Fuk that I ain't apologizing for shit. If a mofo gets racial with me then all bets are off. By the way when did I brag about shooting a dog. I came in here and stated that I discharged my firearm at a pitbull that was coming to attack me. Didn't know I was bragging. But if it sounded like that then 2 tears in a bucket, fukit. And no I will not post the PM. And no I'm not from the East Coast. I was born in Minnesota but was raised from the 2nd grade on in Long Beach Ca. Westside 4 life. Now I dwell in the fuken great northwest Washington State.And yeah I got beef with that damn east coast bias bullshit when it comes to collegiate sports. Oh yeah west coast rap is better as well. Man about this kid thing. Bigdawg luv the kids. Even ugly ones. Like I said me baggin on boxerdogs kids ain't nothin new to me. I have gotten on my hommies kids (nappy hair, boogers, and whatever else). That's how we get down. I do have to admit I was fuken with him but when cats come to his rescue like lil bitches then ya'll just provoke me to say more. So don't blame me blame yourselves. Had you guys not said anything then this would have ended hella ago. But no ya'll kept adding fuel to fire. By the way ya'll have to admit Boxerdog does look like a child molester who's on my caseload. I swear to God he does. Ya'll know that I got the energy soap thing going, but now I'm gonna invent "shower pills". I want boxerdog and family to be the first one's to try it out. That way his kids can take the pills and get clean. That way the next time he post pictures of his kids they won't look so fuked up. Deez is jokes man. By the way for the cat that said he don't respect. Ask me if I care. I can give a rats ass if you respect me or not. You ain't the first and you damn sure ain't gonna be the last. Love, Peace and Muthafuken Hair Grease. I'll Holla 5000
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> This is the deal.?? Ya'll know that his kids are fuked up lookin.?? Yeah I said it so fuken what.?? Ain't none of you cats gonna do shit to me.?? There are alot of ugly people in the world and him and his family just happens to be apart of that group.?? Like I said I have bagged on plenty of ugly kids in my life-time and I will continue to do so.?? Where I come from we do that.?? So your best bet is to not have ugly kids.?? If you do don't let me see them or better yet don't post pictures of them.?? Ya'll have to admit they all looked like they rode the small school bus with helmets.?? Actually what I need to do is contact CPS cause by the looks of those kids they look like they could all be cousins.?? Tell me this why in the hell would anybody post a picture of his kids on a website lookin fuken dirty and scraggly like homeless kids then don't expect for someone to comment.?? Fuk that I only posted what many of you cats were thinkin.?? I'm glad to see that the trailor family is back.?? ?? ?? Atomic You got me big time.?? Callen me a washed up ex-NFL player who has only scored 1 touchdown in the NFL (Not For Long) in my case, who was drafted in the 6th round by the Buffalo Bills. not to mention has a National Championship ring, who is just not a spokes person for SPARKE Tech. but part owner.?? So next time get that shit straight if you are gonna bust on me.?? By the way what was it that you accomplished, what business are you part owner of.?? And since you hate on Barry Bonds so much what were your stats in baseball??? What triple "A" team did you play for again.?? I missed that.???? Also dawg what does me talken shit about a persons kids on a fuken website have to do with my business.?? Umm that would be not a damn thing.?? Not you or anybody else on this site gonna my or break my business.?? I talk with professional athletes all the time and the cats I holla at Jones the same way.?? By the way business is starting to pick up.?? A cat is starting to see some income.?? It may be small but hell it normally takes about 3-4 years for businesses to trun a profit.?? So next time come correct or don't come at all.?? I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote] You are a fucking douchebag. You must be from New York you fucking asshle. I am called asshole by all who know me, but you disgust me. I won't ever talk shit on someone's kids. They are children you fucking dick. Don't try to rationalize your fucking cocksucking behavior. I don't give a fuck about Boxerdog and I think all people who put their picture up are acting stupidly, but that is just a child you fuck. [/b][/quote] :YeahRight: Stop Acting like U're "High & Mighty",or that U WOULDN'T Stoop 2 Certain Levels... Just YESTERDAY,U BLATANTLY ACCUSED REED of Dissing Boxerdog's Children,Even AFTER REED Made it ABUNDANTLY Clear that he HADN'T... Now that the TRUTH is Out,what's the Deal???...Instead of Being a Fucking MAN,& APOLOGIZING 2 REED(Since U were CLEARLY WRONG N thinking REED Dissed his Kids),U've SHIFTED the Target of your ANGST... U & Boxerdog R "BROTHERs N BITTERNESS"....Your Mouth Literally SALIVATES @ the Opportunity 2 Express your ANGER @ Another Poster.... REED :Calvin Brock: [/b][/quote] Reed, if you were literate, you would know I was clearly joking when you were accused. I made that clear when I said things like, in the absence of compelling evidence he is guilty..........I changed Payton 34's post and made it sound like you were guilty and then put this Get over it Reed. It was a joke. I wouldn't stoop to that level.I am not an angry guy, Reed. I don't even dislike you. I love clowning you in fact. If you disappeared, I would led the search party. I sent you a PM before Reed, trying to say we started out on the wrong foot. You never acknowledged that. :mellow: :mellow: [/b][/quote] Just as REED Suspected...U DON'T Have the Fucking CASHEWS 2 ADMIT U were WRONG... Instead,U're trying 2 Somehow VALIDATE your Shit from Yesterday,by Saying U were "Joking" :YeahRight: ...U're a LIVING,BREATHING,Real-Life,TANGIBLE "Joke",PERSONFIED,Ike...But U're RARELY(if EVER)"Joking",when U Post... Like REED Said,U Get MOIST btwn the Legs @ the Mere Thought of having a "JUSTIFIABLE" Opportunity,2 "Hate" on a Poster....& Because U're Soooooooooo COMPLETELY Absorbed N your OWN Bitterness,U Can't Bring yourself 2 APOLOGIZE 2 REED,when CLEARLY,U were WRONG.... No Harm Done,just DON'T Act all High & Mighty,Cause it Comes Off as Being MORE Phoney than those Surgically Added INCHES on Ron Jeremy's Infant Sized Phallus.... REED :Calvin Brock: [/b][/quote] Reed I was joking seriously. I am one of the funniest guys on the net, baby. Maybe, you just don't get it, but seriously I am sorry for saying it, if it offended you. I think Payton knew I was kidding and some other guy quoted me and laughed at my absurd response. That's just it Reed. It was so absurd what I wrote that no one could believe it was sincere. Look, for the record I know you didn't say shit. I knew it yesterday. I know it now. I was kidding, but look if it makes you happy I am sorry that I am not as funny as I thought. Sorry man. [/b][/quote] This kinder and gentler Free Ike fucking disgusts me. Why don't you bring Sexy Marie back and you guys can sympathize with each other.[/b][/quote] He has been like this for a while. Ever since he went to that Vitali vs. Sanders fight, he has turned into this thing. [/b][/quote] Fuck you and Saad. The truth is I met some people,some people know my name and address/phone number, so I could get exposed if I bullshit too much. So now I just brag about how handsome I am since it is true. I don't hate any of you guys. I am grumpy and I TALK SHIT, but I don't hate anyone except the "Bi-sexual One." ________ Vapor buddy pipe
