<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Which laws are judeo-christian ... the federal and state tax laws, the speed limit in Illinois law, or law that requires you to send your children to school and have them vaccinated against communicable diseases? I live in the United States, so I follow the laws in the state and country I live in. If I move to another country, I'll follow the laws there. I'm simply saying I don't believe in God. And that people who don't believe in an after-life tend to care more about making their own lives better and treating people nicer than those believe in an after-life. That's been my personal experience. Dubblechin [/b][/quote] I understand your point and I've experienced similar...All I'm trying to say is don't fool yourself into thinking that because your so smart, and your so progressive, and so very clever, that you came up with a system of life that is right and commendable... The fact is you have been conditioned on Judeo ethincs since day 1, and your beleif system and moral compass is directly derived from biblical knowledge...If not you would be sacrificing virgins by the full moon to the rain gods and thinking you were a pretty good guy :wink: So maybe atheist should give that a spin before they start preaching about their great epiphany [/b][/quote] I didn't come up with anything. I just don't believe in God or ALLAH. And, when you don't have that RELIGIOUS BAGGAGE around your neck, it's surprising how much clearer everything is. Sorry if the "70 virgins" thing touched a nerve. Dubblechin [/b][/quote] Just because you think you see things clearly doesn't mean you're right. I'm sure a serial killer sees things clearly in his mind too, but murdering people isn't right.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> btw...Cdogg187 will agree with EVERY ARGUMENT given by a liberal homosexual/homosympathizer, because he is the epitomy of extreme left wing liberal ideology, a man without morals and principles that doesn't believe in rules or order. This same dude, Cdogg187, claims that killing 6 million mosquitoes is AS BAD as what Adolph Hitler did to the jews! :shaneUD12Oscar: [/b][/quote] That's because he's a former drug addict, obviously this years of drug abuse affected his brain. [/b][/quote] Ridiculous fiction. I never once said I was a drug addict. I said I used to do drugs. BIG Difference [/b][/quote] a man who has admitted too using steroids accuses you of being a drug addict ??? :YeahRight: :YeahRight: [/b][/quote] There is a difference between use and abuse, I admitted to use, he admitted to abuse. If you don't know all the facts, stay out of the discussion.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> First off Buddy your mom is a whore and your dad is gay. How do you think I used to bang your fat ass moms. Just kidding dawg. But anyways I DO have a problem with gays. It is unacceptable behavior that was learned. There is no proof indicating that they were born that way. Let's take for instance you have twins. Identical twins. Now one is gay and the other isn't. How could that be? Also what about being bi-sexual. What genes were they born with? People CHOOSE to live their lives in certain ways. Pretty soon child molesters are gonna say that I was born to like children. What about thieves, murders etc. The list can go on and on. Also there is no comparison when comparing the way black people have been treated to the way gay people are being treated. So what happens if you are black and gay. You are still one up on a gay person that is just white and gay. Now I don't have a problem with gay people as human beings. I just feel that their way of thinking is fuked up as far as wanting to sleep with the same sex. I honestly feel like there's no difference between a gay persons thinking when it comes to sexuality and a child molesters. But hey that's me. Now do I go out of my way to harm them nope. I just don't deal with them and I don't want them trying to teach my kids that it's ok to be gay cause it's not. How can a kid tell his hommies that he has 2 daddies or 2 mommies. The world is coming to an end quickly. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote] Good post bro, I completely agree.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> God created man & woman, Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve. Homosexuality is unnatural. And it is a choice a person makes either very early in their lives or late in life. It is still something that is taboo in society. I respect whoever decides to have that lifestyle the same way that I respect whoever decides to be a prostitute, but I don't accept it as a the Gay Agenda wants me to accept it like a natural God given way of life. [/b][/quote] But what if you don't believe in god? [/b][/quote] Well this is what I'm wondering. If your'e an atheist and you believe in the process of evolution what would be your basis for the ethics of homosexuality (not talking just about you specifically)? Evolution is the natural progression of a species. From a scientific standpoint, what purpose does homosexualty serve? Its actually detrimental to the survival of a species from a evolutionary standpoint. A species who would not survive at all, it would just eventually die out. [/b][/quote] Population control. In this day and age it is GOOD for some members of society not to reproduce. [/b][/quote] bingo [/b][/quote] Exactly. Homosexuality should be made compulsory for fat, ugly, mentally underdeveloped people like Orion. Although it's highly unlikely any female would give him the opportunity to reproduce, it is best to err on the side of caution... [/b][/quote] Hmmm, I have a child so you're wrong. Don't be jealous of me beecause women love me. You'll find someone to accept you one day.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> God created man & woman, Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve. Homosexuality is unnatural. And it is a choice a person makes either very early in their lives or late in life. It is still something that is taboo in society. I respect whoever decides to have that lifestyle the same way that I respect whoever decides to be a prostitute, but I don't accept it as a the Gay Agenda wants me to accept it like a natural God given way of life. [/b][/quote] But what if you don't believe in god? [/b][/quote] Well this is what I'm wondering. If your'e an atheist and you believe in the process of evolution what would be your basis for the ethics of homosexuality (not talking just about you specifically)? Evolution is the natural progression of a species. From a scientific standpoint, what purpose does homosexualty serve? Its actually detrimental to the survival of a species from a evolutionary standpoint. A species who would not survive at all, it would just eventually die out. [/b][/quote] Population control. In this day and age it is GOOD for some members of society not to reproduce. [/b][/quote] bingo [/b][/quote] Exactly. Homosexuality should be made compulsory for fat, ugly, mentally underdeveloped people like Orion. Although it's highly unlikely any female would give him the opportunity to reproduce, it is best to err on the side of caution... [/b][/quote] :Oscar after a bodyshot: :Oscar after a bodyshot: :Oscar after a bodyshot: :Oscar after a bodyshot: :Oscar after a bodyshot: :Oscar after a bodyshot: :Oscar after a bodyshot: This is why you are the best poster on this site. [/b][/quote] Birds of a feather flock together, you are both dumbasses.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> First off Buddy your mom is a whore and your dad is gay. How do you think I used to bang your fat ass moms. Just kidding dawg. But anyways I DO have a problem with gays. It is unacceptable behavior that was learned. There is no proof indicating that they were born that way. Let's take for instance you have twins. Identical twins. Now one is gay and the other isn't. How could that be? Also what about being bi-sexual. What genes were they born with? People CHOOSE to live their lives in certain ways. Pretty soon child molesters are gonna say that I was born to like children. What about thieves, murders etc. The list can go on and on. Also there is no comparison when comparing the way black people have been treated to the way gay people are being treated. So what happens if you are black and gay. You are still one up on a gay person that is just white and gay. Now I don't have a problem with gay people as human beings. I just feel that their way of thinking is fuked up as far as wanting to sleep with the same sex. I honestly feel like there's no difference between a gay persons thinking when it comes to sexuality and a child molesters. But hey that's me. Now do I go out of my way to harm them nope. I just don't deal with them and I don't want them trying to teach my kids that it's ok to be gay cause it's not. How can a kid tell his hommies that he has 2 daddies or 2 mommies. The world is coming to an end quickly. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote] Good post bro, I completely agree. [/b][/quote] Ouch, Orion completely agrees with bigdawg that my mother is a whore and my dad is gay. :mellow: It seems like only yesterday that bigdawg and rahrah were doing a double penetration on Orion, but now they have apparently forgiven and forgotten (about their less-than-wholesome threeway).
