How much respect did you lose for Roy Jones Jr after the 3rd Tarver fight?

Discussion in 'General Boxing Discussion' started by Hanz, Aug 7, 2008.

  1. bigdawg

    bigdawg Undisputed Champion

    Nov 29, 2002
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    Seattle, Washington

    Not me. I predicted Calslappy to win quite easily. Why? Because Kessler hasn't done shit to prove that he is an elite fighter. Joe did just what I thought he would do. By the way Kessler gets credit for beating Lucas but Roy don't get that same type of credit for beating that same Lucas. If that's not a double standard I don't know what is. Damn November can't get here any sooner. By the way how did Calslappy become the man at 175? I'm guessing it was his victory over the much older and Hopkins. By the way how did Hopkins become the man at 175. I'm guessing it was his victory over Tarver. How in the hell did Tarver become the man at 175? Is it because he beat Johnson? No? It was because he beat Roy. Once again the double standards kill me. I'll Holla 5000

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