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Your starting to have to scare off the dogs too huh .... :( [/b][/quote] :mellow: Yeah,it's Getting BAD,PETRE... REED Caught 1 of his CLOSEST Friends(or So REED Thought)Giving his 13 Year Old the Up & Down,EXAMINING Look....This Motherfucker is 32 Years Old & Literally WATCHED REED's Daughter Grow....From 1 DOG to Another,REED RECOGNIZED the Look & Called his "Friend" on It... He Swore REED was Overreacting,but we HAVEN'T Spoken Since...REED Trusts his Fatherly/Male Slut Instincts MORE than his "Friend"... Just the Other Day,REED was N a Restaurant w/his Daughter & the Waiter was Paying EXTRA SPECIAL "Attention" 2 Her...This Cat HAD 2 B 25 or So... REED Quickly Grew TIRED of that Shit & Blurted Out,"Look Dog,she's Only 13,Now Move Along"...Needless 2 Say,that Punk Motherfucker DIDN'T Get a Fucking Tip :huh: ... It's Getting BAD...But REED is Working Out,Saving Bail Money & AIN'T Scared of Doing Jailtime,4 Killing Some Perverted Motherfucker,Fucking w/his Little Girl(Even though she's CLOSER 2 Being a Woman Now :( ).... Since U're Rich & All,Send REED some Extra BULLETs 4 his Shotgun REED :Calvin Brock: [/b][/quote] WHOAH :shaneUD12Oscar: That's not cool ... That'd be the end of any friendship I had with a MotherF'r checkin'out my girls. Too much of that shit and I'd be fittin someone for some cement shoes . We just have lot's of boys callin the house :teh angry: And they're usually busy when I answer the phone . Wifey tells me to relax a little but those are my little girls damnit! :teh angry: I've already told her ... anyone hit's them and she can see me in a few years when I get outta jail cause I'll kill a MotherF'r. AR) Trained my boys to watch their back too :box:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> This is the deal. Ya'll know that his kids are fuked up lookin. Yeah I said it so fuken what. Ain't none of you cats gonna do shit to me. There are alot of ugly people in the world and him and his family just happens to be apart of that group. Like I said I have bagged on plenty of ugly kids in my life-time and I will continue to do so. Where I come from we do that. So your best bet is to not have ugly kids. If you do don't let me see them or better yet don't post pictures of them. Ya'll have to admit they all looked like they rode the small school bus with helmets. Actually what I need to do is contact CPS cause by the looks of those kids they look like they could all be cousins. Tell me this why in the hell would anybody post a picture of his kids on a website lookin fuken dirty and scraggly like homeless kids then don't expect for someone to comment. Fuk that I only posted what many of you cats were thinkin. I'm glad to see that the trailor family is back.   Atomic You got me big time. Callen me a washed up ex-NFL player who has only scored 1 touchdown in the NFL (Not For Long) in my case, who was drafted in the 6th round by the Buffalo Bills. not to mention has a National Championship ring, who is just not a spokes person for SPARKE Tech. but part owner. So next time get that shit straight if you are gonna bust on me. By the way what was it that you accomplished, what business are you part owner of. And since you hate on Barry Bonds so much what were your stats in baseball? What triple "A" team did you play for again. I missed that.  Also dawg what does me talken shit about a persons kids on a fuken website have to do with my business. Umm that would be not a damn thing. Not you or anybody else on this site gonna my or break my business. I talk with professional athletes all the time and the cats I holla at Jones the same way. By the way business is starting to pick up. A cat is starting to see some income. It may be small but hell it normally takes about 3-4 years for businesses to trun a profit. So next time come correct or don't come at all. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote] You are a fucking douchebag. You must be from New York you fucking asshle. I am called asshole by all who know me, but you disgust me. I won't ever talk shit on someone's kids. They are children you fucking dick. Don't try to rationalize your fucking cocksucking behavior. I don't give a fuck about Boxerdog and I think all people who put their picture up are acting stupidly, but that is just a child you fuck. [/b][/quote] :YeahRight: Stop Acting like U're "High & Mighty",or that U WOULDN'T Stoop 2 Certain Levels... Just YESTERDAY,U BLATANTLY ACCUSED REED of Dissing Boxerdog's Children,Even AFTER REED Made it ABUNDANTLY Clear that he HADN'T... Now that the TRUTH is Out,what's the Deal???...Instead of Being a Fucking MAN,& APOLOGIZING 2 REED(Since U were CLEARLY WRONG N thinking REED Dissed his Kids),U've SHIFTED the Target of your ANGST... U & Boxerdog R "BROTHERs N BITTERNESS"....Your Mouth Literally SALIVATES @ the Opportunity 2 Express your ANGER @ Another Poster.... REED :Calvin Brock: [/b][/quote] Reed, if you were literate, you would know I was clearly joking when you were accused. I made that clear when I said things like, in the absence of compelling evidence he is guilty..........I changed Payton 34's post and made it sound like you were guilty and then put this Get over it Reed. It was a joke. I wouldn't stoop to that level.I am not an angry guy, Reed. I don't even dislike you. I love clowning you in fact. If you disappeared, I would led the search party. I sent you a PM before Reed, trying to say we started out on the wrong foot. You never acknowledged that. :mellow: :mellow: [/b][/quote] Just as REED Suspected...U DON'T Have the Fucking CASHEWS 2 ADMIT U were WRONG... Instead,U're trying 2 Somehow VALIDATE your Shit from Yesterday,by Saying U were "Joking" :YeahRight: ...U're a LIVING,BREATHING,Real-Life,TANGIBLE "Joke",PERSONFIED,Ike...But U're RARELY(if EVER)"Joking",when U Post... Like REED Said,U Get MOIST btwn the Legs @ the Mere Thought of having a "JUSTIFIABLE" Opportunity,2 "Hate" on a Poster....& Because U're Soooooooooo COMPLETELY Absorbed N your OWN Bitterness,U Can't Bring yourself 2 APOLOGIZE 2 REED,when CLEARLY,U were WRONG.... No Harm Done,just DON'T Act all High & Mighty,Cause it Comes Off as Being MORE Phoney than those Surgically Added INCHES on Ron Jeremy's Infant Sized Phallus.... REED :Calvin Brock: [/b][/quote] Reed I was joking seriously. I am one of the funniest guys on the net, baby. Maybe, you just don't get it, but seriously I am sorry for saying it, if it offended you. I think Payton knew I was kidding and some other guy quoted me and laughed at my absurd response. That's just it Reed. It was so absurd what I wrote that no one could believe it was sincere. Look, for the record I know you didn't say shit. I knew it yesterday. I know it now. I was kidding, but look if it makes you happy I am sorry that I am not as funny as I thought. Sorry man. [/b][/quote] This kinder and gentler Free Ike fucking disgusts me. Why don't you bring Sexy Marie back and you guys can sympathize with each other.[/b][/quote] He has been like this for a while. Ever since he went to that Vitali vs. Sanders fight, he has turned into this thing. [/b][/quote] Fuck you and Saad. The truth is I met some people,some people know my name and address/phone number, so I could get exposed if I bullshit too much. So now I just brag about how handsome I am since it is true. I don't hate any of you guys. I am grumpy and I TALK SHIT, but I don't hate anyone except the "Bi-sexual One." [/b][/quote] Bless you Ike. I'm feeling your serenity. P.S. - Are you a theist now too?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> This is the deal.?? Ya'll know that his kids are fuked up lookin.?? Yeah I said it so fuken what.?? Ain't none of you cats gonna do shit to me.?? There are alot of ugly people in the world and him and his family just happens to be apart of that group.?? Like I said I have bagged on plenty of ugly kids in my life-time and I will continue to do so.?? Where I come from we do that.?? So your best bet is to not have ugly kids.?? If you do don't let me see them or better yet don't post pictures of them.?? Ya'll have to admit they all looked like they rode the small school bus with helmets.?? Actually what I need to do is contact CPS cause by the looks of those kids they look like they could all be cousins.?? Tell me this why in the hell would anybody post a picture of his kids on a website lookin fuken dirty and scraggly like homeless kids then don't expect for someone to comment.?? Fuk that I only posted what many of you cats were thinkin.?? I'm glad to see that the trailor family is back.?? ?? ?? Atomic You got me big time.?? Callen me a washed up ex-NFL player who has only scored 1 touchdown in the NFL (Not For Long) in my case, who was drafted in the 6th round by the Buffalo Bills. not to mention has a National Championship ring, who is just not a spokes person for SPARKE Tech. but part owner.?? So next time get that shit straight if you are gonna bust on me.?? By the way what was it that you accomplished, what business are you part owner of.?? And since you hate on Barry Bonds so much what were your stats in baseball??? What triple "A" team did you play for again.?? I missed that.???? Also dawg what does me talken shit about a persons kids on a fuken website have to do with my business.?? Umm that would be not a damn thing.?? Not you or anybody else on this site gonna my or break my business.?? I talk with professional athletes all the time and the cats I holla at Jones the same way.?? By the way business is starting to pick up.?? A cat is starting to see some income.?? It may be small but hell it normally takes about 3-4 years for businesses to trun a profit.?? So next time come correct or don't come at all.?? I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote] You are a fucking douchebag. You must be from New York you fucking asshle. I am called asshole by all who know me, but you disgust me. I won't ever talk shit on someone's kids. They are children you fucking dick. Don't try to rationalize your fucking cocksucking behavior. I don't give a fuck about Boxerdog and I think all people who put their picture up are acting stupidly, but that is just a child you fuck. [/b][/quote] :YeahRight: Stop Acting like U're "High & Mighty",or that U WOULDN'T Stoop 2 Certain Levels... Just YESTERDAY,U BLATANTLY ACCUSED REED of Dissing Boxerdog's Children,Even AFTER REED Made it ABUNDANTLY Clear that he HADN'T... Now that the TRUTH is Out,what's the Deal???...Instead of Being a Fucking MAN,& APOLOGIZING 2 REED(Since U were CLEARLY WRONG N thinking REED Dissed his Kids),U've SHIFTED the Target of your ANGST... U & Boxerdog R "BROTHERs N BITTERNESS"....Your Mouth Literally SALIVATES @ the Opportunity 2 Express your ANGER @ Another Poster.... REED :Calvin Brock: [/b][/quote] Reed, if you were literate, you would know I was clearly joking when you were accused. I made that clear when I said things like, in the absence of compelling evidence he is guilty..........I changed Payton 34's post and made it sound like you were guilty and then put this Get over it Reed. It was a joke. I wouldn't stoop to that level.I am not an angry guy, Reed. I don't even dislike you. I love clowning you in fact. If you disappeared, I would led the search party. I sent you a PM before Reed, trying to say we started out on the wrong foot. You never acknowledged that. :mellow: :mellow: [/b][/quote] Just as REED Suspected...U DON'T Have the Fucking CASHEWS 2 ADMIT U were WRONG... Instead,U're trying 2 Somehow VALIDATE your Shit from Yesterday,by Saying U were "Joking" :YeahRight: ...U're a LIVING,BREATHING,Real-Life,TANGIBLE "Joke",PERSONFIED,Ike...But U're RARELY(if EVER)"Joking",when U Post... Like REED Said,U Get MOIST btwn the Legs @ the Mere Thought of having a "JUSTIFIABLE" Opportunity,2 "Hate" on a Poster....& Because U're Soooooooooo COMPLETELY Absorbed N your OWN Bitterness,U Can't Bring yourself 2 APOLOGIZE 2 REED,when CLEARLY,U were WRONG.... No Harm Done,just DON'T Act all High & Mighty,Cause it Comes Off as Being MORE Phoney than those Surgically Added INCHES on Ron Jeremy's Infant Sized Phallus.... REED :Calvin Brock: [/b][/quote] Reed I was joking seriously. I am one of the funniest guys on the net, baby. Maybe, you just don't get it, but seriously I am sorry for saying it, if it offended you. I think Payton knew I was kidding and some other guy quoted me and laughed at my absurd response. That's just it Reed. It was so absurd what I wrote that no one could believe it was sincere. Look, for the record I know you didn't say shit. I knew it yesterday. I know it now. I was kidding, but look if it makes you happy I am sorry that I am not as funny as I thought. Sorry man. [/b][/quote] This kinder and gentler Free Ike fucking disgusts me. Why don't you bring Sexy Marie back and you guys can sympathize with each other.