I think This is where it started

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame/Shame' started by Anthony, Jun 24, 2004.


    ILLUMINATI Roberto Duran

    Nov 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Bleeder

    You got personal with me but never once did I get racial with you.  I've gotten into verbal arguments with fattout and guess what he got racial.  Why is it that white dudes feel the need to get racial?  And yeah I got at his kids and.  Get at mine.  Besides how can anyone get pissed off at a cat over the net and what a cyber dude has to say.  That to me shows who he really is. 

    I would send you my product but there's a height requirement.  You have to be taller then 5'0".  Sorry doesn't work on midgets.  By the way my jock strap should be at your apartment anytime now.  I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote]
    blkout got racial? When? I never saw it or I would have killed the thread and let Jake and Cupey know. [/b][/quote]
    I can attest to that. He said something along the lines of "if it were 200 years ago I'd own you...yeah, I said it." Reed knows it too. [/b][/quote]
    Yup..i remember.
  2. MassaCure

    MassaCure Undisputed Champion

    Nov 30, 2002
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    DC & ATL
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Bleeder

    You got personal with me but never once did I get racial with you.  I've gotten into verbal arguments with fattout and guess what he got racial.  Why is it that white dudes feel the need to get racial?  And yeah I got at his kids and.  Get at mine.  Besides how can anyone get pissed off at a cat over the net and what a cyber dude has to say.  That to me shows who he really is. 

    I would send you my product but there's a height requirement.  You have to be taller then 5'0".  Sorry doesn't work on midgets.  By the way my jock strap should be at your apartment anytime now.  I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote]
    blkout got racial? When? I never saw it or I would have killed the thread and let Jake and Cupey know. [/b][/quote]
    I can attest to that. He said something along the lines of "if it were 200 years ago I'd own you...yeah, I said it." Reed knows it too. [/b][/quote]
    Yup..i remember. [/b][/quote]
    haha thats fucked up

    ILLUMINATI Roberto Duran

    Nov 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Skelo Bleeder

    I guess it's better to me a hasbeen then a never was or never will be. But then again you were a pizza delivery boy and lord knows you had better have my pizza delivered to me in 30 minutes or less. By the way when are coming out with you 2 nd album. Gotta admit skelo bleeder that shit had me boppin my head.

    Funny that skelo bleeder and others minimize the racial comments. There's tons of racist cats everywhere I guess that includes boxing websites. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote]
    My second album will be entitled "Forrest Gump Twinz: Sellin' Soap With No Hope!" :D

    It's gonna be a platinum album. I gots songs liek:

    1. NFL Parking Lot Blues

    2. Back In Tha Saddle (Riding Tha Bench)

    3. Once, Twice, Three Times A Sparkebar

    4. Collectin' Jockstraps, The BigDawg WAAAY!

    5. Picking Linemen's Leftovahs

    6. Puff tha Majik Sparkebar

    See. I'm GETTIN' PAYD, GIZNIK!!!!! :D [/b][/quote]
    :crybaby: :D :rolleyes: :D :rolleyes: :crybaby: :rolleyes: :D

    ILLUMINATI Roberto Duran

    Nov 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> aight im leavin for the second time
    have to get my hair did :shaneUD12Oscar:

    this is getting kinda long and boring

    so could
    frodo and sam
    post a lot of new jokes and shit so i can have a lot of shit to respond to when i come back

    thnks [/b][/quote]
    Yes, we saw how you left the first time. :D

    For those who don't understand, I will now translate runtrunt's previous post:

    I'm gettin't my ass kicked, so I am leavin'.

    I have to shave my legs, braid my asshair, and buy some "Soul Glo" at the drugstore 'cuz I'm meetin my bro at our favourite hangout for some huddles and cuddles, the alternative lifestyle sportsbar called "The Endzzone."

    He loves it when I grease my shit up just like Eriq Lasalle in "Coming To America."


    The above translation was sponsored by Sparkebar. "When you need a lift, and your bro ain't around. Wrap your lips around a Sparkebar!"

    :D [/b][/quote]
    :D :crybaby: :D :crybaby:

    Great thread... :lol:
  5. rahrah12

    rahrah12 Leap-Amateur

    Apr 25, 2003
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    just me against the world

    you know how the story goes

    his life didnt quite turn out the way he expected so he has to hate on mine

    just hate me cause you aint me

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    like jay z said
    just go and brush your shoulders off
  6. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Rah rah ... you need to get some new jokes .... :D

    Anyway ... it's been fun but it's time to get some sun .

    Feel free to put the pom poms down now. :Calvin Brock:

    :headb: [/b][/quote]
    like i said wait for buddy to talk

    cause your sellout ass is real lame [/b][/quote]
    I guess you missed the part where I said I was leaving ... :D

    BTW .... Please explain to me 1. How am I a sellout and 2. How you determined I was a faggot ?

    Or do you just pull this 3rd grade shit outta your ass ?

    Feel free to look up the meaning of both before you respond .... you can pick your pom poms back up later.
  7. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> ......and petredish
    be your own man [/b][/quote]
    More 3rd grade .... What exactly does this mean ? :wacko:

    Son this is some lame ass shit :D

    "Be my own man" ? Shit son , I'm your Daddy :stick:

  8. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    He usually comes here and has his head so far up BigDawg's Azz that it is hard to tell where one stops and the other one ends. We've seen them both attack boxerdog and Orion. But now he's crying because Petre and I are both agreeing on what a sad Sparkebar-chewing piece of shit runtrunt is? :D :D

    Like I said, you should wash the spermsicle off your mouth.[/b][/quote]
    RahRah bringing up the rear . :shaneUD12Oscar:


  9. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Skelo Bleeder

    I guess it's better to me a hasbeen then a never was or never will be. But then again you were a pizza delivery boy and lord knows you had better have my pizza delivered to me in 30 minutes or less. By the way when are coming out with you 2 nd album. Gotta admit skelo bleeder that shit had me boppin my head.

    Funny that skelo bleeder and others minimize the racial comments. There's tons of racist cats everywhere I guess that includes boxing websites. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote]
    My second album will be entitled "Forrest Gump Twinz: Sellin' Soap With No Hope!" :D

    It's gonna be a platinum album. I gots songs liek:

    1. NFL Parking Lot Blues

    2. Back In Tha Saddle (Riding Tha Bench)

    3. Once, Twice, Three Times A Sparkebar

    4. Collectin' Jockstraps, The BigDawg WAAAY!

    5. Picking Linemen's Leftovahs

    6. Puff tha Majik Sparkebar

    See. I'm GETTIN' PAYD, GIZNIK!!!!! :D[/b][/quote]
    :rolleyes: How'd I miss this ? :rolleyes: :D :rolleyes: :D

  10. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> The thing is how do we actually know that Petre is actually married to a sister?  How do we really know this.  I think that Petre really wants to be black.  That's why he hooked up with the nappy dugout.  I ain't made at you though.  I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote]
    :D :D :D

    For the record BD ...... I'm mixed and so is my wife ... "WeMy wife is a beautiful black woman that looks mostly black but is obviously mixed ... as a child nappy headed ignorant mother fuckers used to beat her up cause she had long nice grade of hair and light skin ..... today those dogs all want to hit on her and sisters all want to look like her.

    But maybe I'm making it all up ... :YeahRight: [/b][/quote]
    Somehow I doubt that. Black women these days are a lot more racially conscious and many proudly wear they hair natural or "nappy" as you put it. I know that not all Black women buy into if you don't have long straight hair you're less attractive crap that has been pushed on them for over a century. Certainly ain't a fact that all Black women or Black people in general want to be light-skinned or see that as superior either. I know that a lot of people go to salons or straight outdoors to try to darken their skin but outside of Michael Jackson's self-hating ass I don't know any Black people who have made an attempt to lighten their skin. Shit my wife is pretty dam fair-skinned herself and told me she had to fight a lot due to her complexion but she's real about it and doesn't think she's better than her darker-skinned sistas. And if she did it's fair to say she wouldn't be my wife.

    Anyway sorry to butt into yall's argument. Just had to get that out there. Carry on. [/b][/quote]
    exactly, today you wont find many dark woman whos gonna say they wish they where lighter, all i see is lighter woman trying to get a tan[/b][/quote]
    No offense guys but I think both of you are on crack :shaneUD12Oscar:

    Go visit the beauty parlors sometime where most every black chick is getting her hair pressed or poisoned straight . Wearing colored contacts ... making their hair blonde .... extensions :vom:

    Pleease :YeahRight:

    My wife has natural long wavy hair and golden eyes .... black chics all the time ask her where and how she gets her hair done and if she's got contacts in. Where she gets her extensions done ... :D

    And .... Dogs are panting over her ass while she brushes their dumb ass off all day long. :teh angry:

    I NEVER said EVERY Black women in America .... and the trend towards natural is finally coming along thank god .... but it's still very prevalent from a huge percentage of sisters on the street to Oprah to idols like Beyonce.

    More black dudes than ever are going for white chicks (And I have ABSOLUTELY no problem with that) and thus black chicks look for ways to be more attractive in that regard as well.

    Me ... I'm all for no racial lines or stereo types . Be your own damn person whatever that may be and be proud of it .

    But , in the context of what I said about my wife , it's 100% true ... it's not opinion, she lived & lives it , so she should know.

    Hell .... you yourself said it BoxerPuncher , basically agreeing with me .... "Shit my wife is pretty dam fair-skinned herself and told me she had to fight a lot due to her complexion" My wife went through the same persecution by her own people because of her looks. Never said she thinks she's better than most people (She is though , but not cause of her looks) and she's as grounded as they come which is one of the many reasons why I love her.

