I'm not so sure there's enough interest in Boxing these days. Hard for me to throw myself at something I've become apathetic about too.
I've put my hand up to help before. Can't contribute financially, but if the right people are running this place and are going to be commited to moving it FORWARD, I'd be happy to come along for the ride. I can contribute nothing but my time however. I don't make a cent as it is.
Yep, I've been making and maintaining websites for years. As long as I was at my computer or laptop, the article would be up in no time. I'm a good proof reader/editor too. I could easily handle the homepage and make it a lot better. Let's do it, and not only keep this forum alive, but give FB a new lease of life. We'll get Karl to go on a road trip too, promoting FB to the masses with his loud voice.
I've never heard the word used in that context until just now. "Beat" is a news term. To me, Fightbeat.com is just fine.
I don't mind fightbeat. And a .com is important. "Beat" always reminds me of the beat generation, so I like it.
FightBeat is not limited to boxing but any event involving fighting. We have covered MMA events in the past and have received credentials from the UFC. Carlos
I don't know REED ... But what I am saying is, I don't get involved these days in any business that doesn't excite me. That's not to say I couldn't get excited about Boxing/Fighting again. But there's no doubt, a lot of lousy cards, shitty PPV's and lackluster performances has taken the steam out of it for me.
I'm betting my role here the last few years would not necessarily bode well for me being an owner. Though there's a few I'd ban almost immediately which might just be worth the price alone in the laugh it would give me. ::
You should make me the vice-prez of the site! I'd steal REED's articles and post them as my own, I'd suspend Cupey for a month, I'd ban anybody who doesn't post at least 500 messages per day.
Exactly. Surely Petre can shell out a small nugget from his Fort Knox-style gold bullion stash in the tornado cellar.
I did Hanzy. It's an intriguing idea but I don't think a merge would be possible. A strong partnership cross-promoting each other might be doable and I might also be able to serve as a merchant platform for FightBeat merchandise if these guys ever got the ball rolling...............but that would be up to the consortium running the new FightBeat if they were interested. Awhile back when Cupey was going through another one of his epiphany's I offered free use of my extensive photo archives for historical articles written for the website and nobody seemed interested.
Point taken. I think though that we have more passion for this site than Cupey does at this point in time. I'm sure we're going to make this place bigger and better than ever.
broadwayjoe, you are one of the most knowledgable, interesting and good humored posters of all time... I have been a fan of yours since the secondsout days... I would never be angry with you:bears: I am only angry (more like bemused) with that guy because he threatens to kick people's asses everytime they disagree with him and he always pulls the "you never been in the ring" card everytime someone hands him his ass in a debate
You know what would be hilarious? Stinger purchasing FightBeat!!! :: Actually, I think that would be devastating to most on here. All those 'ignores' will convert to 'bans'. :laughing:
I'm sure this has been said already so I'll second the motion... Whoever buys the site, first order of business should be to ban Cupey.
Well, REED's Always Been More of an ACTIONS than WORDS Guy, so he's Gonna B Proactive & Put This Out There...N the Midst of All this "Will He, Won't He" Shit Regarding Cupey Selling the Site, we've Got Actual FIGHTS APPROACHING that Need to B Covered... 1. Friday Night Fights (@ Least a Re-Cap of the Card) 2. Vitali Klit vs. Juan Carlos Gomez 3. Roy Jones vs. Omar Sheika (w/MMA Bouts Sprinkled on the Undercard) 4. Bernard Dunne is Fighting 5. Peter vs. Chambers (3/27) 6. Chavez Jr. PPV (3/28) N REED's Case, there's Even a LOCAL Fight Card Coming Up on 3/27... The LAST Thing we Need to Do is Pussyfoot Around w/PROLONGED Negotiations...If this Shit is Gonna Happen, it Needs to B Done SWIFTLY & the Right People Need to B Put N the Positions they've Volunteered for & Given FREE REIGN to Operate... Pieces Need to B WRITTEN, ProofRead, EDITED & POSTED...& it's ALREADY Wednesday Morning... REED:mj:
Cupey DOESN'T even Like Boxing, Muzse...Even as he's OWNED the Place, Cupey would DISAPPEAR for MONTHS @ a Time...So If/When he DOES Sell it, there'd B No Need to BAN him as he'd just Fade Off into "Bolivian"... REED:mj:
Godfather is boarding a plane this afternoon to Puerto Rico to meet Cupey in his office to iron out the details and get this deal made. Dsimon, steve dave, and mexican wedding shirt will also be in on the meeting through conference call. We're on our way REED! :bears: Sh*t's gonna get done and we'll be posting your articles on fightbeat homepage before you can say "Hanzy, F*ck You and don't ever refer to my daughters again....EVER!!!!" ::
dsimon writes: Everybody has their place here 1) its great to hear Illum get some credit for his rounders... he is the king! 2) Broadway Joe does indeed Rock. There are more than a few posters...Joe, Muze to name a few that I look up to in respect to their amount of time following the sport. I believe that a disagreement with one of these guys is ony an excuse for me to learn a lesson about something I thought I understood about the Sweet Science! We need to keep guys like that here and get Joe REin active here again if possible. The only bad thing Joe ever did was bring me to this place! :crying: 3) Tam and others: finacial matters are only only one way to contribute among many. Nuff said. 4) Lets get something uprfont about the Stinger: He is great for this site no matter what one thinks about him. He is a character and he gets coverage of local guys, upcomers and at the top level. Also I would like to hear one person say to my face that Neil exerscizing his caustic wit versus the Stinger and his insistance for Neil to meet him was not entertaining and worthy of reading post after post. Guys like Neil need a foil at times and the Stinger needs to get fired up to do his thang!
If Stinger buys FightBeat, we will no longer offically be on ignore, we will all officially be banned!!!!! :bears:
Another thing I would like to see on the site is a current and updated schedule of upcoming fight cards. We should include all cards, not just the most popular ones. I know other sites probably do this, but the info is out there to be used and it would be another reason for folks to come to the site. And once the card has taken place, we can add the results to a Results page listing all of the fights that took place on the card and also a link if we have coverage of the card on the site. I would be happy to maintain something like this, but I would probably need some help gathering the info, especially for the non-US events.
SAD, yet Probably TRUE...Especially when U Consider that Cupey INITIALLY Wanted to Start a Tito Trinidad LOVE Site...Fightworld/Fightbeat was his BACK-UP Plan... Shit, it Hurt like HELL when Roy Got KO'ed (STILL Does), but REED was a Fan of Boxing PRIOR to Roy Jones & Will CONTINUE to B a Fan Loooooooooooooong AFTER Roy's Done.... The PASSION Never Dies... REED:hammert:
the question I want to ask is, can we get someone else access to the homepage in the meantime so that things can be put up in a timely fashion. I could make time to do something for this weekend's fights tonight, but is it gonna be up before next week?