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I saw a documentary on gay animals, and a scientist showed 2 brains, one of them from a homosexual sheep I think. There was a portion of the brain that was developed in a different way, that they say affects mating behaviour. Ive also read about homosexuals not receiving the proper hormones in the brain due to developemental irregularities. Sorry I cant be more specific, Ive forget the details, but there is scientific evidence supporting the idea that homosexuals were born with, at the very least, a tendency to gay behaviour. [/b][/quote] I heard about the sheep brain study also, and that was how it became perfectly obvious. Nothing explained it clearer than that. SHEEP BRAIN. As in the brain of an animal that only follows others and isn't very intelligent. On that subject, how is RAHRAH doing, bigdawg? Just kidding.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> btw...Cdogg187 will agree with EVERY ARGUMENT given by a liberal homosexual/homosympathizer, because he is the epitomy of extreme left wing liberal ideology, a man without morals and principles that doesn't believe in rules or order. This same dude, Cdogg187, claims that killing 6 million mosquitoes is AS BAD as what Adolph Hitler did to the jews! :shaneUD12Oscar: [/b][/quote] I think you need to learn to read. Why don't you revisit the Gerald McClellan thread and QUOTE THAT SHIT if it's true. Find it. I'm challenging you. You better have your facts straight before you try and take a shot at me, fucker. Find it. Bring it up here. QUOTE ME. You can't because the statement never came out of my mouth. You fucking cunt [/b][/quote] Don't be inconsistent! You said that killing 6 million dogs was the same as killing 6 million jews. That is what you said...FACT! You value a dog's life as much as a human's. Your argument was that a dog's a living creature just like a human, no lower. Therefore, prick, by the same logic a living creature like a MOSQUITOE is to be valued the same as a dog. Liberal moron!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> First off Buddy your mom is a whore and your dad is gay. How do you think I used to bang your fat ass moms. Just kidding dawg. But anyways I DO have a problem with gays. It is unacceptable behavior that was learned. There is no proof indicating that they were born that way. Let's take for instance you have twins. Identical twins. Now one is gay and the other isn't. How could that be? Also what about being bi-sexual. What genes were they born with? People CHOOSE to live their lives in certain ways. Pretty soon child molesters are gonna say that I was born to like children. What about thieves, murders etc. The list can go on and on. Also there is no comparison when comparing the way black people have been treated to the way gay people are being treated. So what happens if you are black and gay. You are still one up on a gay person that is just white and gay. Now I don't have a problem with gay people as human beings. I just feel that their way of thinking is fuked up as far as wanting to sleep with the same sex. I honestly feel like there's no difference between a gay persons thinking when it comes to sexuality and a child molesters. But hey that's me. Now do I go out of my way to harm them nope. I just don't deal with them and I don't want them trying to teach my kids that it's ok to be gay cause it's not. How can a kid tell his hommies that he has 2 daddies or 2 mommies. The world is coming to an end quickly. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote] Good post bro, I completely agree. [/b][/quote] I'll cosign as well..
Homosexuality isn't something that I spend much time thinking about, but I would love for someone to thoroughly explain the homosexual agenda. Who are the spokesmen? What do they want? Who are their allies? Who are their enemies? Is there a manifesto? Who are the faces of the homosexual movement? I see the odd activist from time to time going on about "fairness" and "rights." What I don't see is an established group that voices a consistent agenda without bashing or talking about concrete responsibilities rather than vague rights.