[/b][/quote] He has been like this for a while. Ever since he went to that Vitali vs. Sanders fight, he has turned into this thing. [/b][/quote] Fuck you and Saad. The truth is I met some people,some people know my name and address/phone number, so I could get exposed if I bullshit too much. So now I just brag about how handsome I am since it is true. I don't hate any of you guys. I am grumpy and I TALK SHIT, but I don't hate anyone except the "Bi-sexual One." [/b][/quote] Bless you Ike. I'm feeling your serenity. P.S. - Are you a theist now too? [/b][/quote] Suck my ass you fucking hick. I worship Chinus Maximus, who, in case the moonshine has killed your diminishing intelligence, gave us the Barrera and Jones defeats, so yes I am. Enjoy me now, my dear Brother Saad. I might be Catholic again soon too :mellow: :mellow: ________ Vaporizer Video
dude it doesnt matter if you have issues with a man take them up with the man, dont bring his children into it, thats low class
i honestly didn't know this was that serious. yikies... also, reed, i missed the thing about your daughter as well....my bad. bigdawg is cool people, and he was most likely just joking around. if b-dog woulda just took it and rolled with it, this post wouldn't be here.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> i honestly didn't know this was that serious. yikies... also, reed, i missed the thing about your daughter as well....my bad. bigdawg is cool people, and he was most likely just joking around. if b-dog woulda just took it and rolled with it, this post wouldn't be here. [/b][/quote] hes said on different occassions he wasnt joking about it and that he doesnt give a shit dont try to justify it :huh:
i am not trying to justify it, you goose. i don't think it's cool to bash the way little kids look... but i thought about it some more, and here's what i think... i post my pics, people say...eewww, you loook like a guy or.. callie, you need to lose some weight in your ass....yada fucking yada. that's cool with me, i think it's hilarious. so i let it bounce off. if b-dog woulda just said to himself, hey...i don't know these peeps...so it's all gravy. i got my kids, and they love me, and i love them...so who fucking cares what other people say... then i repeat...this post wouldn't be here. =) some people roll with the punches, some people just get hit.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> [/b][/quote] thank you, i needed one...my little eyes were dripping. gf to the rescue.. ahah
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> [/b][/quote] thank you, i needed one...my little eyes were dripping. gf to the rescue.. ahah [/b][/quote] You know these arent for you. You actually know whats up.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> [/b][/quote] thank you, i needed one...my little eyes were dripping. gf to the rescue.. ahah [/b][/quote] You know these arent for you. You actually know whats up. [/b][/quote] i know, i just wanted to pretend like you gave me a present. i am bored. sorry =)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> [/b][/quote] thank you, i needed one...my little eyes were dripping. gf to the rescue.. ahah [/b][/quote] You know these arent for you. You actually know whats up. [/b][/quote] i know, i just wanted to pretend like you gave me a present. i am bored. sorry =) [/b][/quote] I would give you a present, but then you would be stalking me.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> [/b][/quote] thank you, i needed one...my little eyes were dripping. gf to the rescue.. ahah [/b][/quote] You know these arent for you. You actually know whats up. [/b][/quote] i know, i just wanted to pretend like you gave me a present. i am bored. sorry =) [/b][/quote] I would give you a present, but then you would be stalking me. [/b][/quote] you already did, and i already am... i'm just so clever you didn't suspect it yet... muahahaha where do you live again? i need to know these things for stalking purposes....=)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> i honestly didn't know this was that serious. yikies... also, reed, i missed the thing about your daughter as well....my bad. bigdawg is cool people, and he was most likely just joking around. if b-dog woulda just took it and rolled with it, this post wouldn't be here. [/b][/quote] hes said on different occassions he wasnt joking about it and that he doesnt give a shit dont try to justify it :huh: [/b][/quote] shoulda thought bout that before he came with the racial shit when you have ugly kids you prolly should think twice bout startin shit
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> This is the deal. Ya'll know that his kids are fuked up lookin. Yeah I said it so fuken what. Ain't none of you cats gonna do shit to me. There are alot of ugly people in the world and him and his family just happens to be apart of that group. Like I said I have bagged on plenty of ugly kids in my life-time and I will continue to do so. Where I come from we do that. So your best bet is to not have ugly kids. If you do don't let me see them or better yet don't post pictures of them. Ya'll have to admit they all looked like they rode the small school bus with helmets. Actually what I need to do is contact CPS cause by the looks of those kids they look like they could all be cousins. Tell me this why in the hell would anybody post a picture of his kids on a website lookin fuken dirty and scraggly like homeless kids then don't expect for someone to comment. Fuk that I only posted what many of you cats were thinkin. I'm glad to see that the trailor family is back.   Atomic You got me big time. Callen me a washed up ex-NFL player who has only scored 1 touchdown in the NFL (Not For Long) in my case, who was drafted in the 6th round by the Buffalo Bills. not to mention has a National Championship ring, who is just not a spokes person for SPARKE Tech. but part owner. So next time get that shit straight if you are gonna bust on me. By the way what was it that you accomplished, what business are you part owner of. And since you hate on Barry Bonds so much what were your stats in baseball? What triple "A" team did you play for again. I missed that.  Also dawg what does me talken shit about a persons kids on a fuken website have to do with my business. Umm that would be not a damn thing. Not you or anybody else on this site gonna my or break my business. I talk with professional athletes all the time and the cats I holla at Jones the same way. By the way business is starting to pick up. A cat is starting to see some income. It may be small but hell it normally takes about 3-4 years for businesses to trun a profit. So next time come correct or don't come at all. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote] You are a fucking douchebag. You must be from New York you fucking asshle. I am called asshole by all who know me, but you disgust me. I won't ever talk shit on someone's kids. They are children you fucking dick. Don't try to rationalize your fucking cocksucking behavior. I don't give a fuck about Boxerdog and I think all people who put their picture up are acting stupidly, but that is just a child you fuck. [/b][/quote] :YeahRight: Stop Acting like U're "High & Mighty",or that U WOULDN'T Stoop 2 Certain Levels... Just YESTERDAY,U BLATANTLY ACCUSED REED of Dissing Boxerdog's Children,Even AFTER REED Made it ABUNDANTLY Clear that he HADN'T... Now that the TRUTH is Out,what's the Deal???...Instead of Being a Fucking MAN,& APOLOGIZING 2 REED(Since U were CLEARLY WRONG N thinking REED Dissed his Kids),U've SHIFTED the Target of your ANGST... U & Boxerdog R "BROTHERs N BITTERNESS"....Your Mouth Literally SALIVATES @ the Opportunity 2 Express your ANGER @ Another Poster.... REED :Calvin Brock: [/b][/quote] Reed, if you were literate, you would know I was clearly joking when you were accused. I made that clear when I said things like, in the absence of compelling evidence he is guilty..........I changed Payton 34's post and made it sound like you were guilty and then put this Get over it Reed. It was a joke. I wouldn't stoop to that level.I am not an angry guy, Reed. I don't even dislike you. I love clowning you in fact. If you disappeared, I would led the search party. I sent you a PM before Reed, trying to say we started out on the wrong foot. You never acknowledged that. :mellow: :mellow: [/b][/quote] Just as REED Suspected...U DON'T Have the Fucking CASHEWS 2 ADMIT U were WRONG... Instead,U're trying 2 Somehow VALIDATE your Shit from Yesterday,by Saying U were "Joking" :YeahRight: ...U're a LIVING,BREATHING,Real-Life,TANGIBLE "Joke",PERSONFIED,Ike...But U're RARELY(if EVER)"Joking",when U Post... Like REED Said,U Get MOIST btwn the Legs @ the Mere Thought of having a "JUSTIFIABLE" Opportunity,2 "Hate" on a Poster....& Because U're Soooooooooo COMPLETELY Absorbed N your OWN Bitterness,U Can't Bring yourself 2 APOLOGIZE 2 REED,when CLEARLY,U were WRONG.... No Harm Done,just DON'T Act all High & Mighty,Cause it Comes Off as Being MORE Phoney than those Surgically Added INCHES on Ron Jeremy's Infant Sized Phallus.... REED :Calvin Brock: [/b][/quote] Reed I was joking seriously. I am one of the funniest guys on the net, baby. Maybe, you just don't get it, but seriously I am sorry for saying it, if it offended you. I think Payton knew I was kidding and some other guy quoted me and laughed at my absurd response. That's just it Reed. It was so absurd what I wrote that no one could believe it was sincere. Look, for the record I know you didn't say shit. I knew it yesterday. I know it now. I was kidding, but look if it makes you happy I am sorry that I am not as funny as I thought. Sorry man. [/b][/quote] This kinder and gentler Free Ike fucking disgusts me. Why don't you bring Sexy Marie back and you guys can sympathize with each other.[/b][/quote] He has been like this for a while. Ever since he went to that Vitali vs. Sanders fight, he has turned into this thing. [/b][/quote] Fuck you and Saad. The truth is I met some people,some people know my name and address/phone number, so I could get exposed if I bullshit too much. So now I just brag about how handsome I am since it is true. I don't hate any of you guys. I am grumpy and I TALK SHIT, but I don't hate anyone except the "Bi-sexual One." [/b][/quote] Bless you Ike. I'm feeling your serenity. P.S. - Are you a theist now too? [/b][/quote] What a great post.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> It's just like a street fight .... some people are capable of keeping it , man to man ... others show their true caliber and play dirty. [/b][/quote] no rules to fighting buddy and after its all said and done if you got your ass whooped people arent gonaa justify it on the street by sayin he got hit below the waist [/b][/quote] I agree. I am average size. 50% of the peope I see are bigger than I am. I will punch their balls, bite them, stab their eyes wit a pencil........they are trying to kill me. Streetfighting should never be done, but there aren't any rules. [/b][/quote] That just goes to show you the caliber of most of todays street thugs. That's all .... doesn't disprove what I said. When I was a kid , no way one dude would pull anothers hair , bite him or kick him in the nuts .... you'd be laughed at like a fucking girl and people around would stop the fight . NO WAY any of my friends would get sucker punched or ganged on and I or any of my friends would stand there and watch . Back in the day ... Gangs that would fight would agree before hand what was fair and what was not and it was a matter of honor that you obeyed those rules (That wasn't just shit in the movies) THOSE are the lines that have moved . Today if I found myself in this type of situation , I'd know not to take anything for granted cause the lines have moved . IMO .... crackin on a guys kids crosses the lines that still exist today. If someone ever thought for a second about doing that around me they'd better be prepared to get hurt. [/b][/quote] thats what im sayin you can be all honorable and shit but if the other guy isnt it doesnt matter the way it is now if my boy, teammate gets in a fight then im fightin also unless he killin the guy right away the way it is you can call me a coward all you want as your ass is gettin stomped into te ground now im not sayin i partake in this shit often, its just how its gonna go down and if i get in a fight with somebody who has more friends around then me then either ima bow down or ima be ready to get jumped and fight everyone you gotta be smarter then that and ready [/b][/quote] So you're admitting that you're a dickless piece of shit that would jump in because your friend wouldn't have the cojones to hold his own. [/b][/quote] naw i graduate in a year by the way where did you go to college? maybe ill hire you when im all done with football [/b][/quote] Gee, the wannabe Forrest Gump kid is talking to little ol' me? And apparently he thinks that I went to the same "college" as him. I hereby christen you with the name "Nevah Nevah Wuzz." Like yourself, it is impressive and edgy. Notice that it has a "Z" instead of an "S". The "Z" makes it "urban" and "kool". Eventually, when you fail to make it to the big leagues because you lack ability and toughness, you can get a job...oh, I dunno....selling soap? Don't worry...you'll be good at it...and you won't even need to fake your "kolledge" degree.