    Bottom line .... she no longer gets persecuted for her looks though many blacks automatically assume she thinks she's better than them.
  11. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> how you gonna clown someone for having a football career, even if it was somewhat brief, do you know how much people would give just to play 1 game at that level, even being on a college team, thats some shit you can never take away from someone [/b][/quote]
    Very true, Massa. Very true. Making your way to the bottom rung of the NFL (riding the bench), or getting a free certificate for playing college football...these are both impressive accomplishments if you actually did anything to deserve them. Of course, the brief dream of riding the bench and watching real athletes play is now over for one of these individuals...and he was the TALENTED one. :D

    Now runtrunt might actually get a degree. Of course, the D-minus posterchild won't be able to do anything with the degree because he has to be able to demonstrate the abilities listed on his laminated cardboard certificate from the "Notre Dame School Of Tire Retreading." When his employer sees that he is useless....well, there's always a lucrative career in soap salesmanship. :D

    But then again, Massacure...I'm not including you in this because this is a lesson suitable only for the Forrest Gump Twinz: HaZZbeen and Nevah-Nevah Wuzz! :D [/b][/quote]
    as opposed to takin your road

    and being a pizza delivery boy

    then a teachers aid

    but there is no proof that this is even true

    either way ill never lower myself to delivering pizza

    you have been real productive with your life

    im sure your parents are real proud of you [/b][/quote]
    Taking my road? Sorry for you, runtrunt...but you couldn't take my road. Too many big words for you to cope with. :D

    I think it's really cute how you diss bluecollar jobs though. Those jobs that you disrespect are what built your country's foundation. You can diss the working class all you want, but when your NFL soapbubble dream pops, you'll be lucky to get a job like that. :D [/b][/quote]

    naw buddy i am going to a real college and will get a real degree

    and have job offers today that are better then your 2 degrees will ever manage to get you

    i hope those big words you know come in handy while you deliver pizzas

    congratualtions and being part of the backbone of society :YeahRight:

    without you delivering pizzas there would be many hungry people in the world [/b][/quote]
    Yes, those big words like "congratualtions" will help you get that dreamjob. :D [/b][/quote]
  12. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> just me against the world

    you know how the story goes

    his life didnt quite turn out the way he expected so he has to hate on mine

    just hate me cause you aint me

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    like jay z said
    just go and brush your shoulders off [/b][/quote]
    Must be nice living in the state of delusion . :bonker:
  13. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Small animal repair technician
    Within driving distance of a Pizza Hut
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Skelo never was and never will be Bleeder:

    Here is a little something about bigdawg while warming the bench in college. And you also seen my pictures I had of me going over the top. Not to bad for a scrub like myself. Now where are your pictures of you delivering pizzas or being a fuken waitress. Glad to see that you have time to pull my jock strap out of your mouth. And just a quick question why the animosity towards my business. Are you angry that a brotha man is out there doing his shit. Sound more like jealousy to me. But like I said when my shit blows up maybe I'll holla at you and offer you a job. Lord knows we can't leave out midgets.

    OLUMBUS, Ohio (Sep 16, 1995 - 20:30 EDT) -- Eddie George ran for 212 yards and two touchdowns, and Bob Hoying threw a pair of TD passes as No. 10 Ohio State beat No. 18 Washington 30-20 Saturday.

    Ohio State (2-0) had been idle for 20 days -- the longest in-season layoff during its 106 years of football -- after opening with a 38-6 victory over Boston College in the Kickoff Classic.

    The Buckeyes showed they weren't stale by building a 23-7 lead at the half as George piled up 149 yards on the ground and scored once.

    George's 212 yards and 36 carries were the second highest totals of his career. He accounted for 98 yards in two Ohio State drives in the second quarter that turned a two-point lead into the 16-point advantage.

    Hoying completed 18 of 26 passes for 192 yards, including scoring passes of 22 yards to Nicky Sualua and 6 yards to Terry Glenn.

    Washington (1-1), which beat Pac-10 rival Arizona State 23-20 two weeks ago, needed two fourth-quarter touchdowns to make things interesting.

    Ohio State had to punt on its first possession, but then scored the last four times it touched the ball in the opening half.

    The first score was set up by Ryan Miller's interception of a Damon Huard pass. His 18-yard return gave the Buckeyes the ball at the Washington 21. Three plays later, Hoying avoided a heavy rush and lofted a 22-yard scoring pass to Sualua. Jason Chorak blocked Josh Jackson's extra-point attempt.

    After the kickoff, Leon Neal went 27 yards on first down from the Washington 31, but the play was brought back because of an illegal block. The Huskies were flagged for 98 yards in penalties by the Big Ten officiating crew in the first half alone and finished with 101 yards in penalties to eight for Ohio State.

    Neal, who gained 101 yards on seven carries in the opening half, came right back with a 66-yard gain after cutting to the right sideline. Three plays later, Rashaan Shehee scored the touchdown on a 10-yard run. John Wales' extra-point conversion gave the Huskies a short-lived lead.

    Neal finished with 135 yards rushing on 15 attempts.

    On Ohio State's next three possessions, the Buckeyes played keepaway with George grinding out yardage. The senior gained 40 yards in a 79-yard drive that was capped by Josh Jackson's 19-yard field goal.

    George ran for 36 of the yards in a 53-yard march that ended with Hoying hitting a wide-open Glenn for a 6-yard touchdown.