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I saw a documentary on gay animals, and a scientist showed 2 brains, one of them from a homosexual sheep I think. There was a portion of the brain that was developed in a different way, that they say affects mating behaviour. Ive also read about homosexuals not receiving the proper hormones in the brain due to developemental irregularities. Sorry I cant be more specific, Ive forget the details, but there is scientific evidence supporting the idea that homosexuals were born with, at the very least, a tendency to gay behaviour. [/b][/quote] I heard about the sheep brain study also, and that was how it became perfectly obvious. Nothing explained it clearer than that. SHEEP BRAIN. As in the brain of an animal that only follows others and isn't very intelligent. On that subject, how is RAHRAH doing, bigdawg? Just kidding. [/b][/quote] Damn, Im still on your mind. DId you learn to fear me over the ass whoopins or were you born with it? :Oscar after a bodyshot:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> btw...Cdogg187 will agree with EVERY ARGUMENT given by a liberal homosexual/homosympathizer, because he is the epitomy of extreme left wing liberal ideology, a man without morals and principles that doesn't believe in rules or order. This same dude, Cdogg187, claims that killing 6 million mosquitoes is AS BAD as what Adolph Hitler did to the jews!? :shaneUD12Oscar: [/b][/quote] That's because he's a former drug addict, obviously this years of drug abuse affected his brain. [/b][/quote] Ridiculous fiction. I never once said I was a drug addict. I said I used to do drugs. BIG Difference [/b][/quote] a man who has admitted too using steroids accuses you of being a drug addict ??? :YeahRight: :YeahRight: [/b][/quote] That's because he's a fucking Imbecile. [/b][/quote] And you're not? :wacko: "Killing 6 million dogs (or mosquitoes or any other animal) is as bad as what Hitler did.." - CDOGG187 aka Leftwing nutball
phonetap is suprised so many of you care so much about homosexuality. personally, phonetap doesn't care what anyone does within the confides of their bedroom as long as it legal. if your sexual preference involved children then phonetap will voice a STRONG opinion against...otherwise it's not his business...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I saw a documentary on gay animals, and a scientist showed 2 brains, one of them from a homosexual sheep I think. There was a portion of the brain that was developed in a different way, that they say affects mating behaviour. Ive also read about homosexuals not receiving the proper hormones in the brain due to developemental irregularities. Sorry I cant be more specific, Ive forget the details, but there is scientific evidence supporting the idea that homosexuals were born with, at the very least, a tendency to gay behaviour. [/b][/quote] I heard about the sheep brain study also, and that was how it became perfectly obvious. Nothing explained it clearer than that. SHEEP BRAIN. As in the brain of an animal that only follows others and isn't very intelligent. On that subject, how is RAHRAH doing, bigdawg? Just kidding. [/b][/quote] Damn, Im still on your mind. DId you learn to fear me over the ass whoopins or were you born with it? :Oscar after a bodyshot: [/b][/quote] Fear you? Jeepers, you're way too competitive-minded in trying to keep up with me, rahrah. Sometimes poking fun is just poking fun. I saw in another thread that black06 was talking to me about my weight and height, and then you made a not-too-subtle allusion. Did that mean that you were fearing me when you made an attempted funny? :shaneUD12Oscar: Don't be silly, rahrah!
I don't mind faggots. They leave more women for us straight guys. In fact I like faggots. My two favorite faggots are Elton John and Jesus. Elton John is great on the piano but I hear he sucks on the 'organ.' Jesus, well, he wore dresses, hung around twelve guys and held orgies with them with no women around. And he grew that beard to hide the stretch marks around his mouth. Now don't take this as me bagging on Jesus because I said I like faggots and I've always considered him the #1 faggot of all time.