I agree it's not fair to compare a naturally smaller man to a hw. Although to call Jones jr a middle weight is a bit of a stretch because he was more of a natural super mw and filled out quite nicely at lhw. So I will give you that. Just had to Throw that out there (Tua comparison)before you started getting carried away with your Roysexual posta and start claiming Roy was a harder puncher than Tyson or some nonsense like that. Just had to put things back in prespective to get your attention.
Never is the number of times I've identified as a Roy Jones fan. Never. Like him as a pundit, paid ZERO attention to him as a boxer until about 2003.
Going back on topic, Calzaghe ate a classic Roy right hand in the 2nd round of their fight and literally, literally shook it off. Lebedev looked like he'd been hit in the arse with weapons-grade Ket by the same Punches. Calzaghe did almost everything better than Tszyu.
Yeah, back to Tzysu vs Calzaghe. Calzaghe was around longer, had better high end wins, didn't lose, and was better head-to-head. Tzysu hit harder, and was more well schooled - but then Tzysu wasn't trained by his dad in a church hall. Calzaghe was more talented in virtually every way as a fighter, and naturally achieved more with it. It's close, but clear.
Nah, Bob Fitzsimmons. Walker was a decent puncher but not crazy. He could put them together well and clean, though. I'd really struggle to see him beating a guy like Ruiz tbh.
Our Opinions don't Peter off that much. We agREED Roy has good power but not in the top 10 punchers of all time. I've said nothing but positive things about Roy. Wtf you want from me to lick his balls? You Roysexuals crack me up .
I don't think calz having a poor trainer should be given has an excuse. That was his choice afterall, and him being better if he wasn't is purely hypothetical. Still, he was clearly better and greater than Tszyu
As for Roy power, it was incredible at mw and smw, but wasnt special at lhw imo. But then, he also fought completely differently at that weight, became more of a counter puncher and a potshotter
That's just a myth. Some of Roy's most devastating performances (Sosa, Brannon, ect.) came after what happened to McClellan. I don't think G-Man's loss had any effect on how Roy fought. Roy didn't become less aggressive until the later 90s when he was at 175. He was always trying for the stoppage at 160-168.
I wouldn't expect you to lick any fighter's balls. I'm too old at this point to be a mindless fanboy of any fighter. It's well known that Tyson and Roy are my two all time favorites, but I have no issue at all being critical about either of them in discussions when it's warranted. You've made some sorry arguments on here, like comparing Roy's performance vs Ruiz to Tua's performance against Ruiz as evidence that Roy wasn't a devastating hitter. Tua, a 225 pound man and one of the biggest punchers in heavyweight history... compared to a man who began his career at 154, and peaked at 168. You don't see the flaw in that? Moreover, Roy WOBBLED Ruiz, which is pretty goddamn impressive in itself. The other point I took exception to was you implying that Inoue is a top 10 all time puncher, when Roy's power is FARRRR more proven than Inoue's, because Roy fought/destroyed much better comp.
When he said Inoue for some reason I thought he was talking about the guy who knocked out Kirkland...
yeah but he was lt. heavy initially. point is, by the time mcallum reached 175, he wasn't the granite chinned guy he was at 154 and 160. doesn't mean rjj wasn't a huge puncher, just saying.
Is that the subject? Zoo did one thing I really liked, he could stand and lethally potshot a weaker or damaged opponent with arrow-straight bombs. Just systematically wreck them. The rest, not so good. Not especially tough or determined or fast or hard to hit. But if you had any bit of frailty in you, he'd find it and exploit it.
I'm thinking in my mind in a hypothetical P4P match-up Tszyu would get out-lethally potshotted with arrow-straight bombs, ala Roy's pal Vince Phillips except even worse
100% agreed. Jones had a ko punch but nowhere in the dame league as a Tyson or a Lewis. Hell, I don't think he was an harder puncher than a (relative) scrub like Arthur Abraham
Well that's exactly it . Jones had a very good punch but he got his ko's mostly because of his speed than because of his power.
Ohhh Jesus Christ! Roy was a much bigger puncher than AA! Take a look at every goddamn nobody Abraham went the distance with.
That's because he wasn't very good, hence had trouble landing his sunday punches cleanly. Roy, on the other hand, was tattooing fools from start to finish