    George also who provided the biggest surprise of the day, setting up in the slot and then coming back for a lateral on a fake field goal on fourth-and-11 at the Washington 24. George gained 12 yards to set up Glenn's touchdown catch.

    After another Washington punt, George accounted for 62 of the drive's 78 yards -- finishing it himself with a 7-yard touchdown run -- to put Ohio State ahead 23-7 at the half.

    George added a 16-yard touchdown run in the third quarter, one play after a wild punt snap was recovered by Ohio State's Rob Kelly.

    Washington added some suspense with two late touchdowns, a 31-yard pass from backup quarterback Shane Fortney and a 7-yard pass from Damon Huard to Neal.

    Huard completed 19 of 26 passes for 192 yards with one interception.

    OSU--Sualua 22 pass from B.Hoying (kick blocked)
    Wash--Sheehee 10 run (Wales kick)
    OSU--FG 19 Jo.Jackson
    OSU--Glenn 6 pass from B.Hoying (Jo.Jackson kick)
    OSU--George 7 run (Jo.Jackson kick)
    OSU--George 16 run (Jo.Jackson kick)
    Wash--Coleman 31 pass from Fortney (run failed)
    Wash--Neal 7 pass from Huard (Wales kick)


    Washington 7 0 0 13--20
    Ohio St. 9 14 7 0--30

    Washington Ohio State
    ---------- ----------
    First downs 17 26
    Rushes-yards 29-178 26-259
    Passing yards 223 192
    Return yards 26 20
    Passes 20-29-1 18-26-1
    Punts 4-34 2-20
    Fumbles-lost 2-2 3-2
    Penalties-yards 10-101 1-8
    Time of Possession 22:30 37:30


    RUSHING - Washington, Neal 15-135, Huard 7-49, Shehee 3-16, Fortney 1-4,
    Thomas 2-3, team 1-(minus 29).

    Ohio St., George 36-212, B.Hoying 6-27, Pearson 8-19,
    Je.Jackson 1-1, Sualua 1-0.

    PASSING - Washington, Huard 19-26-1-192, Fortney 1-3-0-31.

    Ohio St., B.Hoying 18-26-1-192.

    RECEIVING - Washington, Neal 7-34, Thomas 4-41, Conwell 3-60, Coleman 2-47,
    Janoski 2-29, Reed 1-7, DeSaussure 1-5.

    Ohio St., Glenn 7-91, Dudley 3-17, Tillman 2-21, Houser 2-17,
    Sualua 1-22, D.Miller 1-11, Stanley 1-7, Pearson 1-6.

    We would have won had I gotten the ball more. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote]
    Only hazzbeen and runtrunt would start digging for articles that mention them in some infinitely
    small way. I'm sure that he spent most of last night looking for this after I went to the barbecue. Congrats, Soapboy. You're hardkore! :D
  14. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Within driving distance of a Pizza Hut
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Skelo never was and never will be Bleeder:

    Here is a little something about bigdawg while warming the bench in college. And you also seen my pictures I had of me going over the top. Not to bad for a scrub like myself. Now where are your pictures of you delivering pizzas or being a fuken waitress. Glad to see that you have time to pull my jock strap out of your mouth. And just a quick question why the animosity towards my business. Are you angry that a brotha man is out there doing his shit. Sound more like jealousy to me. But like I said when my shit blows up maybe I'll holla at you and offer you a job. Lord knows we can't leave out midgets.

    OLUMBUS, Ohio (Sep 16, 1995 - 20:30 EDT) -- Eddie George ran for 212 yards and two touchdowns, and Bob Hoying threw a pair of TD passes as No. 10 Ohio State beat No. 18 Washington 30-20 Saturday.

    Ohio State (2-0) had been idle for 20 days -- the longest in-season layoff during its 106 years of football -- after opening with a 38-6 victory over Boston College in the Kickoff Classic.

    The Buckeyes showed they weren't stale by building a 23-7 lead at the half as George piled up 149 yards on the ground and scored once.

    George's 212 yards and 36 carries were the second highest totals of his career. He accounted for 98 yards in two Ohio State drives in the second quarter that turned a two-point lead into the 16-point advantage.

    Hoying completed 18 of 26 passes for 192 yards, including scoring passes of 22 yards to Nicky Sualua and 6 yards to Terry Glenn.

    Washington (1-1), which beat Pac-10 rival Arizona State 23-20 two weeks ago, needed two fourth-quarter touchdowns to make things interesting.

    Ohio State had to punt on its first possession, but then scored the last four times it touched the ball in the opening half.

    The first score was set up by Ryan Miller's interception of a Damon Huard pass. His 18-yard return gave the Buckeyes the ball at the Washington 21. Three plays later, Hoying avoided a heavy rush and lofted a 22-yard scoring pass to Sualua. Jason Chorak blocked Josh Jackson's extra-point attempt.

    After the kickoff, Leon Neal went 27 yards on first down from the Washington 31, but the play was brought back because of an illegal block. The Huskies were flagged for 98 yards in penalties by the Big Ten officiating crew in the first half alone and finished with 101 yards in penalties to eight for Ohio State.

    Neal, who gained 101 yards on seven carries in the opening half, came right back with a 66-yard gain after cutting to the right sideline. Three plays later, Rashaan Shehee scored the touchdown on a 10-yard run. John Wales' extra-point conversion gave the Huskies a short-lived lead.

    Neal finished with 135 yards rushing on 15 attempts.

    On Ohio State's next three possessions, the Buckeyes played keepaway with George grinding out yardage. The senior gained 40 yards in a 79-yard drive that was capped by Josh Jackson's 19-yard field goal.

    George ran for 36 of the yards in a 53-yard march that ended with Hoying hitting a wide-open Glenn for a 6-yard touchdown.

    George also who provided the biggest surprise of the day, setting up in the slot and then coming back for a lateral on a fake field goal on fourth-and-11 at the Washington 24. George gained 12 yards to set up Glenn's touchdown catch.

    After another Washington punt, George accounted for 62 of the drive's 78 yards -- finishing it himself with a 7-yard touchdown run -- to put Ohio State ahead 23-7 at the half.

    George added a 16-yard touchdown run in the third quarter, one play after a wild punt snap was recovered by Ohio State's Rob Kelly.

    Washington added some suspense with two late touchdowns, a 31-yard pass from backup quarterback Shane Fortney and a 7-yard pass from Damon Huard to Neal.

    Huard completed 19 of 26 passes for 192 yards with one interception.

    OSU--Sualua 22 pass from B.Hoying (kick blocked)
    Wash--Sheehee 10 run (Wales kick)
    OSU--FG 19 Jo.Jackson
    OSU--Glenn 6 pass from B.Hoying (Jo.Jackson kick)
    OSU--George 7 run (Jo.Jackson kick)
    OSU--George 16 run (Jo.Jackson kick)
    Wash--Coleman 31 pass from Fortney (run failed)
    Wash--Neal 7 pass from Huard (Wales kick)


    Washington 7 0 0 13--20
    Ohio St. 9 14 7 0--30

    Washington Ohio State
    ---------- ----------
    First downs 17 26
    Rushes-yards 29-178 26-259
    Passing yards 223 192
    Return yards 26 20
    Passes 20-29-1 18-26-1
    Punts 4-34 2-20
    Fumbles-lost 2-2 3-2
    Penalties-yards 10-101 1-8
    Time of Possession 22:30 37:30


    RUSHING - Washington, Neal 15-135, Huard 7-49, Shehee 3-16, Fortney 1-4,
    Thomas 2-3, team 1-(minus 29).

    Ohio St., George 36-212, B.Hoying 6-27, Pearson 8-19,
    Je.Jackson 1-1, Sualua 1-0.

    PASSING - Washington, Huard 19-26-1-192, Fortney 1-3-0-31.

    Ohio St., B.Hoying 18-26-1-192.

    RECEIVING - Washington, Neal 7-34, Thomas 4-41, Conwell 3-60, Coleman 2-47,
    Janoski 2-29, Reed 1-7, DeSaussure 1-5.

    Ohio St., Glenn 7-91, Dudley 3-17, Tillman 2-21, Houser 2-17,
    Sualua 1-22, D.Miller 1-11, Stanley 1-7, Pearson 1-6.

    We would have won had I gotten the ball more. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote]
    Actually I wouldn't get angry that a "brotha man" is out there doing his stuff. The funny part is that you're actually getting defensive enough about this that you spend half the night looking for an article that mentions your name just to validate your sad existence. :D

    Just think about it for a second. You're scanning the internet looking for old stories to brag about some small meaningless accomplishment from many many years ago. The fact that my words sting you so much to do this SHOWS that I already pulled your bitchcard, hazzbeen. :D
  15. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Small animal repair technician
    Within driving distance of a Pizza Hut
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> aight im leavin for the second time
    have to get my hair did      :shaneUD12Oscar:

    this is getting kinda long and boring

    so could
    frodo and sam
    post a lot of new jokes and shit so i can have a lot of shit to respond to when i come back

    thnks [/b][/quote]
    Yes, we saw how you left the first time. :D

    For those who don't understand, I will now translate runtrunt's previous post:

    I'm gettin't my ass kicked, so I am leavin'.

    I have to shave my legs, braid my asshair, and buy some "Soul Glo" at the drugstore 'cuz I'm meetin my bro at our favourite hangout for some huddles and cuddles, the alternative lifestyle sportsbar called "The Endzzone."

    He loves it when I grease my shit up just like Eriq Lasalle in "Coming To America."


    The above translation was sponsored by Sparkebar. "When you need a lift, and your bro ain't around. Wrap your lips around a Sparkebar!"

    :D [/b][/quote]
    this is all you had for me when i returned


    pretty pathetic

    but i guess you are used to underachieving in life

    im all for blue collar jobs and people making money but
    i mean you graduated from college to be a pizza delivery boy
    i know its a job but usually highschool kids and people who didnt finish school work it

    but even they dont try and make a career out of it

    thumbs up to you buddy you have made some great decisions in life

    i would have to fuck up pretty bad in my life to get that job

    hmm lets compare for a second
    own your own business or be a full time delivery boy
    did you even need to show them your resume for that job

    im guessing you didn't

    all you have on me is that i am graduating from notre dame and playin football

    while you on the other hand claim to have went to school and claim that you are smart


    lets look at the clues

    he works as a pizza delivery boy, and tries to act all high and mighty on the net

    not the smartest life decision

    im guessin you are lyin bout something

    now i know you delivered pizza but did you really go to school :wacko:

    im guessing you might of been fibbing about that [/b][/quote]
    Have on you? I'm not trying to "have on you." I just casually mentioned the fact that you're probably some mediocre football player failing his way through college. Just remember...when you become another failed athlete with no "Plan B" and a college certificate that isn't worth the cardboard that it's printed on, you can always go back and sue the college because they put you through without actually educating you.

    I mean HONESTLY we all make choices in life. You want to be a pro football player just like your cousin. Well, actually I hope you don't want to have a career like his. I hope you want to play in the league for longer than 3 games. Then when your lack of toughness sees you doing nothing...think back and remember these words of wisdom from your ol' Uncle Buddy. After all, you'll either be selling the soap or DROPPING it. :D
  16. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

    Mar 2, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> how you gonna clown someone for having a football career, even if it was somewhat brief, do you know how much people would give just to play 1 game at that level, even being on a college team, thats some shit you can never take away from someone [/b][/quote]
    Very true, Massa. Very true. Making your way to the bottom rung of the NFL (riding the bench), or getting a free certificate for playing college football...these are both impressive accomplishments if you actually did anything to deserve them. Of course, the brief dream of riding the bench and watching real athletes play is now over for one of these individuals...and he was the TALENTED one. :D

    Now runtrunt might actually get a degree. Of course, the D-minus posterchild won't be able to do anything with the degree because he has to be able to demonstrate the abilities listed on his laminated cardboard certificate from the "Notre Dame School Of Tire Retreading." When his employer sees that he is useless....well, there's always a lucrative career in soap salesmanship. :D

    But then again, Massacure...I'm not including you in this because this is a lesson suitable only for the Forrest Gump Twinz: HaZZbeen and Nevah-Nevah Wuzz! :D [/b][/quote]

    Notre Dame is not Nebraska. There are no "easy" majors at ND. Save the rhetoric unless you know what you're talking about. [/b][/quote]

    he only wishes his degree held as much weight as mine

    only somebody claiming to go to school would say something that ignorant [/b][/quote]
    runtrunt, Irish98 is trying to save you from a beating by drawing my fire off your nearly-bitchslapped-to-death nevah-WUZ ass. :D Now Irish98 is saying that you can't take an easy degree at Notre Dame, but HERE YOU ARE! :D

    It's probably because Irish98 would never think of actually taking easy courses. You, on the other hand, have no choice. :D
  17. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

    Mar 2, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Buddy you are being brutal. :D [/b][/quote]

    Mr. Roboho
    you know you definately need to stay out of this thread

    we dont need anymore innocent victims getting caught in this verbal barrage im givin

    capt save a ho and super midget pizza delivery boy [/b][/quote]
    That's the fourth person in this thread that you have jumped on because they've made the observation that I've been polishing the floor with your solid bone skull. :D Are you gonna jump on them ALL? Petre, Smashing Machine, Roboto, and the others are just pointing out your abject failure to you in the hopes that they can mercifully convince you to drag your ass out of the thread and start pointing some medicated strips on the brand new, shiny, SECOND bleeding asshole that I've given you.

    Let it sit there for a moment. Then breathe it in....that's my boy! :D
  18. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

    Mar 2, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> just me against the world

    you know how the story goes

    his life didnt quite turn out the way he expected so he has to hate on mine

    just hate me cause you aint me

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    like jay z said
    just go and brush your shoulders off [/b][/quote]
    You against the world. I'm sure that many people say that when their lazy asses realize that life doesn't owe them anything. Don't lose heart, young man. Uncle Buddy will buy you another Sparkebar to suck on. :D
  19. phonetap

    phonetap Undisputed Champion

    Jan 2, 2003
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    many of you are full of shit...

    phonetap wouldn't crack on anyones kids but phnetap has seen his fair share of children bashing especially when it comes to jason kidd's son. and the irrepressible one doesn't see any of you self-righteous son's of bitches coming out of left field defending his child...

    all of this for boxerdog is ridiculus... :YeahRight:
  20. bigdawg

    bigdawg Undisputed Champion

    Nov 29, 2002
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    Seattle, Washington
    The white Canadian 2 short is still talken shit about what I have done. But has failed to mention the teams he's played on. As far as the article goes it was PM'd to me by a poster. No need for me to search for articles. But we all know that there are articles out there about me. But proves that a cat was ballen at the highest level. Are there any articles about you being a pizza boy? Midget becomes successful pizza boy. Midget makes remix of (I wish I was a lil bit taller). Are there any? By the way you mentioned that you weren't a delivery boy but was instead a server. As if that makes that job any better. What were you too short to drive the vehicles. Couldn't see over the dash board and reach the gas pedals. Nor could you reach peoples door bells. Hell and when you'd knock they couldn't see your lil ass the peep holes. That would ruin the 30 minutes of less thing.

    You know what I think. You wish you were me. You wish that you could have been a star in highschool that was wined and dined by all the major Univerisities. You wish that you did get a schlorship and played for a pac-10 powershouse who won the national championship who can type his name on google and find all sorts of articles about him. You wish that you did get drafted and play 2 measley years at the highest level possible. You wish that you were connected to a business that is about to blow the fuk up. Dawg if you wish you were me it's all good. You don't have to admit it here. But I know you do. That's why you have so much hatorism when it comes to my resume and accomplishments. You weren't talken this shit over the phone. As a matter of fact you were sayin how cool it was to be talken to an ex-pro athlete. I was like fuk another male groupie who wish he was me. But too bad 2 short you will never be me nor have the athletic ability that I have or had.

    Now you keep callen me a hasbeen. But inorder to be a hasbeen must mean at some point I must have been something. You on the other hand neverwas anything and never will be anything except a short midget who can't get on the roller coaster at the fair. With your lil toes, connected to lil feet, connected to your lil shins, connected to your lil knee caps, connected to your lil thighs, connected to your lil pelvic girdle, which contains a lil pee pee, connected to your lil abs, connected to your lil chect cavity, connected to your lil clavicles, connected to your lil traps, connected to your lil neck, connected to your lil double chin, connected to your lil mouth, connected to your lil nose and your lil eyes which comes together to make your lil head. Now you sit here and type with your lil fingers which are connected to your lil hands haten on my career who is a lil moderator that was a lil pizza boy who now is a lil teachers aid who sharpens lil pencils for lil 2nd graders. Get the fuk outta here lil man. I'll Holla 5000
  21. Sir Dice N Slice

    Sir Dice N Slice Scrub

    Nov 19, 2003
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    Hi darling, did you manage to get any salad cream for my sauuusages.

    Haw haw haw haw haw
  22. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

    Mar 2, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> many of you are full of shit...

    phonetap wouldn't crack on anyones kids but phnetap has seen his fair share of children bashing especially when it comes to jason kidd's son. and the irrepressible one doesn't see any of you self-righteous son's of bitches coming out of left field defending his child...

    all of this for boxerdog is ridiculus... :YeahRight: [/b][/quote]
    Tapper, I forgot about boxerdog a long time ago. I have never made fun of anyone's kids, but this isn't about that. I'm just playing with my new pals, hazzbeen and runtrunt. They're being all good about it. AND YOU KNOW I would pimpslap some other knuckleheads if they took a shot at your kids. :D

    BTW, bigdawg, what's with the trickling water sound at sparkebar.com? I clicked on it to buy some soap and the sound of running water made it sound like someone was taking a piss on your website. :D
  23. bigdawg

    bigdawg Undisputed Champion

    Nov 29, 2002
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    Seattle, Washington

    You know good and well dawg if you saw an ugly kid or kids you would comment. Like I said that's how we get down at the house. I told a poster this yesterday. When I going to the hospital when my wife was going into labor for my first born. I was like yo the baby is on the way. He was like you better pray she's cute cause if she ain't I'm lettin you have it. Hey I was blessed with 2 good lookin kids. But that's how we get down. If your momma and daddy is tore up they are gonna get talked about. If you have ugly kids they are gonna get talked about. Dude it is done in good nature. But we have cats on this site actin like bitches. But yet when a cat gets racial they come to his defense sayin shit like well I have to see the context in which he said that or I missed. There's some funny style cats on this site period. I'll Holla 5000
  24. bigdawg

    bigdawg Undisputed Champion

    Nov 29, 2002
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    Seattle, Washington
    That's just a lil sound effect we have. Like I said dawg we have a height requirement you must be over 4 feet tall to purchase the product. I'll Holla 5000
  25. bigdawg

    bigdawg Undisputed Champion

    Nov 29, 2002
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    Seattle, Washington
    Why would you want to buy something that smells like shit anyhow? I'll Holla 5000
  26. Gsus

    Gsus Scrub

    Apr 20, 2004
    Likes Received:
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> The white Canadian 2 short is still talken shit about what I have done. But has failed to mention the teams he's played on. As far as the article goes it was PM'd to me by a poster. No need for me to search for articles. But we all know that there are articles out there about me. But proves that a cat was ballen at the highest level. Are there any articles about you being a pizza boy? Midget becomes successful pizza boy. Midget makes remix of (I wish I was a lil bit taller). Are there any? By the way you mentioned that you weren't a delivery boy but was instead a server. As if that makes that job any better. What were you too short to drive the vehicles. Couldn't see over the dash board and reach the gas pedals. Nor could you reach peoples door bells. Hell and when you'd knock they couldn't see your lil ass the peep holes. That would ruin the 30 minutes of less thing.

