Godfather is meeting with Cupey right now. We should have full ownership of fightbeat any time between now and mid-April. I wouldn't bank on any new material being put on the homepage in that time span.
Cupey has made a couple last second demands to Godfather. He needs a "Grabber" for his tiny dino-arms and a case of Tito Trinidad Cologne, so he can smell like he just went 12 plodding rounds at all times. Godfather is not sure the 2nd one exists so it could throw a kink in the whole thing. :nono:
That's Sorta what REED was Getting Around 2 in his Initial Post Today, just Not as DIRECTLY... REED:mj:
The problems is that the website was coded using php 4 and our current server uses php5. This causes some compatibility issues when doing news updates or especially when posting articles. The fix would be to use a server with php4 or have it coded to comply. What this means is that I have to write out exactly how to post and article or news step by step, and that will take time. Something I don't have right now due to working 52+ hours a week. BUT, I will try to write it out this weekend. Cupey
Is there Not an EASIER Way to Make it Happen, Cupey???...Again, REED is an ADMITTED Cyber-Idiot, so it's an HONEST Question... REED:hammert:
Don't worry REED. I will make it my duty that your articles are posted promptly on the homepage the very minute you've submitted them.
I mean this is something that needs to be rectified. why would I or anyone else do a piece for this weekend's fights, knowing it wont go up in time? Similar thoughts for pieces done over the past few months, I mean we need to expand access to the front page, im sure there are plenty of people here who are computr literate.
Thats an issue i have had as well. Cupey needs to give the keys to the front door to Andrew so he can at least maintain the site while this deal is being put together. Cupey can you allow andrew access?
jaws my man, why would you need to write anything? Just post a video and provide us a link to it and we'll all watch intently! We all watched your show with FreeIke. I checked out your other videos too. Good stuff. :bears: I'm sure we'll be rocking this place in due time! We're taking it where no one has gone before! :mj:
This is a centOS 5 server, right? I'm not sure if there is a repository for the older php but depending on why you upgraded to php5 it shouldn't be to hard to do. I found a link to revert back to 4 but it's for centOS 4. Though it shouldn't be too different. http://www.workhabit.com/labs/downgrading-php5mysql5-centos-4x I thought you'd have to yum uninstall/remove php5 and reinstall php4 and edit your httpd.conf file. Depending if you rpmed it or compiled... Just trying to help. Couldn't you coax your web hosting company to finesse that bitch?
My bro is the programmer, I'm just a tech and an enthusiast. I do love me some Red Hat Linux, but the last person you'd want on a website like this is a trial and error mofo. Up for a Sit N Go later?
i think anyone with the time to put shit up in a reasonable amount of time is good by me and i may be around
We should have a section on the homepage specifically for jaws. It can be called "In the life of jaws", and everyday jaws is posting a new video showcasing a specific talent or showing off his bling, etc like his badass Roulette wheel or his game scores! :kidcool: Those were wicked videos!
Maybe we should just wait for the inevitable Government Bailout and just let the Obama Administration run the site. TFK