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> if your sexual preference involved children then phonetap will voice a STRONG opinion against...otherwise it's not his business... [/b][/quote] Then stay out of this discussion until invited... :finger:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I saw a documentary on gay animals, and a scientist showed 2 brains, one of them from a homosexual sheep I think. There was a portion of the brain that was developed in a different way, that they say affects mating behaviour. Ive also read about homosexuals not receiving the proper hormones in the brain due to developemental irregularities. Sorry I cant be more specific, Ive forget the details, but there is scientific evidence supporting the idea that homosexuals were born with, at the very least, a tendency to gay behaviour. [/b][/quote] I heard about the sheep brain study also, and that was how it became perfectly obvious. Nothing explained it clearer than that. SHEEP BRAIN. As in the brain of an animal that only follows others and isn't very intelligent. On that subject, how is RAHRAH doing, bigdawg? Just kidding. [/b][/quote] Damn, Im still on your mind. DId you learn to fear me over the ass whoopins or were you born with it? :Oscar after a bodyshot: [/b][/quote] Fear you? Jeepers, you're way too competitive-minded in trying to keep up with me, rahrah. Sometimes poking fun is just poking fun. I saw in another thread that black06 was talking to me about my weight and height, and then you made a not-too-subtle allusion. Did that mean that you were fearing me when you made an attempted funny? :shaneUD12Oscar: Don't be silly, rahrah! [/b][/quote] so i cant just be pokin fun at you :wacko: sorry i even bothered :spadafora:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> The Devil :Cotto-ILLUMINATI: Mr Blue [/b][/quote] If someone doesn't belive in god then 99% of the time they don't believe in the devil either. It's all the same fairytale bullshit to me though. But Jesus was real. If Jesus came back to earth today (which he can't and won't) I'd probably hang out with him. I'll get him to admit that he isn't the son of god. Thats' just the story Mary used when she fucked around behind Joseph's back. And I like faggots so he and I can hang out as long as Jesus doesn't try any funny shit on me. :huh:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I saw a documentary on gay animals, and a scientist showed 2 brains, one of them from a homosexual sheep I think. There was a portion of the brain that was developed in a different way, that they say affects mating behaviour. Ive also read about homosexuals not receiving the proper hormones in the brain due to developemental irregularities. Sorry I cant be more specific, Ive forget the details, but there is scientific evidence supporting the idea that homosexuals were born with, at the very least, a tendency to gay behaviour. [/b][/quote] I heard about the sheep brain study also, and that was how it became perfectly obvious. Nothing explained it clearer than that. SHEEP BRAIN. As in the brain of an animal that only follows others and isn't very intelligent. On that subject, how is RAHRAH doing, bigdawg? Just kidding. [/b][/quote] Damn, Im still on your mind. DId you learn to fear me over the ass whoopins or were you born with it? :Oscar after a bodyshot: [/b][/quote] Fear you? Jeepers, you're way too competitive-minded in trying to keep up with me, rahrah. Sometimes poking fun is just poking fun. I saw in another thread that black06 was talking to me about my weight and height, and then you made a not-too-subtle allusion. Did that mean that you were fearing me when you made an attempted funny? :shaneUD12Oscar: Don't be silly, rahrah! [/b][/quote] so i cant just be pokin fun at you :wacko: sorry i even bothered :spadafora: [/b][/quote] Of course you can poke fun at me if you want. It's just kind of sad because you're not smart enough to do it well.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> if your sexual preference involved children then phonetap will voice a STRONG opinion against...otherwise it's not his business... [/b][/quote] Then stay out of this discussion until invited... :finger: [/b][/quote] e, everyone who's met you has mentioned how effeminate you are to phonetap. he never asked, they just tell phonetap they wouldn't be surprised if you were gay. and phonetap means EVERYONE who's met you... :Oscar after a bodyshot:
Not to get in the middle between Everlast and phonetap, but I don't remember saying Everlast was gay when I met him. He seemed to have a thing for a certain Texan lady. On the other hand, the rubber pants and the cockfighting threads from SecondsOut/BoxingPress DO add a certain ambiguity to his character. *********************************************************************************** As you were.
whatever buddy. you've touched on everlast's effeminate ways many times. read phonetap's words...you know damn well you wouldn't be shocked if everlast went BOTH ways. wanting to fuck that texas tramp doesn't make you 100% straight...and even she said e acts feminine...
