Hughes? DONT ACT LIKE GRACIE IS SOME CHUMP...DUDE IS A PROVEN WINNER and has beaten fighters HUGHES WOULD NEVER BEAT ok anyhow...nice debate...lets wait and see what happens...gracie WINS in an upset
Royce was dominant in a different time....His legacy is built on wins against fighters that would not measure up in todays game. Severn would be a fringe contender at best nowadays, if he were in his prime. You're making too much of Royce beating Severn. When Royce won that fight, NO ONE in the UFC save for maybe Jason DeLuica (if he was around then) had ANY sort of BJJ training, meaning Royce had an advantage over anyone he faced. Think of it like this, if you put the Matt Hughes of today, in the UFC of the early and mid 90's, he would have looked even more impressive then Royce did.....I dont see how you dont see what I'm getting at. The game today is SOOOOO much different than what it was 10-12 years ago, that its not even worth trying to compare stuff from now, to what is happening now.
:jester: :jester: :jester: all you want....Newton is world class on the ground....There is a difference in being INNOVATIVE, which Royce is, and mastering something, like Newton, Serra, and Sakuraba have done
amen. In the beggining, it was nothing more than tough man contest with overweight skilless bum. Fuck, Tank went in the final of a tournament, and everybody knows he's a fat piece of trash
By the way DC Pizza dude, our discussion had nothing to do with Gracie in the begining...I took issue with you saying that Severn was good....I dont think he was...I think he was a big wrestler, who came along at the right time.... I know you were just using Severn as an example to bring up Gracie, but I'm sorry, i dont think he's a good example
I was rethinking things a little, and you may be onto something here...Not that Matt has great standup, but more because Matt is a great wrestler. If Matt doesnt want to go to the ground, then chances are they wont Hughes wrestling > Gracies judo
47 (now 48) posts about a completely mismatched MMA fight, on a boxing board. Even though this is a rubbish fight, its obviously going to be a success for Dana and his crew on a few levels.
sure it will be a success...they're bringing back one of the most recognizable names in the history of the sport.... I'm just happy Royce is getting paid mega bucks for the fight, he deserves that, at least I think the best thing UFC gets out of this is Matt beating Royce soundly, after Matt escapes a sub attempt or two, so they can back up what they (and I) have been saying all along, and thats that the sport has evolved. They want to distance themselves as far as possible from the stains of the early "brutal is better" campaign days, and maybe in this case they figure killing off a legend is the best way. If Royce gets blown out, then people will say, "wow, the sport really has changed", because back in the mid 90's Royce was choking out 260 lb wrestlers, and now he's got 170 wrestler beating his brains in. Now you and I both know, thats not entirely as cut and dry as it all is, but I think thats a bit of what he UFC is hoping for
once again i dont agree i dont think Hughes would have beaten a severn or a ken shamrock a prime gracie would have beaten hughes 2 i might add some people forget that gracie is one old motherfucker right now AND HE WILL STILL WIN
wow are entirely overblowing how good fighters of the early UFC were.....Those guys werent shit compared to todays fighters....Period, end of discussion...Anything said to the contrary is pure nonsense.... The Shamrock of UFC 3 or 4 or whatever it was a little different though.....He was as well rounded as fighters had been up until that point, and for some time after that....Only guys like Marco Ruas and Oleg Taktarov were near the same level as Ken as far as balanced game, and they still werent nearly as good as todays fighters
Supposedly, the tickets sales have been really bad. And with Royce outrageous paycheck, wave goodbye any profit on this one
A prime Severn or Shamrock would have beaten just about anyone out there in MMA in the heavy division today...cept maybe Fedor. Especially in the UFC. Severn or Sham would have picked Silvia up and spit in his would Oleg.:sportif3:
ive changed my mind...i think gracie is just 2 old these days..he doesnt have the stamina he used 2 IMO Hughes will win
you were better off going with Royce, that way if he wins, you look like a genius, and if he loses, no one took your prediction seriously anyway:jester:
I see Royce losing the first round. He will then get Hughes with a choke in some form in the 2nd round and the crowd will go insane! Gracie wins by submission in the 2nd round. Gracie has returned!!! :2: