How old was Tarver at the time ? You don't wanna give credit to people beating up a 35 year old Roy but you do for beating a 38 year old Tarver ?
Tarver's KO2 win over Roy was probably the greatest win in the last twenty years. :dunno: The fact is, Hopkins win over Tarver means more than any win over DM would.
I can't think of a fighter like DM who Hopkins fought? I don't think it's easy to figure out how the fight would play out. I do think/know that DM would have been hugely favored had they fought back in the 90's, but as Hopkins showed against Tarver later, he had the potential to move up to 175 and do well.
It'd be a great fight (as Dariusz-Roy would have been) but I'd favour Bernard to get a little more clean work done and steal enough rounds to come out about 7-4-1 or similar. That's mainly based on how Dariusz looked against Virgil Hill, who to my mind was kinda a poor man's B-Hop.