It wouldn't surprise me. Everlast was a pretty cool dude when I met him in Chicago and then he turned around and became a Grade-A asshole. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he drinks from the meat-tap, phonetap!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> e, everyone who's met you has mentioned how effeminate you are to phonetap. he never asked, they just tell phonetap they wouldn't be surprised if you were gay. and phonetap means EVERYONE who's met you... :Oscar after a bodyshot: [/b][/quote] Once again, this is irrelevant to Socrates. Everlast is not Socrates! :(
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> It wouldn't surprise me. Everlast was a pretty cool dude when I met him in Chicago and then he turned around and became a Grade-A asshole. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he drinks from the meat-tap, phonetap! [/b][/quote] Everlast IS NOT Socrates! :crybaby: :( :angry:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> First off Buddy your mom is a whore and your dad is gay. How do you think I used to bang your fat ass moms. Just kidding dawg. But anyways I DO have a problem with gays. It is unacceptable behavior that was learned. There is no proof indicating that they were born that way. Let's take for instance you have twins. Identical twins. Now one is gay and the other isn't. How could that be? Also what about being bi-sexual. What genes were they born with? People CHOOSE to live their lives in certain ways. Pretty soon child molesters are gonna say that I was born to like children. What about thieves, murders etc. The list can go on and on. Also there is no comparison when comparing the way black people have been treated to the way gay people are being treated. So what happens if you are black and gay. You are still one up on a gay person that is just white and gay. Now I don't have a problem with gay people as human beings. I just feel that their way of thinking is fuked up as far as wanting to sleep with the same sex. I honestly feel like there's no difference between a gay persons thinking when it comes to sexuality and a child molesters. But hey that's me. Now do I go out of my way to harm them nope. I just don't deal with them and I don't want them trying to teach my kids that it's ok to be gay cause it's not. How can a kid tell his hommies that he has 2 daddies or 2 mommies. The world is coming to an end quickly. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote] Good post bro, I completely agree. [/b][/quote] Ouch, Orion completely agrees with bigdawg that my mother is a whore and my dad is gay. :mellow: It seems like only yesterday that bigdawg and rahrah were doing a double penetration on Orion, but now they have apparently forgiven and forgotten (about their less-than-wholesome threeway). [/b][/quote]
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> btw...Cdogg187 will agree with EVERY ARGUMENT given by a liberal homosexual/homosympathizer, because he is the epitomy of extreme left wing liberal ideology, a man without morals and principles that doesn't believe in rules or order. This same dude, Cdogg187, claims that killing 6 million mosquitoes is AS BAD as what Adolph Hitler did to the jews! :shaneUD12Oscar: [/b][/quote] I think you need to learn to read. Why don't you revisit the Gerald McClellan thread and QUOTE THAT SHIT if it's true. Find it. I'm challenging you. You better have your facts straight before you try and take a shot at me, fucker. Find it. Bring it up here. QUOTE ME. You can't because the statement never came out of my mouth. You fucking cunt [/b][/quote] Don't be inconsistent! You said that killing 6 million dogs was the same as killing 6 million jews. That is what you said...FACT! You value a dog's life as much as a human's. Your argument was that a dog's a living creature just like a human, no lower. Therefore, prick, by the same logic a living creature like a MOSQUITOE is to be valued the same as a dog. Liberal moron! [/b][/quote] No, if you read the thread, I specifically addressed MOSQUITOES. MOSQUITOES are natural enemies. They are trying to bite us, so if you're killing a MOSQUITO it is self-defense. Nothing wrong with killing a mosquito just on principal. But a dog? A man? Unless you are being attacked, there's no reason. Death is Death. You stupid fucking moron. What was also pointed out is that a Human life is only more "important" in the sense that Humans have more responsibility than Dogs or Cats, etc. So is killing 6 million jews "Worse" than killing six million dogs? YES But the ACT is the same. You are still a heartless cold-blooded MURDERER wether you are Adolph Hitler slaughtering innocent people or you are Gerald McClellan torturing an innocent animal. The ACT is the same, don't confuse the ACT ITSELF with the IMPACT. YOU FUCKING STUPID CUNT
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> YOU FUCKING STUPID CUNT [/b][/quote] :Oscar after a bodyshot: now, now, now.... No need to get nasty! It's just a conversation. And your mosquitoe argument is LAME! Mosquitoes are not biting us to be "wicked" they are doing it to survive. They thrive on blood. Should be start killing wolves just because they like to feed on human flesh every once in a while? You are very very stupid. No argument that you "produce" has any consistency. So killing mosquitoes, using your own logic, is just as vile as killing a dog. So if you see killing a dog as evil, then senseless killing of Mosquitoes should be viewed as the same. What about normal FLIES then? If I swat a few flies (who are NOT "attacking" me) simply because their flying around irritated me, is that as bad as killing a few humans? Don't run from the question....