IMO , Lewis clearly won the first fight. The second fight was very very close ... Opinions on the rematch fight vary. However that was not the point I was making.
I guess the fight could have been a draw if you gave one of the seven rounds Lewis CLEARLY won to Evander. :dunno:
Like I said , opinions vary. Thats fine and I can understand. I also think because Lewis was screwed so badly in the first fight that he deserved the win anyway.
The rematch was closer, I thought it was a 8-4, 7-5 (that's how I had it) type fight for Lewis. Maybe Lewis was trying to avoid what happened in the first fight or was overconfident, but he gave Holyfield more opportunities by being more aggressive. Plus Holyfield fought a better fight, improving on rematches was not something new for Evander. But Lewis still won fairly despite it being a closer fight.
absurd is thinking that a 200lb guy who was handled and beaten up by 40 year old 190lb lt. heavyweights could last any amount of tme with a good 250lb fighter. Its the same idiots who think Marciano could win a title now that will be talking all this bullshit. Simon your roided out Clemens looking ass should know what a difference the juice makes, and similar "nutritional" techniques. People with old time bias are sick and demented. Tell me for one second that you think Jean Marc Mormeck would last a round with Klitschko, and then get back to me. Its size with the HW's, and all u faggots chirping on the old timer bullshit are a fucking disgrace
You are the idiot that stands by and watches a 5'9 out of prime fat old former middle weight win a belt and then think fighters like Joe Louis couldn't do the same. You are the person that stands by and watches a 210 fighter in Byrd that could afford to lose 10lbs hold a belt for years and then think fighter like Joe Louis couldn't do the same You are the person that stands by and watches fighters like Ruiz who had a belt for years get owned by a 193lb fighter and then lose to another former fat old middle weight and think fighters like Joe Louis couldn't do the same. You stand by and applaud Holyfield at 208 and 210 and think he is somehow way larger then fighters like Louis and Walcott. Holyfield does not fight with some new technique. You are the person who watches fighters like Brewster come in at 230 with 20lbs of fat on them and think they are somehow way larger then a ripped up no fat Jersey Joe Walcott ... You are the guy who sees fighters like Rahman get beat up by a small old fighter in Holyfield. Yeah maybe these older fighters would lose to some of the really large guys but hey , so are the current contenders. To say they wouldn't even be top 30 like you have in the past is a complete fuckin joke !
I know u suck at logic, but show me a specific case where I said anything u just said. You are the fucking joke. FACT - Marciano wouldn't last 3 rounds with Mike Tyson FACT - Jerssey Joe Walcott would not last 2 rounds with Wladimir Klitschko FACT - Joe Louis would get murdered by Klit - Lennox - Tyson. THOSE are thins I've actually said, not some trumped up bullshit from a disgusting prick who sucks at intelligence
How can you call these FACTS when in reality they're far from it? It's your opinion dude, these match-ups never happened.
its common sense. Watch tapes on these guys, then compare 220 of muscle to 190 and small, then account for the discrepencies in speed (example Marciano vs. Tyson) or the sheer ridiculousness of size (250 to 190 klit. walcott) and its a no-brainer. Tony fucking galento, who is probably the worst fighter ive ever seen put Louis on his ass, as did Buddy "wouldn't be a top 50 fighter today" Baer. Both of those guys sucked...however they were "huge" for their era, and thus were successful
, i get riled up easy on a few things, this is one of them. You should photoshop a pic of me with like a case of weed LMAO that would be funny
Old timers would benefit from the same training methods. And no, the human didn't evolve in the last 60 years, his body just benefited from the change in nutrition. There's no point in comparing fighters from tapes, especially when you compare fighters that are separated by about 60 years. Even the quality of the picture can biases your analysis. What we know is that Joe Louis was a dominant fighter in his era, and happened to do what no fighters could do since then. And that, even if we've seen numerous weak heavyweight eras. Klitchko on the other hand is fighting in a weak era and was knocked out thrice by fighters that weren't highly regarded either. You don't seem to hold that against him while you hold knockdowns and lost rounds against Joe Louis. That's not fair at all. And that's just an example, that's how you treat pretty much all old timers.
Even if you simply took them "as they were" , they still are not that bad off. James Toney - former middle weight 5'9 fat , old , small. - wins a belt and competes somewhat successfull at heavy. Chris Byrd - Small - 210 - could afford to lose 10 - held a belt for years Roy Jones - 193 former middle weight in his mid 30's wins a belt John Ruiz - had a belt for years - lost twice to former middle weights. Both older , both short , one under 200lbs Lamon Brewster - 230 could afford to lose 20lbs - wins belt Evander Holyfield - small but effective. These are all recent examples. We do not even need to offer the old fighters the newer nutrition. As is they still would be competetive.
This is worthless and shows your lack of intelligence. You make comparisons that never happend and offer them up as facts. Why don't you stick to things that really did happend like how all these small and sometimes older fighters won belts. Explain how they are so much better then fighters like Joe Louis etc.
Yeah and ? How does that effect someone like Joe Louis ? So if we throw Joe in the same boat as Byrd , he loses to Klit. So ? This doesn't mean he would not be competetive at heavyweight. Byrd was. How many larger fighters did Byrd beat ? You guys can't ride this Klitschko thing. You need to be more broad in your thinking here. So we got Louis losing to Klit. This doesn't make him useless in today's rankings. This makes him unable to beat Klit. Nothing more.
Shit, if you take a look at his career Louis had many more problems with the smaller guys he fought then he had with the larger guys of his era. If slow ass Lamon Brewster could find Klits chin you think Louis would have a problem?
Noble , even if we give it to them and say Louis would lose to Klit , they still didn't explain to us how fighter like Louis and Walcott would be worthless in todays rankings while fighters like Byrd , Toney , Jones , Ruiz , Brewster , Holyfield and others have won belts. I mean is a 230lb Brewster that really should be 210lbs that much better then a ripped up Jersey Joe Walcott or a 6'2 205lb Louis ? Is a 210 - 10lbs fat Chris Byrd so much better then these guys ?
If Tony Galento and Buddy Baer (practically the only 240-250lb guys Louis fought) could put Louis on his ass, what would a good 250b fighter with a great offense like Klitschko do... Those guys were slower than molasses and sloppy, Klitschko is not. He would annihilate Joe Louis
So what! Louis got dropped. He got back up to annihalate those guys. He was an aggresive offensive fighter even after he got dropped or hurt (unlike Klit). When you stay as aggresive as him you're going to get dropped every once in awhile. Fortunately he didn't curl up into a little ball and quit whenever it happened.
Yeah they also wore smaller gloves ... Anyway that is not the point . Who cares if Louis would lose to Klit. Tell me how all these "recent" small guys were successfull while you think guys like Louis , Walcott etc. would not be and would be worthless in todays rankings ? Just to name a few , 5'9 fat old James Toney is so much Better ? 200/210 Chris Byrd is so much better. Fat ass Lamon Brewster ?