PED's Come into Affect DURING TRAINING, Az...A Week or So PRIOR to the Fight, Guys Come OFF of them for the Express Purpose of PASSING Post-Fight Exams...3 Days PRIOR &/or AFTER the Fight will B IRRELEVANT...Pac would have ALREADY Gotten what he Wanted from PED's... If the Roles were REVERSED, if there was WHISPERS Following Floyd in Regards to Steroids & he REFUSED to Random Testing, he'd RIGHTFULLY B Thrown Under the Bus Too.... REED:hammert:
No he wouldn't..........and seeing as you deal in "Reality", lets not flip the script and try to look all objective. The Reality is that he has not failed a test. The legality is that he is innocent until he does. Anything else is just supposition.
What he doesn't have to agree to is Random Testing, and that's his prerogative. Furthermore, the refusal to adhere to a capriciously introduced higher standrd of behaviour proves........tee-tee, fack all. Once again, it is highly improper to link criminality and guilt with the declining of new, imposed terms and conditions.
YES, he Would...Floyd is ALREADY The Most HATED Fighter on Boxing Messageboards...There's NOfuckingWAY he'd Get Away w/what Pac is Attempting..... The REALITY is, Pac CLEARLY has Something to HIDE...YESTERDAY, Bob Arum was Lying, TODAY he's Telling the Truth...2 Days Ago, Pac was "AFRAID" Of Needles, but there's PHOTO Evidence SHITTING on that...Yesterday, he Cited "Spiritual" Reasons...MORE Bullshit...The FACT is, Manny Pac is Doing WHATEVER He Can to AVOID Olympic Style Testing... Why???...Because he has Something to HIDE...If he DIDN'T, he'd LAUGH @ Floyd's Suggestion, COMPLY & Then Take it Out on him Fightnight... REED:hammert:
I'm not saying Pac ISN'T using HGH or whatever, but what you say isn't necessarily true. Put yourself in his shoes and pretend you're totally clean. You've never done any steroids. Wouldn't you feel angered and put out, that they want to subject you to these tests, interrupt your training camp randomly, when you know that you've never done any PEDS, and you have nothing to hide? And you've never had to do excessive tests before, AND you've never failed a drugs test? My reaction would be "fuck you". Again, I'm not saying I think Pac isn't taking HGH, but it's food for thought.
PRE-Arranged Testing BENEFITS a Person on PED's...Do U NOT See that???...RANDOM, Olympic Styled Testing is about the Only FOOLPROOF Method there is These Days...& That's the 1 Method Manny's VEHEMENTLY Against Taking... In the Process, he's Making "Fools" of YA'LL... REED:hammert:
Yeah, he made a fool of me because I refuse to convict in the absence of proof and a case which goes beyond "Whipsers"...somebody slept thru Civil Rights class....
Maybe REED is just Different...If REED KNEW he was CLEAN, yet the ACCUSATION was Out There (& NOT Just from Team Mayweather Either) that REED was Juicing, REED would Want to PROVE he WASN'T Juicing Above Anything Else... THAT Would B @ the TOP of REED's Christmas List... The Training Camp "Interruption" Aspect is OVERBLOWN...How Loooooong Does it Take to Draw Blood & Piss in a Cup???::... REED would Want to PROVE 1nce & For All that he was Beating the Shit Out of Bigger Men DEVOID of PED's...Then AFTER Passing the Battery of Tests, REED's Opponent would Look STUPID for Even Insinuating the Worst...Instead, Pac is Making it Look as if he has Something to HIDE... REED:hammert:
If Floyd was not involved in this, Reed wouldnt be saying shit about Mannys "guilt". then again, if Floyd wasn't involved, we might not have so many whispers to begin with.
There were Whispers PRIOR to Floyd's Utterances...If Pac had Signed to Fight Someone OTHER than Floyd & that Opponent Pulled this SAME Stunt, Only for Pac to REFUSE, REED would React the SAME Way... REED:hammert:
Thats dubious, it has to be, Reed. I dont remember you flying the flag for John Ruiz when at least 3 guys he fought have all fallen foul of testing, investigation or journalism, or all 3 for that matter. I dont remember you questioning Holyfields legacy when the Sports Illustrated story broke. I dont remember you questioning Mosleys exploits at 147 when he was linked to Balco.
Nope, I always read this site, punished or not. But nice try. You never spoke out about stripping Holyfield for his DOCUMENTED links to steroids, did you? But Manny Pac is linked in a much weaker sense, and you are all over the guy like a cheap suit, with "whispers" and "innuendo". Weak.
I can see that side of it too, but after thinking about, in all honesty my reaction would be no I am not going to do what you tell me to do. It's a pretty big request, more testing than ANY fighter in boxing history has been subjected to, and on top of that, a guy that has never failed a drug test? And seriously, if the roles were reversed, and it was Floyd under suspicion, I would say the same thing, even though I hate him. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, and I am an optimist. Like I told you the other day, I even give Roy the benefit of the doubt, as despite failing a test (unlike Pacquiao) the test was seemingly shoddy. If Pacquiao was a known PED user, my opinion would be different, but a few rumours and suspicions doesn't make the man guilty.
Anyone that thinks this is anything more than Mayweather being a coward is a shithead. Fuck Floyd. Why should he get to make an UNPRECIDENTED request. Anyone who defends Floyd is a cocksucker.Pac doesn't need Floyd. Floyd's career for the last few years is a joke.
Yes, but dont you understand, this is.....HISTORICAL. And with HisTORY comes HISTRIONICS and HYSTERICS.
So PBF's people think Pacquiao will juice after the 30 day test, and it will be clear of his body by fight night? Is that possible?
Pac is on drugs, to think FLoyd is scared or whatever is just silly people that argue about taking drug tests are usually on drugs
Everyone be honest - how often do you think this happens? Do you guys think that many fighters go on PED's during training and then come off them the week of the fight so they pass the drug testing?
This is true. Floyd is also known for throwing his money to random club hoes and thugs to ingratiate himself. All this when the IRS has liens on properties he owns.
To be fair to Floyd. sure this is a ridiculous demand. But Pacquiao also requested 10 million per pound if Floyd came in overweight. Floyd agreed with no problem.
But NONE of that Matters, U See...People Actually LIKE Pacquiao...That's what REALLY Counts Here.... REED:hammert:
No, that's not what counts here:nono: What counts here is that Schaefer and DLH cannot be judge, jury and executioner. No man can be a judge in his own cause. Natural law must be upheld. Due process must be observed. Anything else is...well, let's just say it ain't Constitutional, shall we.
The thing is is that piss tests don't test for everything. That's why they want to do the blood tests throughout the whole training camp. What would happen if PBF offered to pay Manny extra money let's say $5 million to do the battery of tests would he still refuse to do them? I'll Holla 5000
Stop bitching about "if it were the other way around" blah blah blah. Manny is getting just as much shit. Floyd's (I want) muscles are the loudest group on this board.:nono: