Well, looks like the Gump Twinz are piteously crying and peeling astroturf off each other's asses. So I'll call it a night! Let's hope they wear their helmets tomorrow!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Well, looks like the Gump Twinz are piteously crying and peeling astroturf off each other's asses. So I'll call it a night! Let's hope they wear their helmets tomorrow! [/b][/quote] weak
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> 40 pages :shaneUD12Oscar: I read the first two. [/b][/quote] you dont have to read it all, its basically 40 pages of the same insults repeated [/b][/quote] Shit. Man, it's one of those threads that if you didn't follow it from the beginning there's no point in starting late. I would take me hours to get through this shit. [/b][/quote] The only question left is will it make the previously unattainable 1000 posts mark? [/b][/quote] dont jynx it dick it takes over 30k members on sherdog to make a thread with 1k posts this could be record breaking [/b][/quote] Go suck one. Okay there's another contribution from me towards the goal. [/b][/quote] only if u suck one first :gavel: [/b][/quote] Thanks I haven't heard a comeback like that since 4th grade on the playground. You're a punk. You too. You're another one so there. Grow the fuck up. :bitch: [/b][/quote] thats it, im tellin
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Well, looks like the Gump Twinz are piteously crying and peeling astroturf off each other's asses. So I'll call it a night! Let's hope they wear their helmets tomorrow! [/b][/quote] weak [/b][/quote] agreed step it up buddy, this thread dosent need to go to 1000 posts unless your gonna make it worth while
its 12:30 in the morning runtrunt hazzbeen and pizza midget boy are alll in the lab, making up new material
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Its human nature to love your own race. Its hating other races thats wrong. There is a huge difference in loving your race and hating other races. [/b][/quote] Guess I'm not human then, I don't look at people and see race, I look at people and see people. I'm white and I can think many fucking white people I would love to beat the shit out of, same for other people of other races too. I don't care what color you are, I only care what type of person you are.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Its human nature to love your own race. Its hating other races thats wrong. There is a huge difference in loving your race and hating other races. [/b][/quote] Exactly... But the DUMBASS Accusing Pro Black Posters of Being RACIST,CAN'T Comprehend This... & WORSE,he NEVER EXPLAINS HOW or WHY Pro Black Posters R Racist... U'll Learn that ORION NEVER Backs Up a Single Point of his,Unless it Pertains 2 Steriod Use or Bodybuilding...NEVER...Yet he's Amongst the Most Frequent Spewers of FECES on this Site... REED :Calvin Brock: [/b][/quote] Sounds like someone is angry because they were called out as being a racist, guess that's a sore spot for you huh? Maybe if you didn't act racist 75% of the time, people wouldn't call you racist, funny how someone that claims to not be racist shows it in 3/4 of your posts.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> once phonetap went back to reREED REEDs posting, phonetap agREED with REEDs assertion about those who think being pro-black is racists. and those who need proof about boxerdogs racist comments...stick a sock in it. why would multiple posters lie about boxerdog and why won't boxerdog come back to defend himself against such viscious allegations? maybe because the rumors are true... [/b][/quote] Maybe because Boxerdog is more mature than sitting here arguing with a bunch of racist, immature punks.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I don't recall any racist posts by Boxerdog, but I never paid any attention to anything he wrote in the first place. If Bigdawg, REED and Phonetap all have first hand experience with racists comments, I believe them. They don't have a reason to lie. [/b][/quote] WHAT? REED and Bigdawg lie all the fucking time here, wake the fuck up. Where have you been?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I don't know why I'm doing this, but... Third page, last post. This should easily push this thread over the 1000 post mark. [/b][/quote] That's the first time I saw that, Jake. I'm glad you pointed it out. It sounds like a person who has been beaten down and doesn't have anything left. Orion: We've been friends for quite a while, but that was some low shit to say. You should apologize for that because it's disgusting. I think you're a classier person than to resort to that horseshit. Racism is the last resort of the loser. [/b][/quote] It was in relation to money Buddy, yes it had racial undertones but that was not the point being made, Rah is racial so I attacked him on his own field, the point of that post though was that they were questioning my career and the money I make, and so I said that I would have owned him in the 17th century because people who owned slaves in those days were often considered well off or rich. That was the point and I could really care less if anyone got it or not. I really don't give a shit about REED, Bigdawg, or his little nutsuck holding brother, Rahrah, if any of them got offended in any of my posts, fuck them, they are all shit in my eyes anyway. I find it kind of funny that those three often stick together and its those three that happen to be accusing Boxerdog of being racist, certainly this couldn't just be a case of one of them getting mad at Boxerdog and turning this into something else while the other two run to back up their homie by propagating more lies, could it? I've said it before and I say it again......... FUCK REED, BIGDAWG, AND RAHRAH.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> REED didn't insult boxerdog's kids. I was just joking about REED making sexual remarks about boxerdog's children. He said nothing about his kids. REED made very hurtfull comments about boxerdog's looks though. I think that's the reason that boxerdog left. boxerdog is an OK guy though. He now posts at boxingfanatics.com I believe. [/b][/quote] Boxerdog is an asshole Thats all i will say at this moment. [/b][/quote] Well, I don't think so, but REED certainly is. [/b][/quote] Thats cool, im glad you dont think so. I know so. The man is a racist asshole. Those who are defending him like a God, only look foolish IMO. I cant comment on Reed. He has been nothing but nice to me. Until i see otherwise, i will stick with my original statement. [/b][/quote] Reed's never been anything but nice to me either. I don't have one negative thing to say about him. I know that he and Runt Queef both stepped over some lines, but Reed was defending his kid. When you defend your kids, you tend to get irrational and I believe that is what happened to Reed. [/b][/quote] Buddy, REED has made more than one racial comment that crossed the line and it wasn't about his kids.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> ahh petredish is back you should have stayed gone cause you are real lame dawg you are still offended by me calling you a faggot on the first page obviously i hit something personal with you, its not my fault your wife still runs to me for the dick cause you ae one of those brothers "on the down low" my question to you is are you a top or a bottom im the immature one but you come at me with the same silly jokes :wacko: the only difference is that i speak the truth you come off as a sell-out I'm sure im not the first person to call you on this, its all good, you aint the first "brotha" ill just call you carlton from now on comprehend this you are not black enough to :shaneUD12Oscar: speak to :shaneUD12Oscar:  me correcting my speach on the net, thats a white boy thing to do :shaneUD12Oscar: is that racist :wacko: im sorry [/b][/quote] Actually, runtrunt, that WAS a racist post. Correcting your grammar isn't a white thing, it isn't a black thing, it's a CHARITABLE thing to do because you're a fucking idiot! As for not being BLACK ENOUGH to talk to you, you have now completely run out of shit to say and YOU TOO are falling back to racism. Way to go, future dropout. You just admitted that you lost the game! [/b][/quote] Funnier yet ... I'm not black at all and even though I've told him he still doesn't get it ..... But he's gonna pass Calculus and Civil Engineering because deep down inside he knows ... to + to = for [/b][/quote]
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> PeterPan You claim to be so fuken educated but yet he can't comprehend my postings. If you re-read my post Mr. smartass you would see that I attempted to take my daughter to her 1st movie but she was talking too loud and disturbing the other people not to mention it kinda of scared her so we left. I mean I would expect a cat with such a high IQ to figure that one out. I heard that cats can make your moms holler for dollar, do something strange for a piece of change and fuk for a buck. I also heard that she can suck dick from the back. I'm tryin see how that works. Neverwuzz and never will be. First off you couldn't piss on my head to save your life. Hell you can barely piss on my shoes you short bastard. If your 5'7 I"m 6'11. Green eyes said your ass is about 5'0 tall. Why would she lie? Funny that your tone changes when addressing your racist friend fattout. But I guess that's how shit goes. And yeah boxer trailor park did PM me with some racial shit. I haven't lied about anything nor will I start. What's the beef you got with my career and business. Are you jealous? Like I said no matter how much you pray to the tall Gods you will never be me. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote] LOL, and what makes you think anyone would want to be you? I'm sure Petre is praying to God as we speak to be able to live your life. :YeahRight:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I don't recall any racist posts by Boxerdog, but I never paid any attention to anything he wrote in the first place. If Bigdawg, REED and Phonetap all have first hand experience with racists comments, I believe them. They don't have a reason to lie. [/b][/quote] WHAT? REED and Bigdawg lie all the fucking time here, wake the fuck up. Where have you been? [/b][/quote] Urion...your statement is a lie. :huh:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> PeterPan You claim to be so fuken educated but yet he can't comprehend my postings. If you re-read my post Mr. smartass you would see that I attempted to take my daughter to her 1st movie but she was talking too loud and disturbing the other people not to mention it kinda of scared her so we left. I mean I would expect a cat with such a high IQ to figure that one out. I heard that cats can make your moms holler for dollar, do something strange for a piece of change and fuk for a buck. I also heard that she can suck dick from the back. I'm tryin see how that works. Neverwuzz and never will be. First off you couldn't piss on my head to save your life. Hell you can barely piss on my shoes you short bastard. If your 5'7 I"m 6'11. Green eyes said your ass is about 5'0 tall. Why would she lie? Funny that your tone changes when addressing your racist friend fattout. But I guess that's how shit goes. And yeah boxer trailor park did PM me with some racial shit. I haven't lied about anything nor will I start. What's the beef you got with my career and business. Are you jealous? Like I said no matter how much you pray to the tall Gods you will never be me. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote] LOL, and what makes you think anyone would want to be you? I'm sure Petre is praying to God as we speak to be able to live your life. :YeahRight: [/b][/quote] and now the third member of their menage trois is formed but are yall sure yall want orion :wacko: we have been slapping his ass around for a longtime p.s. when he gets mad he ges very racial :shaneUD12Oscar: but i guess it makes sense birds of a feather flock together losers ten dto stay losers while us winners brush yall off and keep stepping congratulations now maybe the'll be able to form a half way decent joke we have capt save a hoe, a pizza delivery man, and a janitor 3 very successful people in life who have made great decisions *thumbs up to yall*
:spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora:
:spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Its human nature to love your own race. Its hating other races thats wrong. There is a huge difference in loving your race and hating other races. [/b][/quote] Guess I'm not human then, I don't look at people and see race, I look at people and see people. I'm white and I can think many fucking white people I would love to beat the shit out of, same for other people of other races too. I don't care what color you are, I only care what type of person you are. [/b][/quote] What are you talking about? What does that have to do with loving your race? I see many Puerto Ricans and want to beat the shit out of them too. Doesnt mean i am not proud to be Puerto Rican. I think everyone is equal too, doesnt mean i will ignore what me and other Puerto Ricans have in common.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> PeterPan You claim to be so fuken educated but yet he can't comprehend my postings. If you re-read my post Mr. smartass you would see that I attempted to take my daughter to her 1st movie but she was talking too loud and disturbing the other people not to mention it kinda of scared her so we left. I mean I would expect a cat with such a high IQ to figure that one out. I heard that cats can make your moms holler for dollar, do something strange for a piece of change and fuk for a buck. I also heard that she can suck dick from the back. I'm tryin see how that works. Neverwuzz and never will be. First off you couldn't piss on my head to save your life. Hell you can barely piss on my shoes you short bastard. If your 5'7 I"m 6'11. Green eyes said your ass is about 5'0 tall. Why would she lie? Funny that your tone changes when addressing your racist friend fattout. But I guess that's how shit goes. And yeah boxer trailor park did PM me with some racial shit. I haven't lied about anything nor will I start. What's the beef you got with my career and business. Are you jealous? Like I said no matter how much you pray to the tall Gods you will never be me. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote] LOL, and what makes you think anyone would want to be you? I'm sure Petre is praying to God as we speak to be able to live your life. :YeahRight: [/b][/quote] why are you speaking for petre :wacko: now we have 3 dick riders fatout dont go there we dont want you gettingall mad and racial and shit once we bitch slap your ass but why do you wanna jump on a losing team anyways :wacko: i know you have been reading the posts and can see that we have been slapping those two wannabes around and you are gonna jump on their team :wacko: this is gonna get real fun
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: [/b][/quote] :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: [/b][/quote] :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: [/b][/quote] :spadafora:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: [/b][/quote] :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: [/b][/quote] :spadafora: [/b][/quote] :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :angry: [/b][/quote] :spadafora: :(
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: [/b][/quote] :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: [/b][/quote] :spadafora: [/b][/quote] :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :angry: [/b][/quote] :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :spadafora: :bag: AR) :( :( :hit: :spadafora: :spadafora:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> PeterPan You claim to be so fuken educated but yet he can't comprehend my postings. If you re-read my post Mr. smartass you would see that I attempted to take my daughter to her 1st movie but she was talking too loud and disturbing the other people not to mention it kinda of scared her so we left. I mean I would expect a cat with such a high IQ to figure that one out. I heard that cats can make your moms holler for dollar, do something strange for a piece of change and fuk for a buck. I also heard that she can suck dick from the back. I'm tryin see how that works. Neverwuzz and never will be. First off you couldn't piss on my head to save your life. Hell you can barely piss on my shoes you short bastard. If your 5'7 I"m 6'11. Green eyes said your ass is about 5'0 tall. Why would she lie? Funny that your tone changes when addressing your racist friend fattout. But I guess that's how shit goes. And yeah boxer trailor park did PM me with some racial shit. I haven't lied about anything nor will I start. What's the beef you got with my career and business. Are you jealous? Like I said no matter how much you pray to the tall Gods you will never be me. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote] LOL, and what makes you think anyone would want to be you? I'm sure Petre is praying to God as we speak to be able to live your life. :YeahRight: [/b][/quote] why are you speaking for petre :wacko: now we have 3 dick riders fatout dont go there we dont want you gettingall mad and racial and shit once we bitch slap your ass but why do you wanna jump on a losing team anyways :wacko: i know you have been reading the posts and can see that we have been slapping those two wannabes around and you are gonna jump on their team :wacko: this is gonna get real fun [/b][/quote] I'm not on anyone's "team", funnny you should accuse someone of being on a "team", when its clear you, your brother and REED are always grouping together. And for the record, all three of you together couldn't bitch slap me.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Its human nature to love your own race. Its hating other races thats wrong. There is a huge difference in loving your race and hating other races. [/b][/quote] Guess I'm not human then, I don't look at people and see race, I look at people and see people. I'm white and I can think many fucking white people I would love to beat the shit out of, same for other people of other races too. I don't care what color you are, I only care what type of person you are. [/b][/quote] What are you talking about? What does that have to do with loving your race? I see many Puerto Ricans and want to beat the shit out of them too. Doesnt mean i am not proud to be Puerto Rican. I think everyone is equal too, doesnt mean i will ignore what me and other Puerto Ricans have in common. [/b][/quote] Once again I don't see race, I see people........
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Its human nature to love your own race.  Its hating other races thats wrong.  There is a huge difference in loving your race and hating other races. [/b][/quote] Guess I'm not human then, I don't look at people and see race, I look at people and see people. I'm white and I can think many fucking white people I would love to beat the shit out of, same for other people of other races too. I don't care what color you are, I only care what type of person you are. [/b][/quote] What are you talking about? What does that have to do with loving your race? I see many Puerto Ricans and want to beat the shit out of them too. Doesnt mean i am not proud to be Puerto Rican. I think everyone is equal too, doesnt mean i will ignore what me and other Puerto Ricans have in common. [/b][/quote] Once again I don't see race, I see people........ [/b][/quote] If you dont see race then you are blind. IMO you are trying way to hard to be PC. I know your type. I guess to you, the whole Olympics must be an act of the devil right? Cheering for their people makes no sense to you? Your mixed up on the ideas of racism.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Its human nature to love your own race.  Its hating other races thats wrong.  There is a huge difference in loving your race and hating other races. [/b][/quote] Guess I'm not human then, I don't look at people and see race, I look at people and see people. I'm white and I can think many fucking white people I would love to beat the shit out of, same for other people of other races too. I don't care what color you are, I only care what type of person you are. [/b][/quote] What are you talking about? What does that have to do with loving your race? I see many Puerto Ricans and want to beat the shit out of them too. Doesnt mean i am not proud to be Puerto Rican. I think everyone is equal too, doesnt mean i will ignore what me and other Puerto Ricans have in common. [/b][/quote] Once again I don't see race, I see people........ [/b][/quote] If you dont see race then you are blind. IMO you are trying way to hard to be PC. I know your type. I guess to you, the whole Olympics must be an act of the devil right? Cheering for their people makes no sense to you? Your mixed up on the ideas of racism. [/b][/quote] Correct, I am blind to race, I see people, names, faces, and personalities. Took a while but it seems you finally got it. And BTW, the Olympics are based on nationalities, not race.