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> personally phonetap wouldn't crack on anyones kids but fuck boxerdog's oversensitive ass... he was a shit starter who couldn't handle the heat. when boxerdog said his usual slick shit and phonetap checked the bitch on it...boxerdog took it upon himself to PM phonetap talking some shit about whuppin the irrepressible ones ass. phonetap let the muthafucka babble on for a few PM's then phonetap said fuck this shit...he PM'ed boxerdog his digits and said 'alright toughguy, let's set something up and do this'. of course phonetap received NO phonecall and the faggot changed his tune REAL quick. don't act all big & bad, call a man out then bitch-up when the challenge is accepted. fuck boxerdog. [/b][/quote] I have no problem at all with man to man banter or fighting. [/b][/quote] Well, Tapper, I hope you have the same magnanimous agreeable position when someone takes shots at your kids or wife. After all, it's nothing to get bothered by.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Petre If my brother or any of my hommies ever get into a scrap you best believe I'm gonna jump in. Believe that shit. There ain't no rules in fighting in the streets. If I'm there you will get done in PERIOD! I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote] Well .... that's big talk anyway. I'm guessing by your comments that you'd have no trouble at all crossing any line. In the end you hurt yourself , not me and Karma's a bitch that'll bite your ass one day. You don't talk about a man's kids , that's just another cheap shot , another low blow , can't win fair and square so it's time to cheat .... maybe where you come from that's OK .... Where I come from that makes you a loser. [/b][/quote] comin from a faggot like you im sure that really hurts [/b][/quote] RahRah ... what exactly does this mean ? :wacko: So I'm a fag now ? What is this the 3rd grade ? BTW: I know your "getting your cousins back" , even though I never attacked BigDawg in any way ... but a smart man would have said .... "Everyone .... I fucked up , I crossed the line , my sincere apologies to all" .... and that would have been the end of it , totally difusing the situation .... But some people don't see those choices ... instead they shoot a dog and brag about it. [/b][/quote] what the fuck are you talkin bout who the fuck are you captain save a hoe comin to boxerdogs rescue and shit ALL i am sayin is who gives a fuck what is said, especially since it has nothin to do with you secondly its some fuckin words on the internet on a message board by some one you don even know why the hell do you care and then sayin he should be the bigger man by apologizing thats some gay ass shit you think you are all hiogh and mighty cause you take cheap shots at people, but you didnt address his kids so it is all good the only difference is that nobody cares bout what you say just like nobody cares bout what i say if you woulda of came at his kids he would of took it like a man, not run off like a lil bicth and have other people come stick up for his bitch ass shit people come at me or my bro bout football and school and other shit all the time and what do we do just brush that shit off, cause yall dont mean shit to me [/b][/quote] Easy there, runtrunt. People might think you're getting worked up over the issue. That would disturb your wannabe image. Maybe you aren't feeling fresh. Maybe you need to "get down, gankstuh-stile" with a SPARR-KEE bar. Let's see if I can explain it in an urban style that properly illustrates your edgy toughness that has been nurtured by numerous repeats of Jay-Z videos: Here goezzzzz: ***************************************************************************** Whoops, I didn't spell it right? SPARRRR-KEEEBAHRRRR, BOYYYEEEEEEE I spelled it wrong...even with my nutz-flexin' intenshuns? DANG! Ain't dat a B? You ain't recognizin my flavuh? Peepz bettah getz wif dah prograham. Aftuh awwl...peeps don't unduhstann that it's koo to bee a gankstuh and talk da shiznik aboutz da littlllll kidzzzz. ******************************************************************************** Did I "respek yo gankstuh" ? I think it is wonderful that you want to copy your cousin...but he did something with his life. What are you gonna do? Count the number of Sparkebars that he sells everyday?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> This is the deal. Ya'll know that his kids are fuked up lookin. Yeah I said it so fuken what. Ain't none of you cats gonna do shit to me. There are alot of ugly people in the world and him and his family just happens to be apart of that group. Like I said I have bagged on plenty of ugly kids in my life-time and I will continue to do so. Where I come from we do that. So your best bet is to not have ugly kids. If you do don't let me see them or better yet don't post pictures of them. Ya'll have to admit they all looked like they rode the small school bus with helmets. Actually what I need to do is contact CPS cause by the looks of those kids they look like they could all be cousins. Tell me this why in the hell would anybody post a picture of his kids on a website lookin fuken dirty and scraggly like homeless kids then don't expect for someone to comment. Fuk that I only posted what many of you cats were thinkin. I'm glad to see that the trailor family is back. Atomic You got me big time. Callen me a washed up ex-NFL player who has only scored 1 touchdown in the NFL (Not For Long) in my case, who was drafted in the 6th round by the Buffalo Bills. not to mention has a National Championship ring, who is just not a spokes person for SPARKE Tech. but part owner. So next time get that shit straight if you are gonna bust on me. By the way what was it that you accomplished, what business are you part owner of. And since you hate on Barry Bonds so much what were your stats in baseball? What triple "A" team did you play for again. I missed that. Also dawg what does me talken shit about a persons kids on a fuken website have to do with my business. Umm that would be not a damn thing. Not you or anybody else on this site gonna my or break my business. I talk with professional athletes all the time and the cats I holla at Jones the same way. By the way business is starting to pick up. A cat is starting to see some income. It may be small but hell it normally takes about 3-4 years for businesses to trun a profit. So next time come correct or don't come at all. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote] Ok, so now Al Bundy gets in here saying "Ain't none of yall gonna do shit to me." Wake up and smell the Sparkebar, Al. Nobody wants to do anything to you. You're part of a messageboard community. Many people in the community think it is pathetic to attack children. Verbally or otherwise. Let us know when you get the picture.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Atomic You got me big time. Callen me a washed up ex-NFL player who has only scored 1 touchdown in the NFL (Not For Long) in my case, who was drafted in the 6th round by the Buffalo Bills. not to mention has a National Championship ring, who is just not a spokes person for SPARKE Tech. but part owner. So next time get that shit straight if you are gonna bust on me. By the way what was it that you accomplished, what business are you part owner of. And since you hate on Barry Bonds so much what were your stats in baseball? What triple "A" team did you play for again. I missed that. Also dawg what does me talken shit about a persons kids on a fuken website have to do with my business. Umm that would be not a damn thing. Not you or anybody else on this site gonna my or break my business. I talk with professional athletes all the time and the cats I holla at Jones the same way. By the way business is starting to pick up. A cat is starting to see some income. It may be small but hell it normally takes about 3-4 years for businesses to trun a profit. So next time come correct or don't come at all. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote] For one, NFL (Not For Long), only applied to you and a few others that put all their eggs in one basket. You didn't design or engineer the soap, so you're just a shill. You leech onto someone else's work and claim it as your own. You're a barnacle. As for your National Championship ring...I'm sure that you wave it around when you verbally attack children and sell soap. We're all proud of you. Then you rattle off on some tangent about people and how they can't get at you. Talk about your Al Bundy "Starved 4 Attention" syndrome. Face facts. You had a cup of coffee with the big time. Now you sell soap and talk about the "good old days". You brag about talking with pro athletes, but let's face it...none of them have "the soap salesman" on speed-dial. You know and we know that pro athletes have leeches attached to their nuts constantly. You're a low-grade Crocodile Fitch with a bar of soap in his hand. Try thinking about that the next time you soap down some lineman's nuts and brag about insulting kids on the internet.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Where was all this SAPPY,SENTIMENTAL,"Keith Sweat" Ass Shit,when REED's Newborn Child(LESS than a Month Old @ the Time)Got DISSED???? :wacko: MOST of U Motherfuckers that R Acting OFFENDED,Sat on the Sidelines,Filing your Fucking Nails,SPECTATING,when REED's Youngest Child Got Thrown Under the Bus... Now U're ALL on Some Ol' Dirty Bastard,"Wu Tang is 4 the Children" Shit??? :wacko: Whatever :YeahRight: ... REED DOESN'T have a Fucking VAGINA btwn his Legs like Boxerdog Apparently Does,so REED Handled HIS OWN Fucking Business,when his Child Got Dissed... REED Didn't ASK 4,Nor EXPECT Any "Help",when his Child Got Dissed,but Upon Hearing the REACTION of Some of U Motherfuckers(2 what BIGDAWG Did),REED Can't Help but Wonder where All these "Morals" & "GOOD Character Traits" were,Then???? :wacko: What BIGDAWG Said was Foul(He's a Grown Ass Man & he's Standing by what he Said,Bottom Line),but it's NOT Like BOXERDOG was Some Innocent Bystander,that Got Caught N the Crossfire...That Cat INSTIGATED a WHOLE BUNCH of Shit on this Site,UNDENIABLY...EVERYfuckingTIME Boxerdog Got N 2 a "Pissing Match",it was Cause HE STARTED the Shit... That's a Fucking FACT... So SPARE REED this OVERSATURATED "Feel Good" Crap,OK???...Especially Since NONE Of U Motherfuckers had an OUNCE of Sentiment 2 Offer REED,when the SAME Fucking Thing Happened 2 him... REED :Calvin Brock: [/b][/quote] Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. I was the first person to thrash Runt Queef for attacking your kid. At least you stated that BigDawg was wrong. Check back. As soon as I heard that he capped on your kid, I stood up and said what a piece of shit he was.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> i honestly didn't know this was that serious. yikies... also, reed, i missed the thing about your daughter as well....my bad. bigdawg is cool people, and he was most likely just joking around. if b-dog woulda just took it and rolled with it, this post wouldn't be here. [/b][/quote] How would you feel if people started talking shit about your sisters or kids in your family. You don't have kids yet, but I would bet you wouldn't be so happy and carefree.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> How would you feel if people started talking shit about your sisters or kids in your family. [/b][/quote] If I had posted my family's pics all over the net and then was talkin shit, I would fully expect it. :wacko:
Bleeder to the resuce What the fuk are you talken bout scrub with your pizza hut delivery ass. Bitch just make sure you get the pizza there in 30 minutes or less. Johnnie told me what type of bitch you are but I didn't believe it when he was tryin to get his fuk on. But now I see you were playin captain save a ho then and you are doing it now. A bitch will always show her true colors and yours is red. By the way what the fuk have you ever done in your midget live besides fuk up pizza orders. I guess you can call Paul Allen a leech because Bill Gates was and is the brains behind Micro-Soft. By the way don't hate on my hustle cause I'm making moves and being part owner of the company. And you are correct I didn't engineer the bar never claimed to nor did I say it was my idea. You can also call those who invest in companies and those that take out stocks as leeches too. But as a pizza delivery midget you don't make enough to put money in stocks. However when our shit blows up which I have no doubt it will then all that who did this and who did that don't matter. All that will matter is that I will be paid. By the way I didn't put all my eggs in the NFL basket cause if I did I wouldn't be in the career field that I'm in today. I would probably be working in your line of work and that is delievering pizzas. However you can me Al Bundy all you want with a National Championship ring, who graduated from the University of Washington with 2 degrees who will continue to talk shit about anybody any muthafuken time I feel like. I also want to add that I have 2 Rose Bowl rings along with a Pac-10 Championship Ring, and 2 Highschool championship rings as well. Not bad for an Al Bundy wannabe And when I posted pictures of the wife and my shorties cats was taken shots. I didn't cry nor complain because I'm the one that put myself in that situation. By the way what have you done in your midget life besides be a fuken moderator on the internet community? You talk about me sniffing linemens jocks. Can you tell me what you do when you come to a website and talk shit about sports that you could never play. All you are and ever will be is a fuken sideline dick sucken sideline quarterback wishing and praying you could be an elite athlete. Maybe in your next life your next life. Sike. That shit will never happen. Say what you want about me and my brother but the truth still remains is that we have competed at the highest level of competition and you well let's just say you better have those pizzas delivered within 30 minutes or less or that's your inch high private "I" ass. Come to think about it are you jealous of my business and my accomplishments. Why do bitches like you keep bringing my shit up. As far as B-dog's pictures of his family go. By the way I have spoken with a couple of cats from the site and they agree with me. I'm only sayin what they were thinkin. He's the one at fault not me. If you are gonna post a picture of your family make sure it's a decent picture. Is it my fault him and his kids look like they went to fight, everyone had bats but them. Is it my fault that they were dirty and bummy lookin. Is it my fault they all look they had down syndrome. Is any of it my fault. Fuk No. So don't blame me for his families ugliness. Deez is all jokes. If you can't take this heat then get the fuk out of the kitchen. I'll Holla 5000
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> i honestly didn't know this was that serious. yikies... also, reed, i missed the thing about your daughter as well....my bad. bigdawg is cool people, and he was most likely just joking around. if b-dog woulda just took it and rolled with it, this post wouldn't be here. [/b][/quote] How would you feel if people started talking shit about your sisters or kids in your family. You don't have kids yet, but I would bet you wouldn't be so happy and carefree. [/b][/quote] but i already have, and they already did...and i am still here... roll with the punches. i still wouldn't personally diss someone else's kids, but that's just me.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Bleeder to the resuce What the fuk are you talken bout scrub with your pizza hut delivery ass. Bitch just make sure you get the pizza there in 30 minutes or less. Johnnie told me what type of bitch you are but I didn't believe it when he was tryin to get his fuk on. But now I see you were playin captain save a ho then and you are doing it now. A bitch will always show her true colors and yours is red. By the way what the fuk have you ever done in your midget live besides fuk up pizza orders. I guess you can call Paul Allen a leech because Bill Gates was and is the brains behind Micro-Soft. By the way don't hate on my hustle cause I'm making moves and being part owner of the company. And you are correct I didn't engineer the bar never claimed to nor did I say it was my idea. You can also call those who invest in companies and those that take out stocks as leeches too. But as a pizza delivery midget you don't make enough to put money in stocks. However when our shit blows up which I have no doubt it will then all that who did this and who did that don't matter. All that will matter is that I will be paid. By the way I didn't put all my eggs in the NFL basket cause if I did I wouldn't be in the career field that I'm in today. I would probably be working in your line of work and that is delievering pizzas. However you can me Al Bundy all you want with a National Championship ring, who graduated from the University of Washington with 2 degrees who will continue to talk shit about anybody any muthafuken time I feel like. I also want to add that I have 2 Rose Bowl rings along with a Pac-10 Championship Ring, and 2 Highschool championship rings as well. Not bad for an Al Bundy wannabe And when I posted pictures of the wife and my shorties cats was taken shots. I didn't cry nor complain because I'm the one that put myself in that situation. By the way what have you done in your midget life besides be a fuken moderator on the internet community? You talk about me sniffing linemens jocks. Can you tell me what you do when you come to a website and talk shit about sports that you could never play. All you are and ever will be is a fuken sideline dick sucken sideline quarterback wishing and praying you could be an elite athlete. Maybe in your next life your next life. Sike. That shit will never happen. Say what you want about me and my brother but the truth still remains is that we have competed at the highest level of competition and you well let's just say you better have those pizzas delivered within 30 minutes or less or that's your inch high private "I" ass. Come to think about it are you jealous of my business and my accomplishments. Why do bitches like you keep bringing my shit up. As far as B-dog's pictures of his family go. By the way I have spoken with a couple of cats from the site and they agree with me. I'm only sayin what they were thinkin. He's the one at fault not me. If you are gonna post a picture of your family make sure it's a decent picture. Is it my fault him and his kids look like they went to fight, everyone had bats but them. Is it my fault that they were dirty and bummy lookin. Is it my fault they all look they had down syndrome. Is any of it my fault. Fuk No. So don't blame me for his families ugliness. Deez is all jokes. If you can't take this heat then get the fuk out of the kitchen. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote] Ah.....one of the Forrest Gump twins has come back and seems to have taken offense to my pointedly accurate remarks. It's funny that you talk about your athletic accomplishments, but in reviewing the facts, we see that you were a benchwarmer in the NFL who apparently couldn't even warm the bench that well. So after you got to carry NFL jockstraps for a while, you, like Al Bundy, are now a low-grade salesman You were cut because either you lacked the physical toughness to play or, more likely, the mental toughness. End of story. You lucked out and got your rings and titles the same way you got your "rope-a-dope" soap business. You leeched onto someone else's success because you can't and couldn't cut it on your own. :shaneUD12Oscar: It's too bad you couldn't latch onto a Sparkebar when you were in the NFL. THAT would have really extended your career as the team mascot/waterboy. The proof is in your own statements, son. You have to brag about your business SELLING SOAP, AND EVEN THE SOAP SMELLS LIKE SHIT....JUST LIKE YOUR RESUME.