Jones is less than a shell of himself, he never adaptated to his loss of speed and reflexes, he looks awfull
Round Two Roy wings away with a few hopeful shots. He misses. Hopkins lands a decent left right combo and backs Jones Jr into a corner, where Jones looks a little shaken and holds on. The round fizzles out. Jones has a small cut above the eye cause by a head clash. 20-18 Hops
Even WORSE than Roy's Diminished Punch Resistance, Reflexes & Athleticism is the FACT that he Still Tries to Fight like a PRIME Roy Jones... He HASN'T Altered his Style 1 Bit...As BAD as he Takes Punches These Days, Roy PERSISTS in Keeping that Left Hand Low...Danny Green KO'ed him for that Very Reason, yet Here Roy is Doing it AGAIN... REED:doh:
Totally true. Odd too, Roy doesn't seem like an idiot (in the ring or out) - you would think he would learn to adapt his style.
He isnt a boxer thats why. Roy always relied on his speed and never learned the fundamentles. He could sure use some boxing skill right about now.
The streak of nothing continues from Jones. Hop holding and using his head but that doesn't matter because RJ is content to stare at B-Hop all night.
Round Three Hopkins throwing the odd shot and scores with everything he throws. Jones cocks his hands as if to throw and then doesn't. RJJ is now completely gunshy, has lost all of his speed and relexes and looks far, far worse than he did when Calzaghe beat the shit out of him. It's horrible to watch. 30-27 Hops MTF
I can't see the fight but it's sad to hear that Roy is looking bad, nevertheless. believe me REED, it's better for Jones' legacy if he loses. Everyonen knows that a prime Jones beats a prime Hopkins. If he loses to Hopkins shows that he lost to Calzaghe, Tarver, Johnson etc simply because of "shotedness" due to the move back down from heavyweight.
I've actually stopped watching it. It's bo-ring. Roy is running scared and Hop has upped his punch output to a whopping 5-6 per round. I feel ripped off and I didn't even pay for the fight.
There must be a few thousand Roy fans who ordered the PPV, and only 20 or 30 Hopkins fans, as after a couple of rounds the poll stated that almost 50% thought Roy was winning ::
Round four. More of the same shit. At least Roy throws a couple of left hands this time, and actually lands a couple, but they have nothing on them. Really, it's terrible to see RJJ fight like this. It's awful. 40-36 Hops MTF
Gotta hand it to Lennox. Dude retired at 37 when the going was still good before destroying his reputation completely. Too bad these old farts don't retire even into their 40s.
Hopkins is making this a ugly fight. He's doing what he has 2 do for the win.. RJ looks awful. He needs to retire asap!!!!!:fightme: Im glad I didnt pay for this shit.
I still can´t believe Hopkins missed the opportunity to become a heavyweight beltholder by fighting Valuev. Instead he does Ornelas and this garbage.