    You know what I think. You wish you were me. You wish that you could have been a star in highschool that was wined and dined by all the major Univerisities. You wish that you did get a schlorship and played for a pac-10 powershouse who won the national championship who can type his name on google and find all sorts of articles about him. You wish that you did get drafted and play 2 measley years at the highest level possible. You wish that you were connected to a business that is about to blow the fuk up. Dawg if you wish you were me it's all good. You don't have to admit it here. But I know you do. That's why you have so much hatorism when it comes to my resume and accomplishments. You weren't talken this shit over the phone. As a matter of fact you were sayin how cool it was to be talken to an ex-pro athlete. I was like fuk another male groupie who wish he was me. But too bad 2 short you will never be me nor have the athletic ability that I have or had.

    Now you keep callen me a hasbeen. But inorder to be a hasbeen must mean at some point I must have been something. You on the other hand neverwas anything and never will be anything except a short midget who can't get on the roller coaster at the fair. With your lil toes, connected to lil feet, connected to your lil shins, connected to your lil knee caps, connected to your lil thighs, connected to your lil pelvic girdle, which contains a lil pee pee, connected to your lil abs, connected to your lil chect cavity, connected to your lil clavicles, connected to your lil traps, connected to your lil neck, connected to your lil double chin, connected to your lil mouth, connected to your lil nose and your lil eyes which comes together to make your lil head. Now you sit here and type with your lil fingers which are connected to your lil hands haten on my career who is a lil moderator that was a lil pizza boy who now is a lil teachers aid who sharpens lil pencils for lil 2nd graders. Get the fuk outta here lil man. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote]
  27. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Maybe I should call you wannabe-hazzbeen, Soapboy. Once again, you have written a long, boring, "War And Peace:-type posting in my honour. This long posting must have been written to show that you don't care. :D

    One question though. Has runtrunt sold enough Sparkebars to pay for your vehicle? Wasn't he making a Sparkebar delivery to the homeless shelter and he smashed up your shit? I guess he can pay for that shit with all those Sparkebar commercials. :D
  28. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

    Mar 2, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Why would you want to buy something that smells like shit anyhow? I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote]
    I wanted to support runtrunt so he could fix your car. Remember, he smashed up your shit while picking up transvestites. :D
  29. bigdawg

    bigdawg Undisputed Champion

    Nov 29, 2002
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    Seattle, Washington
    Call me what you what but I but we all know the truth. If I was a wannbehazzbeen what the fuk are you? What have you done? You still haven't posted your resume or your athletic accomplishments.

    By the way he did pay my deductible and the truck was repaired. He probably called one of his alum hook ups at Notre Dame and they fronted him the money. I'll Holla 5000
  30. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Small animal repair technician
    Within driving distance of a Pizza Hut
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> The white Canadian 2 short is still talken shit about what I have done. But has failed to mention the teams he's played on. As far as the article goes it was PM'd to me by a poster. No need for me to search for articles. But we all know that there are articles out there about me. But proves that a cat was ballen at the highest level. Are there any articles about you being a pizza boy? Midget becomes successful pizza boy. Midget makes remix of (I wish I was a lil bit taller). Are there any? By the way you mentioned that you weren't a delivery boy but was instead a server. As if that makes that job any better. What were you too short to drive the vehicles. Couldn't see over the dash board and reach the gas pedals. Nor could you reach peoples door bells. Hell and when you'd knock they couldn't see your lil ass the peep holes. That would ruin the 30 minutes of less thing.

    You know what I think. You wish you were me. You wish that you could have been a star in highschool that was wined and dined by all the major Univerisities. You wish that you did get a schlorship and played for a pac-10 powershouse who won the national championship who can type his name on google and find all sorts of articles about him. You wish that you did get drafted and play 2 measley years at the highest level possible. You wish that you were connected to a business that is about to blow the fuk up. Dawg if you wish you were me it's all good. You don't have to admit it here. But I know you do. That's why you have so much hatorism when it comes to my resume and accomplishments. You weren't talken this shit over the phone. As a matter of fact you were sayin how cool it was to be talken to an ex-pro athlete. I was like fuk another male groupie who wish he was me. But too bad 2 short you will never be me nor have the athletic ability that I have or had.

    Now you keep callen me a hasbeen. But inorder to be a hasbeen must mean at some point I must have been something. You on the other hand neverwas anything and never will be anything except a short midget who can't get on the roller coaster at the fair. With your lil toes, connected to lil feet, connected to your lil shins, connected to your lil knee caps, connected to your lil thighs, connected to your lil pelvic girdle, which contains a lil pee pee, connected to your lil abs, connected to your lil chect cavity, connected to your lil clavicles, connected to your lil traps, connected to your lil neck, connected to your lil double chin, connected to your lil mouth, connected to your lil nose and your lil eyes which comes together to make your lil head. Now you sit here and type with your lil fingers which are connected to your lil hands haten on my career who is a lil moderator that was a lil pizza boy who now is a lil teachers aid who sharpens lil pencils for lil 2nd graders. Get the fuk outta here lil man. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote]
    :rolleyes: [/b][/quote]
    Yep, I want a "schlorship." CAN I HAVE A SCHLORSHIP PLEASE? :D

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