Damn the Pacquiao fight really did break Hatton http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-st...-with-one-punch-in-bar-fight-115875-22554414/ I feel bad for the guy.
Hatton is tiny. If he had a skinful of beer and some guy twice his size threw him on the floor I wouldn't be surprised. PS don't feel bad for Ricky. He is a drinker with a boxing problem.
That said I like it when I find something I think is totally wack....it excites me and then I realize I have made a mistake. :laugh11:
Well, Ricky needs some recovery and rejuvenation time in rehab, and I think he will get it and be OK for the future.
People like Ricky are kept safe from themselves because there is only so much coke and so much Taffy Apple you can do on a welfare giro. Give a guy £4m quid and watch him gorge himself to death on the candy and the bitter apple. Hatton, again, strikes me as a drug addict whose addiction was periodically interrupted by bouts of fighting.
Maybe you should discuss this issue face to face with the champion himself or his respective team if you really feel that way...
Damn Ricky. This shit is whack. Proves that money does not buy happiness. I'll Holla 5000 http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/news/963857/Ricky-Hatton-drugs-shame.html
The Fact that Hatton Did this ON VIDEO is the Most Disturbing Aspect...Dude HAD to Know that this Footage would Eventually Surface... damn, Damn, DAMN Ricky!!! REED:doh:
A so-called "Friend" recorded the video and passed it on to the media, claiming they were "worried" about Ricky and did it for Ricky, and that doing it this way would make Hatton change his ways. Of course, it is highly unlikely they were paid for this charitable act.:nono::nono:
I just hope that Ricky realizes that he needs to make some changes in his life if not for him but for his son. I'll Holla 5000
This just goes to show how much a fall from grace can hurt someone. Some people just can't handle it.
The ONLY Time Video Should B a Part of the Equation is if U're PLAYING a Sport or ENTERTAINING a Captive Audience in Some Capacity (Singing, Dancing, Acting, etc.)... Even Videotaping your Own SEXcapades is a BAD Idea...Videotaping a DRUG BINGE is Straight Up IDIOTIC...Did Hatton Think it'd B "Cool" to Rewatch Himself Doing Lines of Coke or Something???... This "Friend" of Hatton's Needs his Ass Whipped...U Don't "Help" a "Friend" by Airing his Dirty Laundry for the WORLD to See... REED:shit:
Reed....I don't think Hatton was aware he was being filmed. Some female he was with filmed it secretly and then sold it on, claiming to have stung Ricky for his own good.
uk tabloids saying a drunk ricky hatton pushed a bodybuilder and was subsequently sucker punched and koed at a bar. how low will ricky go
Ah!!!...So the Bitch had a Hidden Camera Somewhere???...That's Pretty Fuckin' SORRY...REED's ASSuming this Female WASN'T the Same "Trophy" Broad, that Makes the Public Rounds w/Hatton???.... REED:dunno:
Nope. The woman who was crying in the audience when he lost to Floyd/Pac was called Jennifer and is the mother of his kids and his fiancee. The fem in question here goes by the surname of "Bowe", is in her late 20's and is from Ireland. She claims to be some sort of a pro fighter. Since when did the sloppy-seconds of a washed up pro-fighter sell coke vidz to the tabloid media claiming to be doing said washed-up fighter a favour? Never. That's when. NEVER.
No Doubt... Hatton was Somewhat VALIDATED After the Mayweather Loss....He Fought ADMIRABLY & Lost in Late Rounds...No Biggie...But The Pac Loss was Another Kettle of Fish Altogether...EMBARRASSINGLY 1-Sided...1 of the More VIOLENT KO's U'll Ever See & for a Guy like Hatton, that HAS to B Hard to Live w/.... N just 1 Fight, Hatton's Gone from National Hero to SYMPATHETIC Figure...Rashad Evans Said it BEST, After his KO Loss to Lyoto Machida, "I Felt VIOLATED"...For a FIGHTER, Losing in the Manner that Hatton did to Pacquiao is Akin to Being RAPED...& EVERYBODY Witnessed it... Clearly, Hatton's NOT Handling it Well...Even Though it's in an Entirely Different Way, Roy Jones HASN'T Handled his Public Humblings Well Either...Now he's a SAD Caricature of his Former Self, w/a LAME Ass Captain Hook Twist... "ARGH!" REED:hammert:
At least Roy is in shape and is fighting and maybe winning some too. Ricky is degenerating into a figure who has less mental and physical health than the people who used to watch him fight. Right now, I would say I have faster hands and better coordination than Ricky Hatton. Hatton is a rotting fatbody. If he thinks he is the first fighter to suffer a collapse like this he is wrong. He needs to go to rehab or he will be dead inside of a few years.
Regardless I just hope that Ricky realizes that he can't continue like this and makes some positive changes in his life. That fast life ain't shit! How about being a 24 hour father! I'll Holla 5000